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vardigr t1_iwjkbkd wrote

He barked angrily at Death when he wasn't ready yet.


Icy-Actuator5524 t1_iwjriqi wrote

Holy fucking shit… i knew something was wrong but i neglected to think of death. Its like how that one person you know who isn’t afraid of death and wants to protect you and loved ones from it (denial mostly) but after a while they succumb to the knowledge of their oncoming death. Accepting in to open arms, or in our and ops case, the wagging of his tale. I don’t want to lose pets it hurts too much.


Fireskys_Nightfall t1_iwjku0e wrote

Beautiful. Really tugged at the wounds from losing our 4 year old basset this fall. Vet didn't know what was happening and she was in such pain :( GNU all dogs who walk the rainbow bridge.


Honest_Finding t1_iwjq7to wrote

Really hit the heart strings. Ours is 15.5, but keeps surprising the vet by improving each visit


the_dog2341 t1_iwkybkg wrote

Your dog loves you so much he refuses to die. My cat was like that. Lived to 19 with arthritis and a few other problems.


nuked88 t1_iwjsw9s wrote

My boy shadow passed august the day after we came back visiting home (nyc) was his favorite place met all his old friends and my mother in law said he too one glance at the house before he got in the car, this hits home hard, but as a Buddhist I want him to leave and move onto his next life


Michicoman t1_iwkdu9b wrote

Here’s the thing, I think death was coming for the owner. The dog kept them in bed, and offered to go in the owner’s place. Boobear protected the owner, and is still protecting the owner even afterwards. What a good boy


meattenderizerr t1_iwjpkxg wrote

I have a 12 year old Aussie. Death can kick rocks. My buddy will stay with me forever.


Harbinger0fdeathIVXX t1_iwjt59g wrote

😭😭😭😭😭 I lost my sweet girl in July and this hit hard.


Wishiwashome t1_iwk0z9i wrote

They say you get one dog of a lifetime. Fortune has smiled on me and given me a few. I often wonder what great deed I did in a previous life to deserve the dogs I have been given!? RIP Boo and to all our special once in a lifetime pals, however many we have had.


deliciousomlet t1_iwjtps5 wrote

That made me sad and I don't even have pets


mmrrbbee t1_iwjmrhf wrote

always have an emergency fund if you have pets.


missjfkbg t1_iwjrril wrote

better yet insurance so an emergency fund isnt necessary…saved me about £9000 after finding out my girl had cancer, for £20/month


Username614855713 t1_iwk5moe wrote

Can confirm. Insurance would’ve saved us SOOO much when my English mastiff puppy needed leg surgery. It needed to be done so now I’m almost $20k poorer but my baby boy can go for walks with me


Smileforcaroline t1_iwkc3ys wrote

Does this mean death is coming for you too? Since he tried so hard to protect you from it. Even after he died. What a good boi. 🥹


Deb6691 t1_iwkek7y wrote

Death was ready but Boo was not. I cried for you dear friend.


_acb24 t1_iwkf1mg wrote

Stopppp😭😭 RIP Boobear💔


Tailoxen t1_iwkezc3 wrote

Gosh, aw man. Tears from me.


inthe-otherworld t1_iwkp1mu wrote

Screw you OP I’m supposed to be working but I’m crying now ;-;

My sweet girl is 12 now, hopefully I have a few more years left with her but she’s definitely slowing down. She can’t see or hear very well anymore, her teeth aren’t great and she’s going a little loopy. Losing my older dog was the worst day of my life and that was eight years ago already. I can’t bear having to go through that again with her


macromi87 t1_iwknyb7 wrote

I’m crying 😭


PartofitALL t1_iwkfgl0 wrote

Miss you boo bear 🥺❤️


gothhimbo92 t1_iwkrdcs wrote

You made me feel my own feelings. Nobody makes me feel my own feelings.


[deleted] t1_iwkwabe wrote

Oh my goodness this was amazing and I’m crying right now


mark6nas t1_iwkxc8l wrote

Just know that your little guy is at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for you to join him in the afterlife when you finally reach heaven. That's where all of the pets that we love and have lost are now waiting for us to join them.


stephanie00100 t1_iwn6j2z wrote

Dammit, this made me cry for awhile. Months ago we had to have our dog put down. He was my dog of a lifetime, followed me everywhere. Now we have another one whose a close second.


stinkybaddy OP t1_iwm0cj3 wrote

Thank you all for sharing your love for your beloved pets. My heart is so heavy knowing Boo's story resonates with so many of you. He really was a great dog.