Submitted by rosawrites t3_yvoj1e in nosleep

“I think you were grinding your teeth again last night.” My boyfriend places coffee for me on our kitchen table. It’s cold this morning, and I wrap my hands around the mug.

“Eek, that’s so weird. I can’t tell that I’m doing it. How can you tell?”

“It’s like a clicking noise, like chattering.” He passes me cream from the fridge. “It’s kind of rhythmic, too. I say it’s grinding because I’m not sure how else to describe it. It’s like you’re knocking your teeth together.” He holds his mouth open and drops it closed. It’s like nails on a chalkboard, and I shudder.

“Ugh, that is so strange. I’m going to have to tape my mouth shut or something.” He gives me a side hug.

“I still love you,” he says with a wink. He sits down, pulling out his phone to read the news. This is our morning routine, the same one we’ve had for the past year of living together.

“I wonder if it’s my retainer or something,” I continue. “Maybe I need it adjusted, or it’s bothering me in my sleep. I do actually feel like my jaw has been a bit tight lately or something.”

“Could be. You could always call your doctor.”

“Orthodontist,” I correct. “I haven’t been to one in years, though. I mean I got my braces off all the way back in middle school.”


That night, I stare at my teeth before brushing. I notice that I have some enamel wear - I’ve always had it worse than most, my dentist tells me it’s because I have an overbite, but now I wonder if I’ve been grinding my teeth my whole life, too. My boyfriend is a heavy sleeper, so the fact that he’s been hearing my teeth knocking means that it must be super loud. It gives me the creeps to think that I’m doing it unconsciously.

I look at the transparent edges on my two front teeth. I tried teeth whitening, but I feel like it almost made the enamel wear stand out more. I brush, trying not to hyperfocus my anxiety on my image in the mirror.


The next morning, my mouth is noticeably sore. My jaw feels like I’ve been chewing on gum for hours. My teeth feel ginger to the touch.

“Something is super wrong,” I tell my boyfriend. I am wincing even just opening my mouth to drink my coffee.

“I’m sorry, babe. Definitely call the doctor.” I call my dentist and ask if they have a recommendation for an orthodontist. The office can’t see me for another two days, but at least I have an appointment scheduled. They recommend I remove my retainer at night until I can come in.

“Sometimes, retainers can shift over time.” The office assistant tells me. “It can be anything from it getting knocked around to exposure to hot temperatures to biting down on it too much. It’s possible that it just needs a bit of a readjustment, but we’ll still want to take a look at you to make sure nothing else is at play.” I thank her - it makes sense, I don’t think I’ve had my retainer adjusted in 10 years.


That night, I gasp to see that my teeth look… different. The enamel wear is significantly worse than it ever has been. I am near tears. I start looking up the cost of dental caps online. It is expensive, and I feel sick with anxiety.

“It’s not that bad,” my boyfriend says, looking at my mouth. “You’re probably just stressed. Maybe you’ll feel better in the morning not wearing your retainer.”


The next morning, I am no longer in pain. Relief floods through me. I roll over, but my boyfriend is not in bed. This isn’t terribly abnormal, as he is an early riser.

“Good morning!” I grumpily mumble as I make my way to the kitchen. But there is nothing.

I head to the bathroom, wondering if he is taking out the trash or something. I freeze. There is dark red smeared around my mouth. The room smells of iron. I realize with horror that it must be blood. I realize that I am stuffed, completely and utterly full, as if I have just eaten a feast. I feel a gurgle in my belly. I open my mouth - a little clump of hair juts out of my sharp, razor-like teeth in the back of my mouth. I call my dad.

“Oh shit, how long ago did you last see the orthodontist?” My dad asks on the other line.

“I don’t know, maybe a decade?”

“Damnit, you’re supposed to go in every 10 years or the suppression wears off. Lesson learned, I guess. Any, uh, anything left of him?”

“No,” I say, sobs starting to build in my chest.

“Ok, good, it’s better that way. Don’t worry about it, let me call my guy. They’ve handled these types of emergencies before.”

“How long will it take my teeth to go back to normal?”

“Eh, now that you’ve fed, they’ll retract in about 24-48 hours. But we’ll want to have your retainer looked at just in case. And make sure you mark your calendar or something for this time 9 years from now. We don’t want this happening twice.”

I cough, shooting out one of my boyfriend’s glasses lenses. I crunch it between my back teeth, swallowing it again.

“Definitely not.”



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CzernaZlata t1_iwfkvg8 wrote

Gosh tooth problems can be so annoying m glad you got it figured out op


ambsey t1_iwfkytr wrote

Better ask for night guard, it helps you from grinding your teeth..


smuthouse103 t1_iwj6oo9 wrote

Hopefully insurance will cover it. Those mouthguards can be north of $500


krik7 t1_iwftb8o wrote

What are you? And, since it can be clearly understood that you know all about this from before (maybe since your childhood?), should you have been in relation with a human? Why didn't you go to have a relationship with someone from your own species? Isn't this a bit too much?... 💀


Unlikely-Rutabaga110 t1_iwifrak wrote

I'm assuming that their species probably isn't very numerous, and it would've been fine if OP remembered to visit the doctor, and I doubt she'll make the same mistake twice


Redditributor t1_iwje9qd wrote

It's a small mistake to make. Not everyone is going to be perfect about remembering doctors appointments and she was able to avoid any long term harm.

She can always find a new boyfriend too


QuarterInchSocket t1_iwg7dbw wrote

Yeah teeth grinding sounds like a creaky stair. They sell mouthpieces at pharmacies and department stores that keep you from damaging your teeth. If you have fillings you really ought to consider it so you don't break one loose.


Lifedeath999 t1_iwi2mbb wrote

See, this is why you should call your parents more. They can remind you of important medical procedures your forgetting.


Melodic_Preference60 t1_iwgbwzp wrote

Yeah, I grind too..I’m not of the habit of eating people thankfully, but yeah.. maybe get a night guard.


Orange__Moon t1_iwgu3l0 wrote

You knew what was happening and you didn't go sleep somewhere away from your boyfriend? I think that's called murder, regardless of the fact you were asleep. You knew what was going on and how to prevent it.


Amazing-Gap-3320 t1_iwh05up wrote

OPs dad said every decade. It sounds like they hadn’t been to the ortho since they were a child, so it may have slipped their mind. Especially since the ortho suppresses their more animalistic nature. Might’ve suppressed their memory too.


CoffeeBeanx3 t1_iwhclad wrote

OK honey you tried to fix enamel wear by BLEACHING YOUR TEETH??

Honestly I'm surprised they were stable enough to even eat your boyfriend. You don't treat them well.


Odd_Critter t1_iwfpiz6 wrote

I know a few people who deserve to, assist you... There's no coming back from digestion.


echoesimagination t1_iwieeho wrote

for future reference, i’d recommend saline rinses to provide relief for your mouth pain. warm water, spoonful of salt, swish as long as you can stand it. make sure to floss after your feedings, if you can. last thing you need is bone shards or hair slivers under your gums. trust me, it leads to a gnarly infection.


bingysolo t1_iwfvz5t wrote

This condition is known as Bruxism. I had this condition 3 years back for a long time. I took meds but nothing worked. It was completely useless. But then suddenly disappeared. Because of that my upper incisors (front teeth) have lost their shape yeah it kinda looks weird.

i can relate


FuzzyBeans8 t1_iwjgnj1 wrote

Me too , it was so bad my dentist filed down parts of my teeth so they wouldn’t catch on each other bad crack any more of my teeth. I still have it but that simple procedure helped. So far lol


TAZfromTX t1_iwjy7c1 wrote

Probably didn’t have Google Calendar reminders set up on a smart phone 10 years ago. I always forget doctor appointments if they don’t get into my Google calendar.

Next time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


FuzzyBeans8 t1_iwjh400 wrote

God this was so relatable . I always get scared when I wake up tasting blood cuz of my bruxism . I’ve broken teeth in the back . But there’s always that moment, when I taste blood upon waking, where I wonder if I’ve eaten someone or simply cracked another tooth


Recorder0000 t1_iwfuxli wrote

Nah I'm good man. Bones and l but 10 times worse.


[deleted] t1_iwgfuyn wrote

It sounds like you’re dealing with Bruxism and a dentist can help with that. I would look into mouth guards designed for this. They are comfortable and allow you to sleep without the risk


Exploding_Syzygy t1_iwhbf4s wrote

Damn you ate him? I was not expecting that lol. Pretty sure you turned into a Demon or something XD.


Wazza17 t1_iwjk1ym wrote

Go get a properly fitted mouth guard from your dentist. Or if you can’t get a mouth guard from a sports store. Any guard to protect the bottom teeth from the top teeth will be a great help to stopping the teeth grinding


oneilltattoo t1_iwjrmtg wrote

as a person who has grinded my teeth during sleep since i was a kid, like 6 or 7 years old(im now 43) and kept girlfiends as well as roomates up from the noise , even through closed bedroom doors, i feel kinda weird now.......


Kakashisith t1_iwghtl3 wrote

I wonder how much Regis liked his long teeth?


KYpineapple t1_iwhpxqz wrote

definitely not what I expected.


BigSmileyCat t1_iwjufhz wrote

I mean, this is weird place for vore... But you do you, I guess.


Victoria_eve t1_iwjunra wrote

NEVER underestimate tooth problems


BlackJeepW1 t1_iwk5v4b wrote

Thank you for reminding me to wear my night guard, I always forget 😁


koizumichii t1_iwpjt1m wrote

lol. one time my mom said i grind my teeth when im asleep. i better see an orthodontist soonest then.

i wish you the best, OP. hopefully your teeth returns back to normal soon!