Submitted by Coureherritt t3_zuxb57 in nosleep

I 32M and my beautiful wife 29F have 2 kids, 9M and 8M. This year has been really good for me financially, so we decided to go all out for christmas, our kids still believe santa is real, and they have been behaving really well this year.

All in all, the boys got around 15 presents each this year, give or take one.

We all woke up this morning to open them, and everything was going fine, the kids were really excited, playing with all their new toys, showing them around.

Then my wife nudged me on my left side. "You put that there?" I looked at her with a confused expression. "Put what where?"

She looked at me, bobbing her head to one side. "That one." She pointed out with her finger. There was a small red wrapped box almost hidden behind the tree.

"Hmm, no I didn't.." I answered her honestly, because I honestly hadn't.

"Shall we see what's inside?" She sounded excited, meaning she thought I really did get it.

"Wait!" I don't know why but I had a very bad feeling about that box.

"What?" My wife looked back at me, even our kids were now looking. "Let's not open that one.." I said in a hushed whisper.

"Which one?" Our kids asked simultaneously.

I sighed loudly, my wife giggled.

"Shall we see what's inside?" She asked the kids, who giggled excitedly and they all skurried over to the hidden box. I shook my head and watched as they unwrapped the paper and found another neatly wrapped box.

"This will take a while, I'll go have a smoke." I told my wife, and walked out of the house.

I checked my phone, mainly because we were supposed to visit some extended family today in the afternoon, but I found a message from an unknown number. "I hope you like what I left under your tree ;)"

"Who is this?" I messaged back, and took another puff, at the same time I got a message from my wife, it was a picture.

"What is this?" She asked in the caption. My heart dropped. "Run out of the house." I began typing, but it was too late. A loud explosion roared behind me, I was blown away across the street.

My ears were ringing and my head was spinning, but still, I had to do something. I ran back inside the now burning house, that had begun to fall apart, screaming my wife's and my kids names.

I heard some muffled cries coming from the bathroom, and thats where I found my 8 year old.

"Where's mommy and your brother?" He was unresponsive, clearly in shock. I carried him out of the house and tried to go back in, but my neighbours wouldn't let me.

The fire department arrived shortly after, and after an extensive search only found their remains.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. "We still expect to be repaid what we're owed." Then everything clicked into place, I knew exactly who this was, and why. My blood was boiling. However after reading their following message, it turned ice cold.

"Or this surprising survival of your son will turn into your worst nightmare."



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SpaghettiKeysMcGee t1_j1p0dsb wrote

I’m sorry for your loss but if you spoil your kids with 15+ presents each, something like this is bound to happen.


Wishiwashome t1_j1oyuu5 wrote

What exactly did you do for your financial gain this year? Or who did you do it to?


alberThor_PR t1_j1pfkpi wrote

That’s Angelo Grotti trying to scare Michael Scott into buying his insurance


thatsnotexactlyme t1_j1nkkyq wrote

give ‘em ur son and RUN! it’s too late for him now, don’t get involved…


thatsnotexactlyme t1_j1nnww4 wrote

wait wait … does this have to do with the lucid dreaming guy???


abduladhlazeez t1_j1ph54w wrote

Damn. Feel sorry for you man but you really should have paid back whatever you owned... Seeing as how they got into your house to place the gift in the first place, I recommend you repay whatever ASAP