Submitted by Furry_Sugar t3_z0i2wr in nosleep

You know when you get that feeling that someone is watching you? I don't really know when it started but in the beginning it was only a slight eerie feeling every now and then when the closed door of my room caught my eyes.

Usually I always keep my room's door shut as I don't like looking at the pitch black darkness of the hallway. But last week on Monday while I was scrolling on TikTok at night, too bored to fall asleep, out of the corner of my eyes I briefly saw something in the crack of the door, something like eyes staring at me but also not. I tried telling my housemate about it but they keep shrugging it off about how I'm just imagining things and that I must've dreamed it.

The next day Tuesday night I started hearing some wet footsteps approaching my room stopping for a moment before leaving I didn't think too much about it assuming it was my housemate and casually brought it up in a conversation asking if they wanted to ask me something last night before receiving a strange look from them. They told me that they stayed out a little late with some friends and came back around 6am. Ah yes of course they did.(Insert me having a mini panic attack)

Thankfully nothing happened on Wednesday despite my efforts of staying up all night in fear and paranoia. But Thursday morning I heard someone walk to my room and knock on the door, thinking it was my housemate I opened it only to find..No one. I kinda just stood there in disbelief before just ignoring the event passing it off as me mishearing things.

On Friday it happened again but this time it was accompanied by a voice that sounded like my housemate saying my name. I spoke through the door asking what they wanted because honestly I was too comfortable to get of the bed but they said nothing else so I assumed they just left and didn't press the matter.

Yesterday I suddenly heard my housemate banging on my room door begging me to open the door and screaming for help. I jump out of bed and ran to the open the door out of panic but... as soon as I touched the door nob I don't know why but I froze. As if my instincts told me that if I opened the door something bad would happened. For a few minutes I stood there petrified by some unknown fear with my hands on the door nob until the banging and screaming suddenly stopped. It was only then that I remembered that I don't lock my room door. I slowly walked back to the bed and grabbing my phone to call my housemate to ask if they were ok? They replied sorta confused and said yeah and that they were just chillin in their room. I asked them to come to my room and they opened my room's door and asked what was wrong. I didn't know how to explain it to them and ended up just crying in relief and fear. They stayed with me for awhile to comfort me and we ended up watching some sucky 19's horror movies the rest of that day.

Today 1 hour ago I heard a hoarse voice at the door of my room that doesn't sound like my housemate nor anyone I know, It said "I'm sorry, open the door." followed by light knocking every 15ish mins. Its been going on for awhile now and I started thinking I should just give in and open the door maybe everything will stop, nothing happened the first time so maybe I'm just overthinking this.

Gathering up all my courage I opened the door and like before no one was there, I walked out of my room and looked around to make sure no one was around, only to turn around and see myself or something that looked like me closing the door.

They tried opening the door but their hand passed right through the nob. They peeked through the cracks of the door and saw something that looked like them laying on their bed, they think "I" noticed Them.



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EternalJadedGod t1_ix5o9vc wrote

No, you shouldn't. That is something wanting entrance to our world. You never invite anything into your home that you don't want in there.

If you open that door... I dont think we will here from you again OP.


Walayla33 t1_ix6gaua wrote

That's a HUGE negative on that one, OP