Submitted by Captjobfeared t3_z7kmt9 in nosleep

part 1:

Hello once again! My name is Trent and firstly, I apologize dearly for my absence, things have been getting crazy around here, but I've been doing more research about my Great Grandfathers time in the army during world war one, specifically about the events written in the journal I found, here I will share my findings, and more entries inside the journal.

That night when I got home had been a restless one, filled with nightmares about that monster I read about in the journal and repeating the same questions in my head over and over, I had gotten myself into a hole that I simply could not climb out of, I needed to know what had happened, and if there was any other info about this incident other than my Great Grandfathers old war journal. I made sure to set a reminder on my phone to continue reading the journal the next day, not that I would've needed one but, it was just a habit I had fallen into.


The following morning I made myself a quick breakfast while preparing myself mentally for the long day I was about to endure, looking at the old journal sitting next to my bowl of cereal on the table, I couldn't help but Admit that I felt sort of, uneasy about it. It sounds silly but the feeling was still there regardless. Taking a deep breath, I opened the old journal, and began to read.

"July 25, 0800 hours, News of last nights attack spread around quickly, the soldiers that witnessed the monster, myself included were bombarded with questions by other soldiers and even our officers, seems like even they are weary of this thing. The fog still hasn't lifted, the enemy trenches remain eerily silent, everyone seems tense, I can't say I blame them, I myself sometimes stop to listen for that terrible screech. I hear other men talking about going over to check if our German enemies are even still there, as foolish as that sounds I'm tempted to go with them, perhaps they know something we don't, would explain the sudden disappearance without a peep, if all goes well I will update this journal with our findings, god speed."

When I turned the next page what I saw took me by surprise, my great grandfathers writing became more sloppy, frantic even, as if he was in a hurry when he wrote it, but it was still readable.

"We should never have come here, as I had previously theorized, the German line was deserted, though it seemed like they didn't go out willingly, there is blood stains and drag marks throughout their trench lines, and they all seemed to lead to a particular dug out, which the four of us in the scouting party found out was a tunnel system. I don't remember the names of the two men who decided to venture inside, though me and another, Bradley I believe his name was decided to stay behind and watch for any potential threats.

Safe to say we didn't need to worry about what was outside of that damned cave, after a while, we could hear faint gunfire coming from the cave entrance, and yelling. Both me and Bradley trained our weapons on the cave entrance, readying ourselves for what was to come. I don't think for a moment that any amount of training or war itself could've prepared me for what transpired those moments. We both could hear panicked breathing and rapid footsteps approaching the cave entrance I distinctly remember hearing the soldier praying loudly as he ran, we assumed he saw the entrance when he began screaming for help. I was quick to sling my rifle and peak into that dark abyss as the now, dirtied and bloodied soldier scrambled for the exit.

despite my fears I reached a hand out to the man and pulled him out of the tunnel, he was hysterical, breathing erratically and letting out these sounds that where a mix between yells and cries of terror. I took him by the shoulders, trying to calm him down or at least keep him quiet, Bradley's eyes shifted between me and the cave entrance. Between his sobs he managed to speak "we need to get out of here, they found its ho-" he didn't finish his sentence, my heart sank to my boots as a long, bony arm shot out from the cave entrance, its knife like fingers pierced the soldiers back.

Blood splattered all over me, and before I could even react his body was dragged back into the cave, now lifeless. Bradley was quick to fire but his shot missed its mark, his eyes wide as dinner plates and I assume mine where the same as we both exchanged a look of terror. Before either of us could say anything we heard the horrible, inhuman screech bellow out from within the cave, in that moment, any amount of courage that I had drained out of my body, both me and Bradley sprinted in different directions, I wanted to stay together but given we had been on opposite sides of the entrance I didn't want to take my chances going in front of that..thing."

A sudden noise from outside jolted me out of reading the diary and I looked around, it was now raining, and the noise in question was thunder, I let out a sigh of relief, though, I couldn't help but feel the sense that someone was watching me. I promptly ignored it, chalking it up as the diary entries spooking me, and I continued reading.

"I now sit alone, in what I believe to be an officers' dug out, I do not know what has happened to Bradley, and I can hear that things screeching throughout the trench systems, I fear the worst has happened. Though I cant help but notice that there is a phrase carved into a wall, it appears to have been carved recently, I will write this down here to be translated later "Gott vergib uns, denn wir haben Böses auf dieser Welt entfesselt.". Perhaps Im not the only one here like I initially believed. I am going to wait for the cover of darkness to make my way back to my own lines, maybe the creature will be back in whatever hole it came from, I will continue writing if I make it back, and hopefully Bradley either made it back already or will do so after me. God willing"

I stared at the book in disbelief, finding it hard to even imagine what it must've been like waiting, while knowing that creature was hunting you down, needing a breather I stood up and walked to the sliding glass door facing our backyard, which was mostly miles of woodland, a heavy fog had rolled in as the storm raged on, though I could still somewhat see into the woods. For a moment I could've sworn I saw a figure standing in the treeline if I squinted hard enough, I rubbed my eyes and opened them again, and the figure was gone. I again would chalk this up to my mind playing tricks on me due to a active imagination, I stretched and sat back down to continue reading.

"july 28, 0900 hours, I made it, god only knows how I managed it, I've been spending the past 2 days resting and talking to Caleb who is now back with me, though before I write about the current events, I must document my escape. I had spent hours waiting in silence for the night to come, praying that the creature wouldn't come my way, I stopped when I heard footsteps. My already tight grip on my rifle then turned into a death grip as I aimed my rifle at the entrance to the dug out, my hands trembled and the sound of my own heartbeat almost drowned out all the other noises, until I heard someone whisper my name from outside the dug-out, it was Bradley.

I whispered back, telling him it was me, and he came into the dug out, the look on his face could best be described as petrified, and I didn't blame him, he offered a hand and I took it, he pulled me up, and I couldn't help but embrace him, feeling immense relief that I wasn't the only one here. I asked him how he had survived and he told me "I hid in various dug outs, and stayed on the move, I think I lost it but, It's still out there" the man sighed and rubbed his eyes "seems like the Germans scrambled to get out of here once their front line began disappearing. I found quite a few bodies further behind the line." I didn't respond, not knowing what to say. After a few minutes I told him of my plan to escape. he seemed unsure of it but he reluctantly agreed to it.

When night came, we wearily made our way out of the dug out, the air was chillingly still, we would quietly wander the trenches until we found some ladders leading to no mans land, back to our friends. Me and Bradley got on the ladders, and slowly climbed to the top, we stopped to look for any possible threats, despite the fog, we could faintly see light coming from our line. Me and Bradley looked at each other, and nodded, but just as we began to go over the top, my heart skipped a beat as I heard the all too familiar screech from nearby in the trenches. Adrenaline began to rush through me as I began to sprint across no mans land faster than I ever had before, terror driving me forwards as I heard another screech from behind me, and beginning to get closer.

I pushed my body even harder as my legs burned and my chest ached, the ground slippery from the mud as I passed by both rotting and fresh corpses friend and foe, shell holes and lines of barbed wire. I began breathing heavily and screaming like a madman for my fellow soldiers, the creatures footsteps getting ever so closer, I didn't dare look back as I could see the friendly lines getting closer and closer. Even when I was pushing myself this hard the creature was catching up to me, its sharp claws barely scratched one of my legs before there was a gunshot and a crack from my right, and the creature faltered. I could tell it slowed down as its footsteps became distant. I looked over to where the shot came from as I ran, and to my horror, I saw Bradley standing roughly 15 yards away with his rifle raised, he yelled "Take me you bastard!".

I yelled for Bradley to keep running, he fired once more as the monster began racing towards him, the bullet hit its mark and slowed it down a bit as he kept running. I could see friendly soldiers cut a hole in the barbed wire for me to go through, I heard them yelling and encouraging us to keep going, after what felt like an eternity I jumped into the friendly trench and was caught by a group of soldiers to prevent me from falling to hard. Despite the immense pain I felt I pushed myself to my feet, I could hear Bradley yelling "shoot! shoot this fucking thing!". I looked over the top of the trench just in time to see the creature descend on Bradley, he let out this, terrible desperate scream as the other men opened fire on the beast, but it was to fast, it dragged Bradley Back into the fog towards the German line, and I was frozen in place, horrified, and grief stricken. I may not have known him that long but, He sacrificed his life for mine, and for that I will forever remember him.

Soon, I will tell my superiors about what I've experienced, and perhaps, we can make a plan of some kind to deal with this monster. We can't hide forever, it's only a matter of time before it decimates us like it did to the Germans. When this plan comes together, I will update this journal, may god bless us all."

Shivers ran up my spine, The more I read into these entries the more unsettled I get, Im going to take a break, and begin to look into some of the suggestions you guys have given me, I will see if I can find any information on Caleb including his family, and perhaps I will get more answers.



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Li_Mu_Bizzy t1_iy8rdti wrote

Seal the entrance, bomb the eff outta it!


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