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MurseWoods t1_iym076l wrote

Has anyone tried, or have you thought about making a giant cage to trap Miffy in?

I mean, if there are cages people keep bears, tigers or lions in, you could have something custom made. Then line it with all purple, put an even better featherbed in, and a big ol’ bowl of tuna. Then…SLAM!!!

Lock that baby up, drag it off to a spare bedroom, and feed it as needed. If you can’t kill it, you could at the very least contain it.

It could be your only hope!


beardify OP t1_iym0nki wrote

It's a good idea, but it seems to be able to slip through any crack and cover such impossible distances...what if we're wrong? I'd hate to make it angry again...


MurseWoods t1_iym2bxj wrote

I never said anything about any holes in the cage. And there no proof it can go thru solid objects, right? So I’d imagine as long as there was no oxygen supply, it might put it into a permanent hibernating state.

That is until some poor soul, many years after you’re gone, opens Pandora’s Miffy’s Box.


beardify OP t1_iym2ian wrote

Interesting! You might be right!


MurseWoods t1_iym2r7n wrote

That said… if I were in your shoes, I’d probably be terrified, also, to try anything new. God forbid the wrath of a demonic, vengeful & immortal house-tiger.


AvakinLazerith t1_iyor1vy wrote

How are they right when miffy transported into your apartment? The cat LITERALLY was in your apartment before you were 😃


wuzzittoya t1_iyqgc8z wrote

You might want to mention to Miffy that if he doesn’t lay off a little, you will never breed, and he will lose his built-in caters. 🤔


acarp52080 t1_iypf0hs wrote

This may be a dumb idea but hear me out, in older horror movies (think Godzilla like) the only way everyone lived is due to another monster coming to fight Godzilla. You are on reddit/nosleep perhaps find a penpal with a hellhound and have ya a little "playdate"??


beardify OP t1_iyq52ez wrote

That's a creative solution... I'll have to see if I can find someone like that!


QueenMangosteen t1_iym5g2p wrote

I don't think Miffy will fall for that. But on the off chance you do manage to trap it. Don't leave it in the bedroom, throw it into volcano. Or the bottom of the Mariana trench.