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clownind t1_ixpod2x wrote

At least your town isn't full of self-righteous vegans.


Macbeth_the_Espurr t1_ixqii9r wrote

You're all murderers in a land full of demons, but

have you met vegans? Good Lord they are the worst.


The-Shattering-Light t1_ixrub05 wrote

It’s funny, I’ve seen orders of magnitude more people being horrible about vegans than I have vegans being horrible.

I think I’d take the vegans over the vegan haters 😋


ElizaMelina t1_iy8e6py wrote

People really hate vegans, but honestly though, they are better people than us. Ofc, I'm talking about people who go vegan for nature, not those phsycopathic non touchability ones.


Orange__Moon t1_iy8puys wrote

Some people don't eat meat because they don't like it or health reasons. I'm not vegan, I've been vegetarian and am pescatarian now(will eat fish and seafood) because I don't care for meat. If I get a weird bit of fat or gristle it turns me off eating for the entire day. Can't do it. Seafood seems to have less feelings than mammals in my mind as well. I'm not against meat. Animals would eat us as well. It's natural to eat meat. But factory slaughterhouses are vile places. So too egg and dairy. I think people should eat less of these things so the animals can have better conditions. That's what needs to change, not so much the act of eating meat, just better treatment for living beings.


ElizaMelina t1_iy8xuxm wrote

Agree. But there are a lot of vegans who don't touch meat or any utensils that have touched meat for no good reason, not even religious purposes. They claim they protect animals but they would never eat lab grown meat, which has been lately cleared for consumption and apparently tastes like meat, to protect animals or bring about a change. For these people, it's not love for animals that compels them to go vegan but their egos.