Submitted by maximumpowers69 t3_yqb5gs in nosleep

“Hey,” the voice took me by surprise, as far as I knew I was all alone in the house. My parents had gone out, like they usually did on weekends when I was a teen so I shouldn’t have been hearing any voices at all. The voice itself was strange, it sounded kind of like mine, but not, like if you heard a recording of yourself talking.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. We had just gotten it, from an estate sale my Dad went too. It was beautiful and ornate, with a black carved exterior of plants and flowers all around it, while inside sat my reflection. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, thin lips and a crooked nose. Yep, my reflection alright, so when it’s mouth moved and I heard “Hey,” again, I froze in fear. My reflections mouth may have moved, but I certainly could not feel mine do the same.

“Hey,” my reflection called out again,

“H… hey,” I replied sheepishly,

“Guess what,” the reflection smiled,


“I know what you’ll look like in ten years, do you wanna see?”

Now, obviously I can understand that talking to my reflection was crazy enough, and that letting it show me my future was just asking for bad news, but I was a teenage girl back then. A self-conscious one at that. Would I be really hot? Would I be just as gangly and awkward as I was back then? I really wanted to know, so I asked the mirror to show me.

The whole mirror turned black, like an ink slowly spread over and consumed it. Seconds later the ink dissolved and I saw myself, beautiful, a long, black, dress. My lips were full and luscious, my crooked nose fixed. My hair had so much body to it. My eyebrows and makeup looked so perfect, far better then my amateur attempts and beauty. I looked incredible. Like I always wanted to look. Like I always dreamed I would look.

“Touch me,” the reflection smiled. I reached my arm out, slowly bringing it towards the mirror. There was so much wrong with this, all of this. My heart was pounding and I was desperately trying to break the urge to do what the reflection asked. My arm stopped right before the mirror’s glass and I sighed. Just as I was about to pull arm away the reflection reached out of the mirror and grabbed it. I instinctively screamed, and it must have been loud, because the startled reflection loosened its grip on my arm and I pulled it away before it could be pulled in.

The mirror became inky again. When the image returned it was me, but with missing teeth, an even more crooked nose, and severely overweight. My hair was thin and poorly maintained, while facial hair seemed to sprout from all sorts of unsightly places on my face. Deep down it was an image of everything I didn’t like about myself. The reflection started to scream and I screamed too, screams of pure horror, until finally I grabbed a nearby vase and threw it with all my strength into the mirror. It smashed into a million pieces, and I stared at the remains in shock and terror for some time. They say that breaking a mirror gives seven years of bad luck, but after meeting that demon... I think my bad luck started before then.




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luca_28_ t1_ivojm4h wrote

but in the end you didn't break the mirror. you just multiplied it.


vardigr t1_ivp7wl7 wrote



Mode-Klutzy t1_ivs8wpu wrote

17 more hands now erect from the Mirror shards sliding themselves to you and as you sleep, the mirror reforms on top of you sucking you into its inky hell.


RickC154 t1_ivnza3f wrote

Sometimes you have to break a mirror. I'm glad you got away.


CandiBunnii t1_ivokseg wrote

I mean... If you end up somewhere between the two it should balance out, right?

Between 10 and 3 is 6.5, which I'll round up to 7 because personality plays a factor.

I'd say a solid 7 ain't too bad.

Kidding. Really though, what you see in the mirror every day is not what those around you see. We tend to focus on every imperfection and the things we would like to change instead of recognizing the beauty we already have.

Your unique features make you, you.

And fuck mirror-you. Bitch needs to eat Windex.

Does make me wonder what happened to the previous owners. Did they die, or give in to the mirror's temptations?

I could see it showing someone elderly themselves full of youth and vigor again, no more aching joints and children that don't visit, reunited with their spouse...


mike8596 t1_ivp8qy0 wrote

Smart girl.

If it comes back cover the mirror and dispose of it.

Don't talk to strangers. Especially if they are in a mirror.


AlayaY t1_ivom29q wrote

I want know what if you haven't gotten rid of the reflection's grip


HentaiCareBear t1_ivu7gsa wrote

I'd have recoiled so hard at that request to touch the mirror. Touch the mirror and smudge it? And who's gonna be cleaning that smudge? Mirror me? Hell no!


Deb6691 t1_ivqj41o wrote

You did the right thing. You are beautiful within yourself and demons are only interested in your soul.


Sat_Thu t1_ivphhk3 wrote

Part 2? What you do with the mirror sold it? Do you still see yourself talk after your shattered it?


CandiBunnii t1_ivqtnpb wrote

She sold a bag of glass shards labeled as "DIY CURSED MIRROR" for 20$ and everyone lived happily ever after.

Except the person who bought the bag.

They're mirror food now.


Cori32983 t1_ixz5sx7 wrote

Ooh. Your dad is gonna be maaaad