Submitted by BlairDaniels t3_yngt6n in nosleep

It was taped to the bathroom mirror. At my eye level, covering up my reflection. Five words.

Don’t look under the bed.

I peeled it off the mirror and looked down at it. It was in my handwriting—my sloppy, chicken-scratch handwriting. More sloppy than usual, like I’d been in a rush. I turned it over in my hands, confused.

Don’t look under the bed?

I didn’t remember writing it. At all. Maybe I wrote it when I was half-asleep? Weird.

I walked back into the bedroom. Nothing looked amiss—just my blue-gray comforter, bunched up on one side. My pillow askew. A cup of water and my phone on the nightstand.

I began to crouch down—

Arf! Arf!

I ran down the stairs to find Sadie, scratching at the back door. “You need to go out, huh?” I glanced up at the clock—12:23 PM.

How did I sleep so late?

I let her out, then headed towards the kitchen. But as I got closer, the sour smell of decay hit my nostrils.

Oh, no—

My heart stopped as I stepped in.

Red. Red everywhere. Splattered up the sides of the cabinets. Pooling across the floor. I sucked in a breath to scream—

And then spotted the jar of marinara.

It was shattered in the middle of the floor. Red sauce splattered in every direction from that central point, covering half the kitchen. And as I looked around, there was the source of the smell: an opened package of ground beef on the counter. Beside it sat a half-diced onion on the cutting board, a teaspoon full of kosher salt. Two wine glasses—one half-drunk—sat on the kitchen table, along with my wallet and keys.

Did I have Henry over last night…?


Sadie’s bark tore me from my thoughts. I let her in and then collapsed on the couch. “What happened last night?” I muttered.

Maybe I hit my head? Maybe I dropped the marinara sauce, slipped in it, and hit my head on the floor. Got a concussion, went up to my bedroom, and fell asleep. But then wouldn’t there be sauce in the bed?

I sighed and pulled out my phone. I’d give my boyfriend Henry a call and see if he remembered anything. But as soon as I unlocked my phone, I saw the notification.

1 New Voicemail

A chill ran down my spine. I called into the voicemail service and waited, chewing on my lip—

“Listen. Listen to me.”

My blood ran cold. It was my voice.

“As soon as you get up, get out of the house. Take Sadie and get out. And whatever you do—do not look under the bed.”

That was it. That was the whole message.

A powerful feeling of derealization hit me. You probably know the feeling I’m talking about: that nothing is real, my entire life has been a dream, no one exists but me. It’s usually just an intrusive thought… but now I felt like it was grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me.

I don’t remember anything.

Is this even real?

Am I dreaming?

I forced myself off that train of thought and dialed Henry’s number. The phone rang once, twice, three times…

It went to voicemail.

“Why aren’t you picking up?” I growled into the phone. “The one time I need you…” That was just like Henry. I slipped the phone back into my pocket and stared at Sadie. She stared back at me with her big, brown eyes.

Get out of the house. Do not look under the bed.

I forced myself up off the couch. “Okay, we’re going to the dog park!” Sadie sped by me like a bullet. Hands shaking, I grabbed my laptop, a few other necessities, and shoved them into my bag. I pulled the strap over my shoulder, dialed Henry one more time, and prayed for him to pick up—


There was a sound from upstairs.

The sound of a ringing phone.

Every muscle in my body froze. With shaking hands, I pressed the red “end call” button on my phone. A second later, the ringing ceased.

Oh, God…

No, no, no…

I stepped onto the first stair. The old wood creaked underneath me. I took another step, then another, until I was standing motionless in the hallway.

Don’t look under the bed.

I stepped forward. My hands shook as I reached for the doorknob. Twisted it, pulled it open.

I stepped in the room. It looked as it always had. The same comforter, the same items on the nightstand. Everything the same. My gaze flicked to the dark shadows underneath the bed. With shaking hands, I pulled out my phone and dialed Henry again. Please don’t ring. Please don’t—

It rang from under the bed.

My throat went dry. I slowly crouched down, my entire body shaking like a leaf. My heart pounded as my hands splayed against the carpet, balancing myself. Please, no. No, no no—

It was him.

His skin was pale, almost blue. The mattress pressed into his tall frame, as if he’d been shoved and kicked under there until he fit. And his eyes… his eyes were empty and lifeless, boring into me as though he knew what I’d done.

I ran over to the bathroom and puked. Wiped my face off, gripped the bathroom sink to keep myself from fainting.

Did… did I kill him?

The half-drunk wine glass. Did I poison him?

That had to be it. There was no blood. But why? Why did I do it? What happened last night? What—


Sadie’s bark was like a shock of cold water.

I have to get out of here.

I ran down the stairs. She was pawing at the front door. “Just—just a second,” I said, as I stumbled back towards the kitchen. “I need to get the keys.”

I ran back into the kitchen. I carefully stepped around the shards of broken glass, the splatters of tomato sauce. I reached out for the keys—

And then something hit me.

Not quite a memory--more of an intuition, a gut feeling. Like the memory was poking up from my subconscious, about to break the surface.

The salt.

I ran over to the teaspoon of salt lying on the counter, next to the cutting board. Slowly bent over so that it was eye level.

It wasn't salt.

I could see that now. It wasn't the coarse, irregular flakes of kosher salt I kept in a pig by the stove--it was a fine powder.

And it smelled terrible.

The memory hit me like a truck. Getting out of the shower. Putting on a vampy lipstick. Poking my head into the kitchen while Henry was making dinner for our one-month anniversary.

Stopping dead as he swirled white powder into the wine glass.

Backing up. Mind reeling. Almost fainting. Stumbling forward and hearing him call out my name.

Carrie? You there?

I walked in, pretending I didn't see anything.

And he bought it.

I knew that the glass of wine he offered me with a smile had something in it. Whether it was a date rape drug or poison, I didn't know. But I did know this. If I let on that I knew—if I tried to call the police—I might not make it out of there alive.

So when he turned to finish chopping the onion, I switched the glasses.

I wavered in the kitchen, black dots dancing in my vision. Then I sucked in a breath and walked to the front door, where Sadie stood waiting for me.

"Come on," I said, as I opened the door. "Let's go."




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Jaceeb00 t1_iv9ej6a wrote

if I woke up and couldn't remember anything but I got 2 of my own warnings to not look under the bed and get out immediately I'm not even second guessing I'm out


CandiBunnii t1_iv97suq wrote

I mean, you gotta deal with this eventually.

The attempted poisoning story is feasible but hiding the corpse makes you look pretty guilty.

I'm not usually one for altering a crime scene but you might want to either put him in a better spot (forensics will still likely find his DNA under the bed) or try to hide the body (not in your house) and play dumb.

As his SO you'll likely be a suspect especially If they find traces of that powder in your kitchen as well as in his system.

Call 911, but may want to run everything through a lawyer so you don't slip up and catch a murder charge.

This seems pretty cut and dry but you know how inept or willingly misleading police can be.


Laveycee t1_ivb3g9g wrote

Lawyer up and call the cops, OP! Also, do NOT reenter the house. Do NOT alter anything at the crime scene, that would just make you look incredibly guilty of intentional murder. Just get a criminal defense attorney, and let them handle everything.


thethunder92 t1_ivdao87 wrote

The boyfriends been shoved under the bed. That doesn’t look good


eyeofliger t1_ivcqslk wrote

And if she never touched the container if they dust it for prints it would show that she never touched it meaning he did try to poison her she just switched them


Mobile-User-TURBO t1_iv9s640 wrote

Did she hide the corpse? The boyfriend called her and told her not to look under the bed. That suggests he put himself there before he died.


msearlgrey t1_ivaiusx wrote

The voice note was from herself - it was in her own voice


Alexarah_842 t1_iv91b5k wrote

So intriguing but op how are you honna dispose off the body now?


CandiBunnii t1_iv986be wrote

Just gotta wait for the monster under the bed to eat it.

Works for me.


Smileforcaroline t1_iv965z1 wrote

So did you have some poison in your drink too? Was it supposed to be murder suicide?


PoundIll6729 t1_iv97muz wrote

sometimes people push like traumatic events to the back of their mind and they can forget about it im not sure what it’s called but it happens to people maybe that’s the case here?


Smileforcaroline t1_iv99uxr wrote

Woah. What are the odds lol we replied to each other’s comments on two different posts! It’s called dissociative amnesia, or a dissociative disorder.


TheArmoredIdiot t1_ivcywby wrote

OP has just taken some journeys to the far corners of the world slowly acclimating themselves to Iocane powder


awl_the_lawls t1_iv9gvy0 wrote

Never go in with a Sicilian when death is on the line


schismasvoice t1_iv9b1kp wrote

Just get rid of the body, you didn't have a choice but you're going to look guilty.


CzernaZlata t1_ivx4nph wrote

Sadie is such a good girl for leaving the beef alone


AnarchistPiglin t1_iv9r9b6 wrote

Do you have cameras in your home? Surely you can catch him putting the poison in your glass, but you'd have to run it through a lawyer


tina_marie1018 t1_iv9v867 wrote

You need to figure out what is going on. Please keep us updated as you figure it out.


evilpinkmonkey t1_ivdnk0k wrote

OP, I suggest you deal with this as soon as possible, before he starts to decay. Then the situation will be much more difficult. Hopefully its not too hot where you live. Getting the police involved at this point would likely not help you, and you'd probably serve time. Either way you go, good luck.


EducationalSmile8 t1_iw3rs6j wrote

You can temporarily go, but you cannot leave permanently, sometime you would need to come back and fix things up...