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Katters8811 t1_j0dgks5 wrote

Most people do, but many people do not. Especially when buying online a house that is far away from your current living area. I don’t know anywhere that it is actually required for the buyer to ever HAVE to view the property in person themselves before buying. It’s just generally kinda common sense to not buy a whole property without seeing it yourself first at LEAST once... and frankly, I’d recommend multiple times for significant periods. Different days of the week/ times of day. Can’t tell you how many people I have heard of who bought a new home then didn’t realize till they moved in and it was too late that something happened that would’ve been a deal breaker (ex: loud as heck train/planes going right by and shaking the whole building every evening at 9p or some such thing that the agent trying to sell never disclosed and never took the buyer there when it would occur for them to witness lol)