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The_gay_hooman t1_j1r6vxg wrote

Oh my… I sincerely hope that there is some kind of way that you might reverse this. Maybe the addresses have answers? Or they might try to kill you… if either of those scenarios happen I wish you the best.


thatsnotexactlyme t1_j1r88ah wrote

i think, given the wife’s head is in his freezer, she’s gone for good.


The_gay_hooman t1_j1r9hq6 wrote

Well, I don’t think it could fix her, but it may be able to help the other families and his children.


GrantGorewood OP t1_j1rfok7 wrote

My wife Kelly and our dog Bo are both gone, Kelly’s head is in the motel freezer fridge unit, oddly it has not lost any of the one inch ice coating.

The best I am hoping for now is answers. If somehow I find a way to reverse what happened, and by some miracle even one of my children is alive under the ice; I’d cry in joy for days.

Right now the only potential clues lie with the address and phone number of the ice block delivery company. I’m going to try to call them tomorrow, and if that fails visit the location in person.


The_gay_hooman t1_j1rmsu8 wrote

The ice might be something supernatural, just like the ice sculptures? I hope that you can find an answer of some kind, and maybe even a way to kill the vile things that frosted over your neighborhood. Best of luck OP.