Submitted by Randomlylegendyt t3_z5lv2p in nosleep

Every day before I’m about to fall asleep I hear a disturbing cry under my bed.

First, a little backstory. My wife (Mary) and I (John) bought a new house last week. The house had no furniture inside of it, except for a bed. We were planning to remove it until we received a note from the previous owner.

“I am writing this to warn the new individuals living house. As you know, there is nothing other than a bed in this house. There are a few simple rules you need to follow.

  1. NEVER remove the bed. This is very important and if you remove it, it may cost somebody’s life.
  2. Do not look under the bed. You will hear noises such as crying, screaming, or even laughing under the bed, do not investigate. Ignore it no matter how annoying it is.
  3. Do not drink water or eat food in the same room as the bed”

My wife insisted this was some prank and we should just remove the bed, but I stopped her. Something told me this wasn’t a joke. And I was right.

I forgot about the note completely until nighttime. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard a slight cry underneath the bed. My wife was just about to look under but I pulled her back and told her not to. This happened for weeks, but we had to ignore each cry coming under the bed. The cry usually lasted around 5 - 10 minutes. We lived like this for almost a year, and luckily nothing bad has happened yet. Until one day when the cry got louder. It didn’t even sound like a cry, it sounded like screaming. Each day it got louder and louder.

Then my wife got fed up. While I was at work, she threw the bed away. I came home and saw no bed in our room. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WHERE IS THE BED” I yelled. Mary responded calmly “I threw the bed away. Nothing has happened yet.” I figured she might have been right, after all nothing bad had happened yet and almost 7 hours have passed. So, we decided to go shopping for a new bed. We found one that looked nice and planned to buy it the next day. Tonight we were going to sleep on the couch. But when we came home, we were shocked.

There was the bed sitting in the middle of the room like nothing happened. I came to the conclusion that the bed just couldn’t be thrown away, and I thought nothing else would happen. That night we decided to sleep on the bed but something was off. There was no crying. For the first time in months I slept like a normal person. But that didn’t last long because the next night, something worse happened.

My wife was about to fall asleep when I heard her scream. I looked down and saw a black arm pulling her leg down. We kept a knife under our pillows in case of an emergency so I quickly grabbed it and stabbed whatever was hurting my wife. After 30 seconds of intense stabbing, her leg was freed.
“MARY ARE YOU OKAY?” “Yes, I am John. But if we ever die because of that creature, just now that I love you. Goodnight.” We figured it would be a better idea to sleep on the couch that night.

I woke up but couldn’t find Mary anywhere. I searched for hours but my wife was nowhere to be seen. I had called the cops but they couldn’t find any traces of Mary. I walked outside and was met with a note written in blood saying “I told you not to remove the bed”



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Jinxletron t1_ixy2ewd wrote

Why on earth would you sleep on some weird ass secondhand bed? Just lock that room and sleep in a different bedroom on an unhaunted bed.


StrangeMixtures t1_ixxis8f wrote

The night horror likes the bed. All you had to do was leave it alone. Sheesh!


Apprehensive-Map4522 t1_ixzxh7f wrote

How did the first owner of the bed find out about these rules. How many lives did it take?


Reasonable_Clerk_165 t1_ixzkj8y wrote

Why on earth would you not just sleep in another room?! You could’ve had your own bed and freedom to do as you please. Oh well… you’ve made your bed, now you have to lie in it.


Mythica_0 t1_ixzwr7p wrote

The ending makes me think that the previous owner is the haunter