Submitted by GTripp14 t3_z70147 in nosleep

The red phone on my desk began to ring around noon the day the plant burned to the ground. I had worked as head of security for Caverna Cattle Processing for half a decade and it had never rung. My heart dropped as I considered the loss of life that would follow the metallic jingling.

I picked it up and held it to my ear.

“Code red?” I asked, voice shaking.

“Confirmed,” said a man from the other end. “Follow tier five protocol. This is a total loss. Start the process immediately.”

The line went dead. I swallowed hard and set the phone carefully back into the cradle. Not that it mattered. It would be a charred pile of plastic before the day was out.

I lifted the plexiglass cover on the wall above my desk and pushed the yellow button labeled Slaughter House. A secondary red button flashed below it. Sweat poured down my face as doubt swept through my mind. I wanted to think it wasn’t too late, but I knew it was.

I pushed the flashing red button to finalize the operation. The slaughterhouse workers were all dead anyway.

Looking at the security monitors for the slaughterhouse, I could see the staff scrambling toward the doors. As soon as I hit the secondary button, the magnetic locks engaged and there would be a mechanical voice playing through the overhead speakers announcing the lockdown. It would tell some soothing lie that normal operations would resume any moment, but they knew better.

In a dead-end town like this, people flocked to Caverna for decent pay and dependable hours. A few years in and most of them even accepted the twisted nature of what we actually did. Most of them probably lied and told themselves nothing bad could really happen.

For a few brief moments, before they died, they understood it had all been a comforting lie.

I turned back to my computer and entered the command to announce the facility evacuation for all of the other floors. Scanning the bank of monitors, I could see the other workers cease their duties and begin to move in an orderly fashion for the nearest exit. The alert sounded like a fire alarm, so they would move a safe distance away from the building before the tier five protocol finished.

The waves of other workers were still marching out, but I turned my head back to the bank of slaughterhouse monitors. In the brief moments I had looked away, nearly a third of the cameras had gone offline. I knew the things were destructive, but I had no idea how quickly they had moved or how they had escaped containment.

On one of the screens, a horrible image flickered lifelessly. In front of one of the exit doors, there was a… pile of people. Parts of them, anyway. I had never been more grateful that the Caverna Cattle Processing plant owners had never transitioned the old cameras to color. My imagination made the scene bad enough.

I turned back toward the other monitors to see a few slow movers still shuffling around inside the plant. There wasn’t much time left before I would have to enter the final protocol command. My face was burning with anger at the stragglers. I picked up the system-wide mic on my desk and held it to my mouth.

“Get the hell out!” I shouted. “The building is on fire and I can’t leave the security booth until the place has cleared!”

The last few slow-moving employees unexpectedly picked up their pace and moved toward the exits. I breathed a sigh of relief as my eyes darted from monitor to monitor. All of the floors other than the slaughterhouse were clear.

I turned to the row of buttons and pushed the yellow and red sequences to finalize the order. Clicks reverberated through the facility as the magnetic locks engaged. The things were trapped inside and the hidden self-destruct system would engage in just a few moments.

Stealing one more look back at the slaughterhouse monitors, I finally saw the things.

Bovine heads extended from their serpentine necks. They waved side to side, bobbing above their arachnoid bodies. Most of them had eight legs but a few had ten or more. The hooves came to a sharp point. Bloated udders randomly spotted their body, dripping some liquid too thick to be milk.

Gore dripped from their slack mouths.

They skittered across the slaughterhouse floor, tracking down the last few survivors.

Every few moments another camera would go offline.

I never understood why they destroyed the cameras. Did they know I was watching them? Could they think? Were they more than just some monstrosity the Caverna Cattle Processing company had developed to cut costs?

The damn things grew too rapidly. They were too dangerous. Surely Caverna knew it.

Sure, they tasted like beef, but I couldn’t help but be sickened by the monstrosities that had overwhelmed the slaughterhouse floor. Dozens of people inside were dead. All in the name of higher profit.

My computer monitor began to flash rapidly, counting down the moments until the incendiary devices would cause the plant to erupt in flames. That was the protocol. Genetically engineer monsters that taste like beef. If they break containment, destroy the plant and any staff trapped inside.

Insurance would pay to rebuild in a new town. The families would get a meager payout.

Caverna would just move on. Open a new plant. Breed more creatures.

Next time you’re at the grocery store, skip the Caverna Meats section. It may be a price you like, but you get what you pay for.



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Due-Personality-2560 t1_iy42end wrote

Well that's more than a little terrifying.


GTripp14 OP t1_iy42khf wrote

Agreed. People need to know they are being lied to. Workers are dying and consumers are eating... I don't even know what to call it.

It has to stop.


Kbar_12 t1_iy811kq wrote

Now. Explain how eating them is bad or gross.


Anubisrapture t1_iy7aa6b wrote

AAAND that is why i have been going vegan, tho i have not been able to keep it that way-UNTIL NOW 😆🤮


Lifedeath999 t1_iy4w7l3 wrote

I’m probably in the minority when I say the thought of eating those things doesn’t really bother me.

That said, I still would rather not pay a company that routinely kills its employees, so I will still avoid the brand as you suggested.


Soklam t1_iydcs7z wrote

Slow roasted spider cow smoked with hickory doesn’t sound bad.. but yeah, all the employee murder isn’t great


Naa2016 t1_iy444dx wrote

As long as it tastes like beef.


GTripp14 OP t1_iy44o6i wrote

I’d prefer not to eat beef that wants to taste me.


Due-Personality-2560 t1_iy4686x wrote

Won't lie pork is the same thing. Those Lil devils will devour you happily. So will chickens. I've heard of a farmer who had a heartattack and his favorite chicken pecked his eyes out before he was found, and a few others were going to town on his tongue and nose. Nature is just as terrifying as some genetic lab experiment to save money. Still will stear clear of that brand.


GTripp14 OP t1_iy46erb wrote

I don’t doubt you’re correct. The world is a dangerous without us tampering with it.

Makes me wonder if similar things are happening with store bought pork and chicken.


GlitteryCakeHuman t1_iy4evsn wrote

I’m curious. What did they feed the beef spiders?


GTripp14 OP t1_iy4f7sv wrote

I’m glad to say that is one part of the process I didn’t have to see.


Cane-toads-suck t1_iy7ukbq wrote

They usually don't feed things at slaughterhouses, which makes me wonder where these things are farmed and how secure is it?!


fafnir0319 t1_iy561ia wrote

So, what happens if one of those things gets out? I mean, what are the possible environmental impacts, and what danger to the general public do they present? Also what, if any, containment procedures would be implemented?


GTripp14 OP t1_iy68ha9 wrote

Caverna has recovery teams in the event that they make it out of the facility, but it hasn't happened.


Ecologically, I am sure they would wipe out wildlife in their given area. They routinely attack and devour humans when given the chance.

If a recovery team ever had to collect an escaped specimen, I'd say they wouldn't leave witnesses.


HAgaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy t1_iy8wbqn wrote

If it ever happens while you’re there and you live to tell the tale we would all be eager to listen!


GreenieBeeNZ t1_iy5vzxb wrote

Do they work closely with Happy Farms Meat company?


GTripp14 OP t1_iy68j5z wrote

I'm not familiar with that company, but if they do, I can't imagine Happy Farms is any better.


Snoo-68185 t1_iy80ve5 wrote

Glad to see i wasn't the only one who thought of that


Wishiwashome t1_iy6iz5y wrote

As someone who has rare poultry and has learned about it through the years, I can assure you, poultry are reptiles. They are vicious, cannibals for the most part. I have “friendly” breeds and they are good parents ( chickens, turkeys, guineas, ducks and geese) BUT don’t me started talking about the conditions of huge poultry slaughter houses( and egg farms) While heritage turkeys can live 12-15 years( I have a hen who is 16), the ones most prevalent must be slaughtered very young. Same with meat chickens. I do not own cows, BUT I live near a lot of dairy farms. Poor things drop like flies in summer heat of the desert, get pneumonia as soon as monsoons come, and really do have males taken at birth and “disposed of”:( Pigs ( I have a pet pig, my dog found) really will eat anything BUT they are clean about their bathroom habits. Sorry for long post, OP. Are you going to be safe for exposing them?


GTripp14 OP t1_iy81udp wrote

I doubt I'll be safe, but people need to know what they are doing.


stalecheez_it t1_iy535rl wrote

do the dead workers get processed with the "beef" ?


GTripp14 OP t1_iy6873t wrote

I... don't really know. When there is a breach, the bodies vanish. I imagine the things eat the corpses, but I can't say for sure.


junkyjunkjunktrash t1_iy79hqb wrote

I wouldn’t imagine they are- I mean in this situation the factory has been destroyed, the specimen, the humans, the machinery, all of it. So those workers were not processed or sold. It begs the question though, how often are they killed? Does “containment” separate human and animal 100%? It should for everyone’s safety- Sounds to me like the only time they directly interact is when something has gone horribly wrong


Orange__Moon t1_iy7azy7 wrote

My best friend had an uncle work in a slaughterhouse and she said he said if someone lost a finger or hand, they did not throw away the meat. If it went through the grinder, it got packed with everything else. Now we were 12 or 13 at the time but I did and do trust her fully. I'd trust her with my ss#, bank account password, everything personal. I don't think she was joking that time.


Cane-toads-suck t1_iy7v24b wrote

I dunno where you live, but when I worked in an abbitior, we'd routinely have shut downs for lost gloves or heat stamps accidently packed. Cost thousands but no way would they allow something non meant to be there, stay there. If a person got injured enough they lost a body part, production would stop immediately. Thankfully that never happened when I was there. Lots of other bad accidents, but no digits in the mincer.


Emotional-Sentence40 t1_iy8geu9 wrote

Same thing happens in juice processing plants. Always thought it was like an urban legend but no, it was true. They just get ground up and included in the juice.


Thagomizer24601 t1_iy72mh3 wrote

Based on the title I expected the company to be selling "long pork".


Pilot_URL t1_iy4yy4d wrote

Dont cheap out folks. Buy the good stuff


Odd_Critter t1_iy611xq wrote

I don't mind. So my surf and turf comes from TWO things that look like monsters. Fuck it. We've all got to die sometime. I hope the next plant isn't too expensive to build. Got to keep these costs down. I will make sure to clean my plate at my next cookout, out of, respect. For the workers.


Knightridergirl80 t1_iy6j0ng wrote

Shit… great aversion. I thought they were selling human meat but it was actually those cow thingies.


Tiazza-Silver t1_iy7azcm wrote

Why engineer them like this? Surely a big bag of meat with only necessary organs hooked up to tubes would be far easier in almost all ways. Running a secret mammal based Jurassic park thing is stupid.


BudgetMattDamon t1_iy7fq8s wrote

That's for the eggheads to know and for the rest of us to be creeped out by.


GTripp14 OP t1_iy8211k wrote

I have no idea why they engineered them that way. Clearly, it is an awful idea. But here we are, nonetheless.


Far_Alps_8666 t1_iya0suo wrote

It most likely has to do with costs. Breeding an abomination is probably cheaper than having so much high-tech science equipment that needs repairs and certain tools. Money always.


HorrorJunkie123 t1_iy4es3x wrote

So you're telling me *gags* I've been eating... mutated spider meat? I think I'm gonna be sick


LoRdVNestEd t1_iy67uu4 wrote

Is there anything you can do about it?


GTripp14 OP t1_iy68pky wrote

I'm not sure at this point. FDA inspectors are in and out of the plants. They know what's going on. Doesn't seem like the government cares.


fjccommish t1_iy65qd5 wrote

It would be terrifying if the people were being processed. It's not terrifying to eat monsters that taste like beef.


GTripp14 OP t1_iy68mjk wrote

What is terrifying is the disregard for the workers' lives.


dasie33 t1_iy6xsj3 wrote

I saw them in the meat market yesterday. They were called corpse burger. Is that possible?


junkyjunkjunktrash t1_iy79j9n wrote

OP how long is it until you go the way of the slaughterhouse workers for telling the internet?


GTripp14 OP t1_iy81xrx wrote

I'm sure they will catch up with me eventually but people need to know what they are doing.


Macbeth_the_Espurr t1_iy5gzep wrote

Well, they do make some tasty burgers. And after all, everyone must suffer sometimes


Gold-Lavender t1_iy7busj wrote

I think I listened to a podcast and this story was played, please tell me I’m not going crazy?


Jc2563 t1_iy66dpz wrote

Everything Taste like chicken, so giddy up cowboy.


koenigsaurus t1_iy6utcx wrote

Damn, good thing I just started transitioning to a veg only diet.


Artistic_Position_53 t1_iy777cz wrote

Yes. I worked for the UFCW. Many slaughterhouses unionized with them. It's crazed. Highest turnover of any job in all industries. Because it obliterates your soul.


Stinkinboy_ t1_iy7dqac wrote

Wow. Just wow. Thank you OP for showing us the light!


devanttrio t1_iy7hlz1 wrote

How many other plants are out there like this? Do they do this for pork and poultry as well? So many questions. And I don’t know if I even really want to know answers.


GTripp14 OP t1_iy824fl wrote

Caverna operates dozens of processing plants across the country. They don't produce other kinds of meats that I know of, but that's no guarantee they don't have subsidiaries.


samtherat6 t1_iy7xxd0 wrote

Killing and eating giant monsters seems more ethical than what happens at most slaughterhouses. If only they didn’t kill their employees…


GTripp14 OP t1_iy825rd wrote

Eat what you want. That I don't care about. Disregarding human life is another story.


primitivebutcher t1_iy7xzqh wrote

I usually go to the Latinos meat market. Thanks.


maboroshi999 t1_iy8dl5a wrote

I always knew I had cannibalistic tendencies.


ihatepineaples t1_iybnmyk wrote

this would be a good campaign story to get people to stop eating beef ngl


GrantGorewood t1_iy5lp3m wrote

I am extremely happy I don’t eat beef right now.


Ok-Gur-6602 t1_iy7y0an wrote

Jokes on you. I don't buy beef at the grocery store. I hunt long pig at the grocery store.