Submitted by AHauntedBarista t3_z6mwzy in nosleep

For you, it has been two days since my last update. For me? It has been nearly a full week. Five days, to be precise. Five days that apparently never happened. Richard closed the store today, we had a meeting a few hours ago and boy, I have a lot to tell you. But, if all this is new to you, then start at the beginning. If you feel like you missed something, check here.


Where to start? Bilgoth worked a few more shifts, our customers don't seem to mind him. I think the rest of the team forgot he was a goblin again. For some reason, thankfully, I am not affected by whatever magic he has used on the rest of the staff. I can think of no reason as to why, but Bilgoth seems to resent me for it. By resent, I mean hate. I am the unstable variable in his plan by just existing (that plan being hiding from Dr. Fields). Tall Ben doesn't see him as meat, I guess, because he pays the goblin no mind when he goes out back for a smoke break (yeah, the goblin smokes a pipe). If he becomes a problem, I have a plan. There is an important detail that he is not aware of, and that is the written rule list. The ever-growing spoken rules that you learn on the job can't be hidden from Bilgoth, but he never saw the new hire papers. That is an advantage I plan to both keep to myself and save for a bad day, when I get too tired of smelling garbage for twelve hours.

I learned that the reason Tall Ben followed me home was because I'd technically never left, in a way. It is all so confusing, so I will explain to you what Richard told all of us at the store meeting. I'll make another post about what happened during the five days.

I carpooled with Selene. If I wasn't with her, I would never have actually gone to the address that Richard provided. It was out of town, in a rural part of Rykar Valley. To help you picture things, Rykar Valley had one city and a town; Rose Hill and Rykar. Rykar sat at the very southern end of the valley, only a few minutes drive to a larger city. Rose hill was to the north of Rykar and was a dot by comparison. The rest of the sprawling valley is untamed woods (and the occasional farm). So, when I saw the address was far outside Rykar and in a wooded country, I was obviously nervous. No, I don't think Richard would murder me or something. But... maybe? I don't know.

Anyway, we pulled up to a cabin. No one else was there, save for Richard obviously. His white truck sat in a long, dirt driveway. I noted that it was nearly 4:30 when we arrived. Em and Barrow arrived together. I had to repress cheering when I noticed that Bilgoth had not gotten the message, seeing as he had no phone. The goblin in a Jonathan costume would not be attending the meeting!

It was then that a new car pulled in, belonging to someone I had not met yet. A young woman stepped out, one that I assumed was human (I know, she's probably a lizard person or something). She ran up to Em and Barrow, a big smile on her face, then spotted me.

"We've not met. I'm Evangel." She stuck out her hand.

I shook it. "What days do you work, then?"

She glanced at Em and Barrow. "How much does he know?" Her whispering was completely ineffective at masking her words.

"Enough." Barrow shrugged.

"Only Saturdays, sometimes on Tuesday. They need a human working there every day, after all."


Again, she looked to Barrow. "You said he knew."

Barrow held out a hand towards the front door. "It is 4:30."

Was this meeting held to the same standards as the café? It would seem so, as Selene unlocked the door with a key and held open the door for each of us to enter. Still no sign of the goblin. Inside, the cabin was... normal. Nothing noteworthy, nothing unnatural. A fireplace already burned near where Richard waited for them. He had two recliners, a couch, and a wooden chair. Obviously he sat in one of the recliners, rocking slightly near the warm fire. I sat on the couch, as did Evangel and Em. Barrow sat on the wooden chair, unphased by the clear lack of comfort it provided. John relaxed on the bricks of the fireplace.

When they were all seated, Richard spun his recliner around. "We've got a problem, everyone. Axel, you're new, so some of what I say might not make much sense. Hell, it might be new information to all of you. What each of you probably know by now is that Jonathan is dead. Bilgoth, the goblin, did not kill him. Goblins don't kill, they torture mentally. Then again, goblins don't really wear people...

"Anyway, we did not catch it in time. Some of you know this, some not, but The Drowsy Spectre requires a specific balance of employees. Each of you knows what you are. Until recently, we had two humans working on shift. That is required. For two weeks now, Jonathan has been replaced by Bilgoth. None of you could possibly understand the damage this has caused me, save for Selene."

No one replied, allowing him to go on. "The Drowsy Spectre does more than just serve coffee. When the balance is off, things go wrong. I worked at the shop when DeGuire went missing for this very reason. Because Bilgoth isn't human, the balance is off. That's why some of you had an extra Monday, it is also why you were all stuck for an entire week."

I'll get to that, I promise. "But Jonathan- I mean, Bilgoth- didn't work Monday."

Richard glanced at me. "He didn't have to. The damage was already done. There was no way for him to know, but that doesn't matter to me. Bilgoth has been... taken care of."

"So everything is fine?" Em, hopeful as ever, was immediately shut down.

"No, nothing is." Richard adjusted. "The damage he did cannot be reversed. None of you, save Selene, know enough about Rykar Valley as a whole to understand the café. Not even you, Barrow." Then he hesitated. "Look, I know this won't sound convenient to everyone, but I have a proposal. I need to know that things won't get worse at the shop. I've procured some apartments near the Drowsy Spectre, ones that I can attest to the safety of. I will personally pay to have the humans among us stay there. That's Axel, John, and Evangel."

That was completely absurd. "No disrespect, Richard, but we are working at a coffee shop. Even if it is a haunted one, surely you can't be doing enough business to afford to pay for housing for the three of us."

Selene laughed at that, but Richard gestured to stop her. "I can afford it, Axel. I promise you that. You'll be but a minute from work and, if you think about it, you'll be making more because you won't be paying rent."

It wasn't much of a choice to me. All I would need to do is see the place, but even if it wasn't the best I would have accepted. Living that close to work was a dream and I'd seen that The Drowsy Spectre got enough business to stay open. I valued my privacy, sure, which is why I didn't put my real address on my application. But I would be willing to trade that for such a great deal. Tall Ben knew where I lived now, after all, and the chance to change that was appealing. I don’t know if he is still able to follow me home, now that we’ve solved the ‘missing days’ issue. I’d still sleep better, even if it was placebo.

"I'll let you three think about that. Next, there is the matter of the missing week. That, and Monday. As you know, we pushed back our hours to 5:00pm. I had to do that since we weren't open on Monday. I can't do the same thing with the five days you were trapped. Selene, you know what that means."

"More rules." She sighed.


"I'm sorry, I am lost." I was. How was any of this our fault? He was adding new rules because we got trapped?

Richard leaned forward. "We have the balance of humans and... other things to keep new entities from latching onto my café. It is a sort of seal, if you will. One I designed a long time ago. Without it, the café is just a place that serves espresso to the supernatural. With it, the café becomes a shield that holds it all back from the rest of Rykar Valley."

"That doesn't explain what happened to us, though. I went back to my apartment, I left the shop! How can any of that affect me when I am not even there?"

"Because it isn't just the café. Tell me, before now, had you ever been on that side of Rose Hill, or that neck of Rykar Valley?" I hadn't, but he seemed to already know this. "The wilderness beyond the café, down that old road behind the shop, is all part of it. Tall Ben, Tom, Heartmin, even Amber I think. Most of our customers, too. Whatever is causing it, the rift that brings forth creatures from beyond, wants to expand. You were caught in its... construction."

That didn't make any sense.

Fortunately, Selene explained it better. "The reason we don't leave during work hours isn't because of Tall Ben, or any of the other cryptids out there. It is because we won't be leaving to our own world. Think of it as a pocket of our own world, only entirely incomplete. When we drove home, we mapped it out and expanded the reach of the things that live in the woods. All because the ritual was messed up; we were missing a vital piece, Johnny."

"So we were in a pocket dimension for a whole week?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Time doesn't work the same in all places, especially realms that don't follow normal rules."

"Normally leaving on time ensures you get back where you are supposed to be." Richard began. "But since the ritual never really started, then all the rules you already followed don't mean anything. Look, there are two reasons I offered the apartments. One, because I want to make sure everyone is as safe as they can be. I can't protect anyone in their own homes. Second, to make sure Rykar's curse doesn't spread to the city. It already plagues Rose Hill, from time to time. If no one lives in the city, it will have a harder time reaching it."

"We aren't safe at home anymore?" I already knew that, seeing as Tall Ben paid me a visit. "So, even if we were to quit, we'd be haunted too?"

A liability. Clearly, that made Richard nervous. "Look, I never intended this. I have a process that hasn't failed me yet. It worked, everything worked, then Dan had to-"

Richard instantly realized what he'd done. A knock at the door, then another with more power behind it. No one moved until the third round of knocking came, then a voice.

"Why don't you let us in, Ricky?"

It wasn't a deep voice, nor an aggressive one. If it hadn't been for the looks on everyone's faces, I would have thought them to be his parents, irritated at being left out in the cold. Still, even after it spoke, no one moved.

"It'd be best for you to open the door, Ricky. You've always taken the easy way."

Richard glanced at us, making a clear 'don't say anything' face, then moved to the door. Before he opened it, he gave us one last look to keep us still and quiet, then turned the latch. On the other side was DeGuire, but he was not alone. Someone behind him pushed DeGuire inside, then stepped through the threshold. A man of ebony skin, hair black as the night outside, and golden eyes. When he smiled, I was nearly blinded by the whiteness of his teeth. Perfect teeth, mind you. Their new guest was dressed in a fine suit (no tie) with a necklace that hung to his chest. It held a triangle pendant with a 'T' through it, cutting into three sections. It pointed downward and caught my attention because I'd seen it before. That, however, I will explain later.

"Rykar." Richard stepped back to let him in fully. "What are you doing here?"

"You called my boy Dan, didn't you? It's only polite that I see him along. It is dangerous these days, to walk alone." He leaned back out the door. "Amber? Get in here! Let these fine folks see your wares!"

Amber Bucker? Sure enough, the candle lady stepped through the door with a box of, well, candles. "Everyone, let's get comfortable. We've a long talk and lots to settle." When Richard hesitated, Rykar stuck out an arm towards the recliner. "Take a seat, I insist."

"No one's going to buy a candle." Richard stated as he obeyed Rykar's command.

Rykar smiled. "Oh, no. They aren't for sale. Call it... a demonstration." Amber was placing candles from her box with a gentle smile on her face. She caressed my cheek as she passed me. For some reason, that soured Selene's face. "I understand your little ritual got mixed up. Goblins are tricky, huh?" He approached Evangel, then shooed her out of the recliner across from Richard.

"We're friends, right Ricky? Seeing how that is, I can't help but feel your frustration about the shitty little goblin. Tell you what, make a deal with me, and I'll add a little bonus to it; I'll see to it that the little shit is punished beyond your satisfaction. How's that sound?"

"What would either of us want from each other?"

"Well, until today, nothing at all aside from one and other's untimely demise, I assume. I think you're on schedule to do that first, however." He chuckled and glanced at the room to see if anyone else would do the same. "Tough crowd. Anyway, it might come as a surprise to you, but I rather like the spot we are in. That café brings just the right kind of people my way and gives Amber plenty of exposure."

"You've done nothing but try to tear down everything I do." Richard countered. "So forgive me if I doubt you."

DeGuire, whose first name I am assuming is Dan, stood near the door. He had only glares for the staff of The Drowsy Spectre, but it appeared Rykar had him heeled like a good dog. Those same yellow eyes poured both hate and what I saw as longing at everyone in the room. What happened to him? I am not certain I will get those answers soon.

"That is true. But if my master wakes up, then the fun is over. He will wake up, that is certain, but we might as well delay it and enjoy ourselves. Look, I want to keep doing what I am doing. If the God of Ocre awakens, it'll be all work for me. I don't want that, you don't want that. Let's strike a deal."

"In what way would I benefit?"

"Don't close the shop and run. I know you've been thinking about it, with all the stress and all. If you close it, Richard, I'll only be forced to get back to work. Do you know anything about the God of Ocre, huh? I doubt it. He would not be good news for you, not for anyone. What is in it for you? I'll leave you alone. Your cabin, your big house, your family. All safe, out of my reach." He reached out a hand, which lit up in yellow flames. "You have my word."

That was both a threat and a promise; an ultimatum, one that Richard would not be able to refuse. "All I have to do is keep running the place?"

"Just as you have been. I'm not the one doing the expanding, so I can't help with that. I'm just along for the ride. If you stop your good work, then I'll have to work from the top of my list. That would be pretty inconvenient for you."

Richard still hadn't taken the deal, so Rykar snapped his fingers. The candles that Amber had brought lit and all other lights went out. Long shadows danced with each flicker and Rykar's eyes seemed like wicks themselves. "It's a good deal, Ricky."

For a time, Richard simply stared into Rykar's eyes. Then, he glanced at his staff. It wasn't hesitation, he already made up his mind. How could he do anything but accept?

To my surprise, he didn't. Instead, he shook his head.

That shocked even Rykar, who was slow to close his hand. "You sure, Ricky?"

"Goodbye." Was all he said.

Rykar frowned, but did not delay in standing up. The candles went out, the electricity restored, and all was relatively normal. He left without saying another word, Dan followed him like a trained pup. They did not, however, close the door. No one stood to do so because Amber was still there. She'd pulled up a chair to join the group, sitting awkwardly close to me. I hadn't realized at first that she placed her chair right behind the couch.

"You're cute, you know." She smiled. "Want to come over? I can show you how I make my candles."

That counted as a question, I think. "No, thank you."

She nodded. "That's fine. Maybe another time. I'd like to get to know you, Axel White." With that, she stood and left. Unlike Rykar, she was polite enough to shut the door behind her.

The cabin itself seemed to let out a sigh when the door clicked. "That was my fault, everyone. I am very sorry."

Selene wasn't quick to forgive. "That was a pretty stupid slip up. You had me worried with Rykar, letting him go on like that."

"I genuinely wanted to hear what deal he was cooking up."

John stared at the door, silent. When the visitors left, Barrow was quick to sit with him. That was John's brother, after all, that Rykar ordered around. Was this what happened to those that bought candles? I doubted it, as DeGuire couldn't have been the only one to buy one. Rykar would have a small army, I am certain. Perhaps he only brought Dan to weaken Richard's resolve. Or, perhaps it wasn't he who brought Dan, but instead hitching a ride when Richard accidentally summoned Dan with his name.

"Who is Rykar?" I asked.

Em leaned over. "The... landlord, sort of."

Richard waved an arm. "We can talk about that later. Only thing you need to know is to stay away from him. It'd be better for everyone if you ran off with Tall Ben into the woods."

"It should go without saying, too-" Em began. "-but don't go out with Amber."

"Yeah, I'm not that desperate."

"You're desperate?"

That was a poor choice in wording. "No, I mean- I wouldn't say that."

Em leaned back and gave Selene a look. I think I just suggested something I completely didn't intend, which went with the theme of my life. After all, I put myself in this place. In this valley, in this job. I didn't even know if Selene was human, or if that glance Em made towards her even meant anything. If I am honest, my dating life is the last thing on my mind when I have a giant trying to convince me that he can make milk out of a few pounds of bloody meat. I really don't want to see what kind of milk he is talking about, but I do want the deal that Tall Ben offered. One question, any question, and he'd answer it given time.

There was too much silence. "So is it always this active, working at The Drowsy Spectre?"

"No, no." Richard seemed relieved that someone broke the silence. "I think that was all thanks to Bilgoth. You've had a rough first few days, huh?"

Considering I lost nearly a week of time to a pocket dimension, I'd say so. "I guess. What happened to the goblin, though?"

"Don't you worry about that."

And so I didn't, at least for the moment.

I did plan on writing down some of the highlights of what happened on the five days I was trapped in the valley's curse but, if I am honest, nothing major really happened. It did explain why Richard hadn't come to the shop to take care of the Goblin earlier, however; he couldn't, because we weren't there. The entire shop had been gone until it just popped back up. If I had a family to go home to, if I had anyone that mattered in my life, then I'd have been livid. Instead? I guess I am a bit curious, and a good deal scared.

Maybe I'll do a small update before work tomorrow, assuming Richard opens the shop back up. Let you know some little things that happened over the week I was gone, the five days that never happened. (Yeah, yeah. I know a week is seven days, but let me round up a bit). I'm having trouble writing in the dark. I keep imagining Tall Ben watching me from behind the curtains, in between the little slat where they don't quite meet. I can't focus on writing anymore, so I think I'm going to catch a nap.

Today's lesson? Don't make a deal with a candle demon, whatever the hell that is. I get the feeling Richard made the right choice, that he somehow has the advantage over the thing called Rykar. There is one person I could ask, but a few of you said not to give meat to Tall Ben. One person said it might be worth it. I'm still not sure.

I guess Bilgoth isn't a threat, so no need for my plan. Kinda disappointed, to be honest.



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Azilehteb t1_iy55ytc wrote

Ben also said he would take YOUR meat. I don’t think giving him anything is safe. You are also having trouble keeping your head when you talk to him… are you sure you can stay inside if you’re having a lengthy QandA session?

At least find a buddy to pull you back if you’re going to do this.


Amlaunla t1_iy2ecu4 wrote

Maybe ask selene more about ryker seems she might have a thing for you keep us updated op stay safe


iimE_htraD t1_iy6l9b2 wrote

I'd say get to know Barrow and eventually you could try him for answers.

STAY AWAY FROM BEN. That giant gives me the weirdest feeling, weirder than everything else you've told us. He's got evil intentions that one.


ClearlyDehydrated t1_iy29qgm wrote

I'm pretty interested - keep us updated on what happens next, OP!


robertofozz t1_iy32lhp wrote

You have to give ben the meat! Why do they need a human at all times? This whole thing seems so sketchy. Ben scarily seems like the most straight forward one there honestly. Get him on your side


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