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PocahontasBarbie t1_j2azsms wrote

Oooh Esmerelda makes my blood boil. Being mean to a sweet young adult and lying about everything. I hope karma gives her what she deserves. I'm happy you were there to be Elizabeth's voice.


CreepyBunBunny OP t1_j2b0q0e wrote

I'm glad too. It was probably my scariest..second scariest(?) interaction with a ghost, though.


PocahontasBarbie t1_j2b13fs wrote

Maybe when you are ready you can tell us about your scariest if it's not too traumatic.


CreepyBunBunny OP t1_j2b1six wrote

Maybe one day. It retrospect it isn't even that scary, it was just my first. But yeah, maybe one day.