Submitted by RobertMort t3_yy8k2c in nosleep

All it took was a patch of black ice to send our Bluestar bus careening into a tree.

I’d been trying to sleep. But between the guy snoring behind me, the jostling bumps, and the driver’s radio, it wasn’t gonna happen. Twelve inches of snow expected… manhunt continues for Sterling inmate… heeeeere’s the traffic report—


My head smacked into the window.

Then everything went black.

When I opened my eyes, I was aware of only two things: the throbbing in my head, and the cold. My entire body was freezing, like I’d fallen asleep outside.

Where am I?

Oh, no…

I pushed myself up—

“Oh, you’re awake, thank God.” Harry rushed to my side, wrapping his arms around me. “Are you okay? How’s your head?”

“It hurts,” I groaned. “Is… is everyone okay?”

“Yeah. I mean, we’re all scratched up and stuff, but… no one’s seriously hurt.”

I glanced around the bus. There was a teenage girl with blood running down her face, crying in her boyfriend’s arms. An older lady who’d clearly had too many lip fillers, staring out the window with a glassy look. A white dude scrolling on his phone as if nothing happened, and a muscular bearded guy with a Jason Momoa vibe near the front.

“Did somebody call—”

“Yeah. But it’s going to be hours,” he said with a sigh. “The storm’s gotten worse. They have to come up the mountain in a Snowcat.”

“What time is it?”

“A little before three.”

I pulled my coat on, zipping it up to my neck until it wouldn’t go anymore. It’s so cold. I had no idea how I was going to be able to stay here like this—head throbbing, body shivering—for hours. I looked out the windshield. The front of the bus was crumpled beyond recognition. It was a miracle the driver lived. And beyond the bus… The sky was deep gray, heavy with snow, as snowflakes steadily fell against the dark trees.

“Uh, everyone… we have a problem,” the driver called from the front.

“No shit we have a problem!” the bearded guy snapped. “We’re stranded here, with no food or water, in the middle of a blizzard. All because you weren’t paying attention!”

“Hey, shut it. We all make mistakes. No one got hurt,” Harry said next to me.

“Speak for yourself,” the lip filler woman replied, rubbing her temple. “I think I have a concussion!”

“We’re going to die out here,” the teenage girl wailed.

“Quiet!” the driver screamed. And there was something in his voice—a note of panic—that set us all absolutely silent.

“Now, you listen to me very carefully,” he said in a low voice. Barely above a whisper. “I drive this route all the time… and I know the woods around here are dangerous. It’s just woods for miles and miles, and people see that as an opportunity. Hikers go missing. There’s cult activity. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes—people throwing branches across the road to make you stop, but they’re hiding in the bushes to ambush you.” He paused, swallowed, and rubbed his hands together. “And I think we have, um… found ourselves in one of those types of situations.”

“What… what are you talking about?” I stuttered.

The driver got out of his seat and walked towards the bus door, shards of windshield snapping under his feet. “Look.”

Slowly, one-by-one, the seven of us got out of our seats. The doors were open, ice-cold wind whipping inside. For fuck’s sake. That’s why it’s so cold in here. I opened my mouth to yell at the driver to close the door—

And then I saw it.

Footprints in the snow.

A single trail of them, leading from the darkness of the woods to the bus doors.

“Someone got on this bus after we crashed. Must’ve snuck in right after, when most of us were knocked out or trying to get our wounds fixed up.” The driver lowered his voice to a whisper. “Someone is on the bus, right now. I don’t know if they’re hiding under the seats somewhere, or in the bathroom, or what. And I… I don’t know what we should do. If we go into the woods, there might be more of them. But if we stay here, we might all die.” His stern expression faded, and he sucked in a shuddering breath. “God, I’ve got a little three-year-old at home. I can’t…”

He leaned against the crushed steering wheel, head in his hands.

The seven of us looked at each other. I squeezed Harry’s hand, my heart pounding in my chest. They probably just want our money. We’ll hand over our wallets, and then the police will be here…

This was supposed to be our second chance. One last shot at fixing our marriage, at finding what we’d lost. Now it felt like Fate was laughing at us. No way in hell you’re getting a second chance.

“Lock the doors. It’s eight against one,” the angry bearded guy said, breaking the silence. “We can take ‘im.”

“What if he’s got a gun, smartass?” the lip filler woman shot back.

“Kind of sexist to assume it’s a guy,” the phone dude said.

“I don’t want to die,” the teenage girl sobbed.

“Wait,” he said. He looked up at us, his eyes wide in the darkness. “Oh. No, no, no.”

“What is it?” I asked, a weight sinking in my chest.

“I only scanned six tickets.” One, two, three, he mouthed, as he counted us again. “There—there are seven of you. But only six…” His face grew even paler. “Oh, God, it’s—it’s one of you.”

What the fuck?

I looked at the other passengers, my heart pounding. But as my eyes settled on each of their faces, I honestly couldn’t tell you whether they’d been riding with us or not. Teenage couple, lip filler woman, bearded guy, phone dude… I’d been trying to sleep most of the trip—and so had everybody else, I think. The interior lights had been off, and the bus was pretty dark.

The bearded guy straightened, towering over us. “So who is it, then? We’ll play nice. Give you our wallets and everything. Just don’t hurt us, and this will all play out smooth.”


“I think it’s that guy,” the lip filler woman said, pointing to the guy glued to his phone. “He doesn’t look hurt.”

“Dude? Seriously?” He looked up at us, and I could tell he was young, no more than 25. “My thumb is fucked up. I can barely text!"

The teenage girl locked eyes with me. Then she lifted a shaking finger—and pointed it right at me.


“What? You think I’m it?”

“No. I mean, I remember you.” Her young, pretty features tightened into a scowl. “You were really rude. You literally threw your bag on top of mine. I have designer boots in here, and they might be crushed because you don’t care about other people, and you probably don’t even care if I die out here and—”

“Stop!” Harry shouted. “That’s good, that you remember her. That’s a fact that we can use. Does anyone else remember anyone else?”

“He was snoring behind me,” the teenage boyfriend said, pointing at the bearded guy. “It was really annoying.”

“Anyone else?”


“Wait. Hang on. We can look everyone up on Facebook, can’t we? Verify their identity?” I asked. I pulled out my phone—and my heart dropped. “Shit. No service.”

“It’s a miracle we got a call through the cops at all,” the lip filler woman said.

I looked at the six other passengers. Harry’s my husband, so he’s out. The teenage couple—they vouch for each other, don’t they? Assuming the person isn’t some memory-altering demon out of a horror movie.

That left phone dude, bearded guy, and lip filler woman.

Three people.

One of them lying.

It was true that despite phone dude’s protests, he was the least hurt of the three. He looked young and innocent, but you can’t judge a book by its cover.

I looked at lip filler woman. Her face… her face was weird. That was the only way to describe it. I’d assumed it was the plastic surgery, but maybe not. There was something off about her whole eye area. And her face remained mostly expressionless this entire time…

Was it lots of Botox?

Or—could she be wearing a mask?

I stared at her neck, looking for a seam. But in the dim lighting, I couldn’t make anything out.

Then there was bearded guy. He was intimidating. And he seemed like a ball of angry energy, ready to explode at any time. The blood on his sleeve didn’t mean anything—there was blood everywhere. He could’ve just wiped some on to make it look good.

He seemed like the obvious choice, but then again, the teenager vouched for him.

“Maybe we should just go into the woods,” I whispered to Harry. “Get away from everyone.”

“You heard the driver. He said there might be more of them out there.”

“But staying in here—”

“It’s seven against one.”

“But why aren’t they doing anything yet? If they just wanted to rob us… they would’ve done it by now.” I shuddered. “It’s like they’re playing with us.”

“You can go out alone, if you want. But I’m staying here.”

“I’m not going to—”

“Well, I’m not going to die because of your stupidity!”

There it was. The temper that had grown with each passing year of our marriage. I wanted to yell and scream at him, but I already knew that never worked. Instead I stared at the windshield, blinking away tears.

Small flakes flurried down, collecting in at the bottom of the windshield. Beyond was the stretch of road carving up the mountain, now pure white. The set of footprints leading out the door, their edges softened by the layer of fresh snow.

And… something else.

A lump. Just off the side of the road, at the border of the woods. Something about it caught my eye—even though, in the darkness and the snow, I couldn’t make out any detail. It was like it didn’t belong, like it clashed with the natural landscape.

And was that… a trail of footprints… leading up to it?

I narrowed my eyes, trying to parse what I was seeing. Had someone already left the bus? Gone out and come back? Was one of the passengers in on this whole thing?

And was that… blood… in the snow?

“Guys. Guys, look.” I pointed out the windshield. My head throbbed as my heart began to pound, and I felt lightheaded. “Out there—there’s a trail of blood—and something…”

The voices died down behind me. “Oh my God,” the teenage girl whispered. Other mutters too—what is that? Is that blood?

Black spots danced in my eyes. I grabbed the driver’s seat to keep my balance—

It was wet.

I pulled my hand away to see thick, red blood staining my fingers. What…? I looked down. The driver’s seat was drenched in blood.

But the driver—

His clothes were dry.


“It’s the driver!” I screamed, backing away. “It’s him!”

At first he didn’t say anything.

Then he slowly turned around. And when I saw his face, my blood ran cold.

He was smiling.

Chaos erupted. I lunged for the door—but as soon as I stepped down, something yanked my arm back. My entire body jolted, my head screaming in pain. I whipped around to see the man, his fingers gripping me tight.

“Not so fast,” he growled, his grin growing wider.

But then in a blur of color, Harry slugged him in the face. His grip loosened and I tumbled to the ground. Snow seared my skin, the ice cold burning my fingers, seeping through my pants.

Quickly the others raced out. The teenage couple, the woman, one of the guys. The bearded man joined Harry in trying to subdue the guy, trying to tackle him to the ground.

“Run!” Harry shouted, locking eyes with me. “Run!”

After a moment’s hesitation, I ran. The others followed, and we all ran deeper into the forest, terrified. We kept the road in our sight, and after a few hours of wandering, we spotted the lights of the Snowcat coming up the mountain.

As we ran, though, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d heard on the radio. While I’d been trying to sleep. Manhunt continues for Sterling inmate.

Was that him?

By the time the police arrived, all three men were gone. They haven’t been found. I’d like to think they’re alive somewhere. That in a few days, Harry will come home. But I know, deep down, that’s not the case.

The police did find the body of our real driver, though.

At the end of the bloody footprints in the snow.



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whiskeygambler t1_iwt5spv wrote

I thought it may have been a supernatural entity but nope, seems like a regular-ish person who likes to instil terror into others.

Can you imagine if there had been both though? At least one extra passenger and the man who replaced the driver?


ouroboraorao t1_iwubu0y wrote

True. The driver thinks it's just him and kills everyone else. Then the entity gets up.


colibri_valle t1_iwu1gel wrote

Like The Outsidet from the Stephen King's book. Just there, feeding on the terror thath the other's felt.


trapper2530 t1_iwuxgry wrote

That's what I was thinking. Or all of them and ir was just a way to get to harry and the main character.


DonJamesE t1_iwt9ro8 wrote

Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?


mamrieatepainttt t1_iwx470f wrote

  • a bit of 'monsters are due on maple street,' trying to turn the passengers against each other.

Wolf-en-stein t1_iwtc0g1 wrote

Poor bearded guy 😢 Stereotyped by you but then he helped save all of your lives.


Lifedeath999 t1_iwtx4e7 wrote

I kind of guessed that since you said it was a miracle the bus driver survived. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is.


theletterQfivetimes t1_iwufb1m wrote

Why did you run? It was one guy who was apparently unarmed and in the process of being taken down by two other dudes


DesignerDry2458 t1_iww098h wrote

The driver might have backup in the forests and what he said might actually be true about the woods being dangerous


SeparateAdvantage836 t1_iwwgz98 wrote

Is rather take my chances doing a 7v1 and staying in the bus for shelter than running out into the dark cold forest


qwaszx2221 t1_iyahzai wrote

Ah yes, running into the darkness where his backup is while leaving the only two abled men behind makes perfect sense then


lisiantto t1_iwyejou wrote

because the other people of the intruder's cult or group would probably attack soon now that the situation with their partner ran out of control. they've must been hiding close.


criticallycrafty t1_ix78d79 wrote

I think the driver was the inmate and he made the story up to get them to stay on the bus. There was nothing else saying there was all that shit in the area but they do know that inmate was loose.


baronbunny_the893rd t1_iwt6woz wrote

hang on, so it was the >!driver who has the escaped inmate!< but then the driver also clued everyone in that there was one more passenger? and there were 6 tickets but with 7 passengers, but why would there be 7 passengers in this case, >!since the driver would not have a ticket by default and swapping the driver wouldnt increase the number of passengers!<


sscreamingspiderss t1_iwt7rl6 wrote

i think the “driver” was trying to throw them off


americancorn t1_iwtphxu wrote

But no one would have even thought of it if the driver didn’t say anything


Vexingwings0052 t1_iwttoqi wrote

Yeh but they were all thinking he was hiding somewhere on the bus. It seems like the killer was trying to get them to kill each other by instilling fear in them, making them second guess each other, if he hadn’t implied one of them was the fake, they wouldn’t have.


americancorn t1_iwvh9wk wrote

No one was thinking about anyone hiding somewhere on the bus until after the driver mentioned 'oh one of those weird things is happening to us, look at the footprints and this forest extra person spoooky spoooky'. No one had noticed the footprints, no one had thought about or noticed an 'extra person' (since there wasn't one... fake driver replaced real driver)


ETA: unless you're referring solely to the period after the driver turned them against each other and made them think someone infiiltrated the passengers, in which case makes sense that could be his reason for bringing it up i guess


Vexingwings0052 t1_iwvtc91 wrote

Oh yeah that’s what I meant. I feel the killer knew he wouldn’t have been able to kill them all so tried to turn them against each other so they’d do it for him. Pretty lazy on his part ngl, he should try better next time.


cas47 t1_iwtw03o wrote

I feel like the driver was trying to fuck with them just to be sadistic


inthe-otherworld t1_iwuo04h wrote

I think the driver was enjoying having the passengers turn on each other, that’s why he was smiling when OP looked at him


PreggyPenguin t1_iwx2v6g wrote

That was my thought. And why would the inmate driver call for police? Unless it wasn't actually the inmate, and it was someone from a cult and he managed to lead bearded guy and Harry to his fellow cult members...


Japjer t1_iwtb8bu wrote

... because they were lying


unknownredditto t1_iwuadsg wrote

The driver was clearly the imposter, so he wouldn't know how many tickets he counted. The only thing that the imposter knew is that he was the fake. So he used the tickets to trick the others.


Wchijafm t1_iwug77w wrote

So they would point the fingers at each other instead of him. Without the fear they would have left the bus(like to pee) and found the body.


Royal_Yesterday t1_iwttdg6 wrote

If you think about it, there were 6 tickets 6 passengers, which meant that the driver was the only sus one since driver doesn’t need to swipe tickets.


blackbutterfree t1_iwutizv wrote

But there were seven passengers; Harry and OP, Momoa lookalike and phone dude, lip filler lady and the teen couple.


Codboss4407 t1_iwv0dm4 wrote

The driver simply could've lied about there being 6 tickets, and hid the seventh one somewhere in his pocket or something.


randauum t1_iwtomj7 wrote

So three of them just disappeared? Strange... Why did I think Harry was dead and she was just projecting him out of grief this whole time


NavezganeChrome t1_iwwidkw wrote

Probably because Harry first gets mentioned after the crash, when he could have been established as present in the scene beforehand?


randauum t1_iwy4mqc wrote

Exactly Instead she mentioned the snoring man


crowvalkairi t1_iwvbj7j wrote

Not going to lie, I thought it was Harry. He wasn't mentioned as having been there previously, just appeared suddenly by helping OP, and his interactions with the others seemed sparse/that they didn't quite acknowledge him. Strange, indeed.


AnonymousIVplay t1_iwwb8ap wrote

> I'd been trying to sleep

Have you seen the name of this sub?

Bad jokes aside, I hope you at least get to find out what happened to Harry. I'm sure you have a lot of complicated feelings, the marriage was on the rocks but you still spent a huge chunk of your life with him and he loved you enough to save your life


ouroboraorao t1_iwubjxp wrote

“Kind of sexist to assume it’s a guy,” the phone dude said.

She still has a gun omg phone guy


Finikk14 t1_iwtq7wl wrote

I thought it was phone guy


the_r_eader t1_ix7v3yr wrote

Me aswell. Especially because she couldn't get any phone reception while he kept texting.


ladypinkybee t1_iwtx3ni wrote

I thought it's gonna be a supernatural entity or an alien but just a psychopath who likes to f*ck with people. Still scared me, tho. Thanks 👀


KYpineapple t1_iwvf11g wrote

Dang, I feel like y'all could've salvaged the marriage. Especially after that.

But if he DOES show up, make sure there's nothing off about him...


ToddlerTurtle141617 t1_iww0r1e wrote

If there was an extra person AND the bus driver was "replaced" then there was still an imposter among them. So maybe the guy who tried to help "subdue" the driver was also an imposter.


KD_sBurnerAccount t1_ixc4l9w wrote

The bus driver lied, because they couldn't remember the original number of passengers anyway


Deb6691 t1_iwug34q wrote

I hope the 2 hero's are alive and get back to you.


lilabbz t1_iww05sx wrote

I don’t understand the last bit about Harry coming home?


NavezganeChrome t1_iwwiphu wrote

OP would like to imagine that Harry will make it home, but based on him having gone missing with the other guys, doubts he survived.


gegenangriff t1_iwwo9n4 wrote

She hopes that he comes back but he and bearded guy are nowhere to be found. Both fought against the inmate.


TheSpazzer77 t1_iwx0hjq wrote

What if Harry and the buff dude were in cahoots with the prison inmate and this was the second phase of the jailbreak


miggle420 t1_iwuvmeu wrote

Shouldn't the bus driver count 5 tickets for the passengers since the driver himself doesn't need one?


__ephemeral_ t1_iwvksdk wrote

Overall in that bus there's a total of 8 people: 1. The narrator, 2. Harry the husband, 3. Teenage girlfriend, 4. Teenage boyfriend, 5. Lip filler woman, 6. Phone guy, 7. Bearded guy, 8. The "driver"

So, after the bus crashed, the imposter got inside, got rid of the real driver's corpse and put it out there in the snow, went back into the bus, counted how many passengers were there, saw that it was 7, and then when everyone was awake he pretended to be the driver and basically lied to them about the number of tickets with the intention to make the passengers think the culprit was one of them.

If you were referring to the title, it said five other passengers, meaning excluding herself, so allegedly six initially (because that's what the fake driver told them which made it believable at first since none of them would have counted how many they were in there beforehand.)


vladimeer3099 t1_iwv0d11 wrote

Think imposter was just trying to turn passengers against each other to make himself less suspicious


unlimitedcuriosity t1_iwv8uvd wrote

You must do research, maybe hire a private investigator or body guard, and go find Harry!


AphroditesGoldenOrbs t1_iwxcy8d wrote

I really, REALLY thought Harry was the extra person/escaped inmate.

"Harry's my husband, so it couldn't be him" not "MY husband, Harry, had been with me since the beginning."

And if the "driver" and Harry are BOTH now missing, it kind of confirms that either: 1) the driver escaped and Harry & OP are helping him, 2) HARRY escaped, the "driver" is a friend of Harry's/Harry's and OP's, or 3) TWO+ inmates escaped, but it hasn't yet been noticed/reported that there were more than one and Harry AND the "driver" escaped.


redspextr t1_iww317w wrote

That’s why you wear seat belts


Corey307 t1_iwy09nb wrote

Seatbelts help but can’t do much if you go off the road and crash into a tree.


big-daddio t1_iwv31cw wrote

That's just because people are looking to sue the city and hop on the bus after the crash. Happens all the time.


Daflehrer1 t1_iwvfhvf wrote

Some drunks are mean drunks.


jab17 t1_iwurjiw wrote

It’s because the driver became a passenger when he died, right? Did I solve the riddle?
