Submitted by GTripp14 t3_yqmrdx in nosleep

Every time I found one of those damned yellow sticky notes on my monitor, I knew it would be a bad day. My secret admirer had that effect on me. The notes started out kind of charming. A few polite compliments about my clothing. A note about how kind and gentle my personality was. Little xoxo signatures at the bottom.

Middle school crush style. It was a bit of an ego boost, but I was happily married. My wife Emily and I had a rough stretch a few years back after I had an affair, but we got things back on track. I thought of telling her about the notes, but I didn’t want to worry her. The flirtatious post-its went into the trash and I moved on with my day. I didn’t give the first dozen or so much thought.

Until they began to threaten me.

The first note that left me with an unsettling feeling showed up two months after the first one. Gone were the free-flowing, delicate curves of the handwriting. Heavy grooves gouged into the paper from the heavy block letters etched on the surface.

Why don’t you ever answer me back? You could leave a note for me on your computer. It seems like you don’t care. It’s starting to make me angry.


At first, I laughed it off before wadding up the note and tossing it in the trash. The idea of leaving a note for my admirer was ridiculous. They had never even mentioned wanting me to leave a reply before. How the hell was I supposed to know my computer monitor was like their own personal mailbox?

Two days later when I arrived to work, there were two notes attached to my monitor. The first one was the angry message from a few days before. It had been uncrumpled and smoothed out. Underneath sat another note on clean, uncrinkled yellow paper.

You just wad up my messages and throw them in the trash? What the hell is wrong with you? You used to be something special to me, but now I see you’re just like every other guy I’ve met. I was wrong about you. You’re a piece of garbage.


I felt a mixture of anger and relief at the note. Whoever this woman was, she didn’t know me well enough to make judgment calls like that about me. At the same time, it seemed like this could be the end of the whole strange ordeal.

That time, I put the notes in my pocket and tossed them into a trashcan in the parking garage on my way home. Whoever was leaving them, they were checking the trash in my office. With any luck, they would move on and get over their fixation.

No such luck.

Only a few days later, there was another sticky note on my monitor. This time it was neon green. Had they written me so many damn notes that their yellow pad had run out?

My throat tightened as I pulled it from the screen and read.

We all have our shortcomings, but I’m willing to forgive you. Please stop throwing away my notes. These little moments mean so much to me and it hurts to know you don’t feel the same. That’s okay, though. Your feelings for me will change with time. If they don’t, I may have to hurt someone.


I immediately took the note to the HR office. One of the reps read it, her eyebrows raised and her head held back in surprise. She placed it down on her desk and pulled off her reading glasses.

“How long has this been going on, Paul?” she asked me in a concerned tone.

“I’m not sure exactly,” I said, scratching my head. “They’ve left a dozen notes. Two dozen, maybe. Do we have security cameras on the floor?”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “No cameras, I’m afraid. Too expensive. Same reason they laid off the security officer in the building. Post-COVID America isn’t exactly thriving.”

She gave me a look of sympathy and told me to tell her if any more notes showed up on my computer. I nodded and told her I would. We both silently acknowledged that this was the first of many conversations on the matter.

Over the next few weeks, I made multiple trips to the HR office to report the notes. They rambled endlessly about how heartless I was, how angry I’d made them, and the violent things they would do to me if I didn’t respond soon.

It was becoming exhausting.

Last week when I arrived to work, there was a hot pink sticky note on my computer monitor. I was at a breaking point. The notes wouldn’t stop, HR didn’t know who was leaving them, and my place of work was doing nothing to put an end to this.

At that moment I would have done anything to get it to end.

The note offered the option.

I get it. You’re not interested. I’ll back off, but only if you’ll meet me tonight. I’ll be on the fifth level of the parking garage near the stairwell exit. 8 PM. Don’t be late.



It was 7:58 PM when I stepped out of the elevator onto the fifth floor of the parking garage. My heart was racing and a cold sweat ran down my back. From in front of the elevator, I had a clear view of the stairwell door about two hundred feet away. No one was there, so I made my way in that direction to see if I could find them.

Suddenly a red ember glowed brightly in the shadow cast by the door. Someone was smoking a cigarette in the darkness. The muscles in my body tightened as I willed myself forward.

My admirer was there, standing in the dark.

“Hello?” I called out. A cloud of smoke billowed from the shadow. “It’s Paul. You wanted to meet me?”

A woman stepped out of the shadow and dropped the cigarette to the ground, grinding it with her foot.

She held a gun in her left hand.

It was my wife, Emily.

“Emily?” I questioned. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I left the notes as a test. A few days a month I stop in your office on my way to work and leave notes. The cleaning crew thinks I work there, I guess,” she said, her face streaming with tears. “I thought after… all the trouble with had from the affair, you would tell me if someone was trying to steal you away from me again.”

“You… you left the notes?” I stammered. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I wanted to be sure you wouldn’t try to meet another woman again,” she said, lifting the gun toward me. “But you did. Here you are. Trying to meet some easy score.”

“Emily! You can’t be serious!” I shouted. “I came here to get this to stop! Why are you doing this?”

“I knew you would…” she said but was cut off by the eruption of police sirens. She looked toward the ramp at the flashing blue and red lights. “You called the police?”

I nodded.

“Of course I did!” I exclaimed. “I thought someone was going to hurt me if I…”

The thunder of a gunshot was all I heard before the world went black.


I woke up in a hospital. My entire body ached. There were thick white bandages wrapped around my midsection. A nurse saw that I was conscious and ran to find the doctor.

A police officer was in a chair beside me. After my physician entered the room, they explained that my wife had shot me in the abdomen and fled the scene. A manhunt was underway but they hadn’t located her yet. A protective detail would remain with me at the hospital until I was released.

They never found her.

That was about five years ago. I’ve relocated since then. A new state, new job, new life. It’s been relatively peaceful until recently.

You see, yesterday I headed into the office a bit before the sun came up. When I turned on the light, there it was.

A bright yellow sticky note on the center of my computer monitor.



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redwolfben t1_ivp5zqa wrote

Wow... didn't see that coming. I actually thought it'd be the HR lady.


GTripp14 OP t1_ivp9tds wrote

I’m not sure if that would be better or worse…


Wishiwashome t1_ivs93ks wrote

This was unreal? I mean, OP, surely your wife knew you were throwing them away? Had you been interested you would have left messages in response when they first started! I am glad you are ok, but would be very careful.


BellaAngelaDiTerra t1_ivs81xz wrote

Same! What a twist! Damn... Good luck, OP. Hope there's CCTV in your new workplace this time.


Comprehensive_Code60 t1_ivt3zi9 wrote

I was expecting him to go in one day and speak to someone else, to learn there WERE security cameras


LionhitchYT t1_ivpg76j wrote

I’d call the police, I imagine the old cop would have given you his number just in case any new details would have showed, so you should probably dig that up and tell them what’s going on.


GTripp14 OP t1_ivpgfcu wrote

Absolutely. I’ve made contact with the detectives from my hometown as well as the police in this area. Hoping they find her this time. If she was willing to travel this far I can’t imagine what she will do if she sees me in person.

If she hasn’t I already.

I feel like I’m being watched all the time.


LionhitchYT t1_ivpglz6 wrote

Make sure to check your locks every night to make sure she doesn’t enter your house, and id think of purchasing a security system


GTripp14 OP t1_ivpgxdo wrote

Fortunately I invested in a good system when I moved here. A case of well earned paranoia has kept me on my toes.


LionhitchYT t1_ivph1ql wrote

Alright cool, if she ever asks to meet with you make sure to bring a weapon this time, just to be extra safe


GTripp14 OP t1_ivph7nn wrote

Excellent advice. If she ever offers to meet me I think I’ll just let the cops know. One gunshot is enough for a lifetime.


CandiBunnii t1_ivqwott wrote

Stick a piece of tape on your webcam, just to be safe.

Can easily learn your daily routines through a breached webcam


oneeyecheeselord t1_ivqpjud wrote

The fact you were throwing the notes away and telling HR proved your loyalty to your wife in my opinion. Though, I would have given my hypothetical partner a heads up as soon as the notes got threatening, just in case they tried to target my hypothetical partner.


GTripp14 OP t1_ivqquvt wrote

In hindsight your advice makes sense. At the time I worried it would make her suspicious again.


oneeyecheeselord t1_ivqsyh9 wrote

Suspicion doesn’t mean anything when your partner could possibly be in danger. If it was someone that wasn’t your wife doing this, your wife would be able to keep her eyes open and take precautions. Not telling her about the threats was a horrible move because you could have put her in danger.

Though, maybe your wife will read this somehow and see the part about how throwing away the notes and going to HR was you being loyal and trying to resolve the situation without worrying her and that the real screw up is you not telling her about the threats made against you. I say you passed most of the loyalty test, but you failed the part where you take your wife’s safety into consideration after the threats were made but you do have a rebuttal of not wanting to worry her, you chose her mental health over her safety. No need to stress her about a stalker from work. I can see your logic but you forgot that a stalker might go after your partner. Have you heard of the phrase ‘murder the hypothenuse?’


GTripp14 OP t1_ivqtpoo wrote

I don’t disagree with your point, but hindsight is 20/20. If given the option to do everything over again I would, but I’m left to deal with the consequences of the path I chose.


Good-Tear2785 t1_ivsfxlb wrote

Your heart must be all over the place inorder to cheat then return and have her try and kill you... what a rollercoster that would have been ! Hindsights a wonderful thing but shoulda been honest with yourself and said there must have been a good reason to cheat in the first place... if someones genuinely special, you dont even have an urge to be un faithful... so sounds like alittle satan spawn... modern religions ruined alot, but the devil can be just as blissful and a blessing as an angel can be...


Starshapedsand t1_ivpjlv4 wrote

Might I recommend going to the shelter, and adopting some poor full-grown dog with big teeth?


GTripp14 OP t1_ivq72h0 wrote

Not the worst place I’ve heard.


Starshapedsand t1_ivqszji wrote

Win-win: dog gets a home, and to live; you get a protector, alarm system, and faithful friend forever in one.


OnyxPanthyr t1_ivs3snu wrote

I'm thinking two, maybe three dogs. Dude needs a small pack.


captain0919 t1_ivqa71t wrote

Man seems like maybe he should've just ran with a divorce. Also well done. I was waiting for the computer to be alive if I'm being honest.


GTripp14 OP t1_ivqr1yp wrote

Hell, a living computer would have been easier to handle.


Reddd216 t1_ivq7cgj wrote

Time to adopt a large, ferocious-sounding dog.


GTripp14 OP t1_ivq7j10 wrote

Advice I will likely have to take.


ElAyYouAreAy t1_ivqkj0w wrote

But why did she still shoot you do you think if she saw the police and knew you weren’t thinking that you were coming to meet a woman?


GTripp14 OP t1_ivqr60a wrote

If I could explain to you what she was thinking I would but there didn’t seem to be a lot of logic in her plan.


Eqvrnschtwgya t1_ivt0ukf wrote

It doesn't have to be believable to everyone, some people are delusional and believe whatever they want to believe despite all facts about it. Gj


criticallycrafty t1_ivx7hpw wrote

Something tells me she was looking for an excuse to shoot him. It was always gonna end that way. She should have just divorced him when he cheated if she was going to remain homicidally angry for the rest of her life.


SuspectedLumber t1_ivqu5w9 wrote

lol of all the possible things that could go wrong, of all the phobias out there, at least I'm safe from any chance of having a secret admirer.


PreggyPenguin t1_ivqr8bi wrote

But what did the note say?!


GTripp14 OP t1_ivqrkil wrote

You’re a hard man to find but I’m dedicated to seeing this through.



BlackJeepW1 t1_ivqi0sz wrote

Dude get a bigger gun. And a concealed carry permit. Practice quick draw and aim for the head.


Deb6691 t1_ivqiety wrote

Your wife(ex?) will find you again. I hope you have bought a gun for self defence because psychopathic people are committed to their cause.. Please be prepared.


GTripp14 OP t1_ivqqyh3 wrote

I’m making all reasonable preparations. Thank you.


Deb6691 t1_ivqrolp wrote

I am happy to hear that. I am truly sorry for what has happened to you.


Turbulent-Buyer8833 t1_ivrqapd wrote

Get a nanny cam to leave at your desk to record her or make sure it isn't someone playing on your past or working for her. Answer the notes this time by saying I know who you are, I'm not interested now or ever. I'm abstinent.


randauum t1_ivsfweb wrote

Your wife went berserk after you cheated on her? Interesting


Allons-ycupcake t1_ivuukt7 wrote

Seriously though, I’m surprised that isn’t being commented on by more readers here. Obviously she should have just divorced him when he cheated or when she felt the need to test him, buuuuuuuuuuut….

Hell hath no fury, dude should have at minimum respected her enough to tell her about the first note.


randauum t1_ivxlmtl wrote

If he really wanted to give this second chance a good shot he'd have told her


OliverDMcCall t1_ivqls11 wrote

Seems like she's back to finish the job, you should probably start taking precautions.


greenifuckation t1_ivr0eeq wrote

I knew it was the wife! I like the ending of that 😊


Original_Jilliman t1_ivulpk9 wrote

Well, you shouldn't have had an affair and your wife should have divorced you if she felt she couldn't trust you anymore. No need for her to go to extremes. Maybe you can install a small camera at your desk. Blend it in with your office supplies.


Ouachita2022 t1_ivrtdy8 wrote

Have a professional security tech check your car for a tracking device. If you shared a phone plan, she could be tracking you through your phone. If so, you can use the account to track HER! Good luck-and don't do anything by yourself again, and you have to contact police where you live/work. The jurisdiction will be where your work is located. Call that police department and tell them and give them Detectives name that worked your original case. I'm wishing you all the luck they catch your sociopath of a wife.


Mediocre-Ad-1938 t1_ivs3my7 wrote

Omg! That sounds like a horror movie! I hope you stay away from her forever.


After_Mix_3077 t1_ivs4xvb wrote

I mean I understand why you didn’t want to tell her. You didn’t want her hurting herself over the past like she would have. But she was crazy enough to go this far. Im sorry this is happening and it’s wild. I would highly suggest moving again and changing your name and hair color and career and invest in a ring camera. It sucks but the only other thing to do is off her before she offs you 🤷🏼‍♀️


Upper_Ad6656 t1_ivswif9 wrote

what do you think would happen if she saw this subreddit


Finikk14 t1_ivtb31i wrote

She lacks some logic…


This-Is-Not-Nam t1_iw1wogw wrote

Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays.


Leather-Monk-6587 t1_ivt5dss wrote

If you work at a desk, there is definitely a camera shot that includes your desk.


krik7 t1_ivthnt8 wrote

But you took many of those notes to your HR department... Didn't your wife know that? At least she should have understood what's really happening! Well! She did though... Only the other way around... I'm dumbfounded, honestly!


Chicken_Nipples_Yum t1_ivv5xa4 wrote

I suspected it was the wife being playful then taking it as a rejection that he didn’t love her anymore. I never suspected she was baiting and testing him!


criticallycrafty t1_ivx7cv3 wrote

Obviously you were never going to please her. You threw all the notes away, reported it to HR, and only went or meet her on the condition that she’d leave you alone after. Thank god you called the cops.

Get a hold of the police again and they should be able to catch her. You


broken1373 t1_iw3xz1n wrote

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


RocketRakoune t1_iw85evh wrote

Be careful op ! Maybe buy a handgun ?


MisterDutch93 t1_iwjark4 wrote

Hmm, the HR lady at your job was complaining about Post-COVID cutbacks but at the end of the story you claim this all happened 5 years ago. Are you sure that shot hit you in the abdomen and not somewhere else? Those post-it notes you’re seeing again might just be an illusion.


TryForBliss t1_iwrvtdd wrote

Are you from the future? At the end you mention this happened 5 years ago, yet the woman from HR references post-covid America. ಠ_ಠ


No_Judge_5617 t1_iwslj4j wrote

new job but u went in to the office? your old office from 5 years ago? or ur new one and she knows what place it is and what exact desk urs is?


lemoncatus t1_iwwawe0 wrote

This makes me wonder if I'm being too soft on my bf when he doesn't tell me when he receives nudes from chicks on snapchat 🤔


Infamous-Ad-1923 t1_iwy6mk2 wrote

I knew it was gonna be her once you mentioned the past infidelity! Some people can't let go and it festers. I'm sorry you've had to go through this and I hope this time it can be resolved before ending in tragedy. Keep us posted


nambumtam t1_ixfyw4a wrote

this is the pina colada song gone wrong