Submitted by Knowwhohehe t3_zea85e in nosleep

I’m a student at a university in the UK and have been for two years now. Last year and this year I have been living in student halls which for anyone who isn’t familiar with the term is student accommodation.

During my first year I was on the second floor of the block of flats I was living in and never experience anything weird. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that freaked me out. However, now in my second year I’m in a different block of flats and this time I’m on the 3rd floor. The highest floor in the block with only another floor above for storage rooms. No one lived up there which is important to note. The only people that go up to the 4th floor are maintenance and cleaning during the hours of 7am and 5pm.

When me and my friends first moved into this flat we noticed that we could hear weird noises above at night when we were going to bed. Sounds like chairs being scraped across the floor or just furniture in general being moved as well as what sounded like people running up and down the corridor, loud and heavy steps. Didn’t think much of it at first as we didn’t actually realised the 4th floor didn’t have people above us.

Before I get into the details properly a little timeline is that we moved in Sep 2022. Started hearing noises a couple of weeks after we moved in and then it was the middle of October so quite a few weeks later that I was woken in the middle of the night (2:45/3am) to what I can only describe as a sound of something large and with a bit of weight about it being thrown across the floor above me. It startled me as it jumped me awake. That’s the first time I felt a bit creeped out by it as I wondered what on earth people were doing in the flat above us at that time.

Not only had it woken me up that night but it had woken my friend up too who had come through to me asking if I had also heard the noise. The next day we contacted our head resident of the block and asked if she would have a word with the people above us to keep the noise down during the night as we like to have a good time as much as anyone but not at 3 in the morning especially when we have full days of classes the next day. This was when she informed us that there wasn’t actually anyone in the flats above us and that it was all storage rooms and a cleaning cupboard. This information clearly freaked us out as the noises we were hearing obviously shouldn’t be coming from a storage cupboard!

From this point we didn’t really know what to do so we just had to kind of get on with it. By weird coincidence, the next week we required maintenance to come out and have a look at our fridge which had stopped working and we asked him if they happen to go up to storage in the middle of the night or Security as we had been hearing noises in the middle of the night but they were adamant that no one was going up there past 5/5:30 at night but he was happy to go up and have a look to see if there was a trapped bird or something which would he making all the noise. 30 minutes later he reported back that there was nothing but one of the big storage shelves had collapsed so that could have been what we heard. We got some comfort from that and moved on.

After that we didn’t heard the noise again for a while until the middle of November when it started back up again. This time it was more obnoxious - things being thrown, scraping, running, banging on things, dropping heaving objects on the floor so it it sounded like a person was about to fall through our ceiling. It was more annoying than creepy at this point. We then decided that going up to the fourth floor to see for ourselves would be a beneficial option.

We got up there and it looked just the same as our floor except there was just locked doors. We couldn’t get into any of them and that was that. There was nothing there that could have answered any of our questions so we got back into the lift to go back down to our floor but as we were leaving it we heard a sound coming from one of the locked rooms. It was like a scratching noise when your dog is scratching the door to get out or dragging your nails down a hard surface. We stopped to listen but the scratching got harsher so we took our leave. We have seen horror movies and we aren’t stupid.

We reported the noises to the accommodation staff and they checked it out, came back with nothing once again. We came to the conclusion after that we weren’t going to get answers so we left it once again and just had to deal with the noises we were hearing.

Now we are at the start of December and it’s getting worse which is why I’ve come here. The noises have gotten worse but me, as well as all of my friends have admitted to hearing scratching noises coming from our hallway in the middle of the night. We all lock the doors at night so it would be impossible for anyone to be getting in the flat. At first we thought one of us was just winding each other up and trying to freak us out but after we have all admitted to hearing the noise we have now realised that it isn’t one of us.

A couple of days ago we all stayed up in my room to see if we could hear the noise and prove it wasn’t one of us making the noise and sure enough around 2/3am we heard the scratching. At first it was distant like it was at the front door and then got louder as if someone was dragging their nails along the wall and it stopped right outside of my room. It’s safe to say we were all freaked out and called security who came up and found nothing except me and my friends clutching each other.

It happens every night now and we don’t know what to do. We don’t know what it is and clearly no one else is experiencing this either. We are desperate for some advice to what’s going on. And although none of us are saying it but if whatever is doing this can make it’s way into our locked and secure flat then surely it will be able to make its way into our locked and secure bedrooms too?

Any advice would be helpful!



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xBigSister1988x t1_iz62o00 wrote

Sorry OP, but fuck all of that! I know it's not easy, but you and your friends need to find new accommodation ASAP. Or head home for Christmas break now (if you can) and sort new digs while you're away. Be safe!


Knowwhohehe OP t1_iz9zlgx wrote

Only problem with that is that we have signed a years contract so we would still have to pay for the flat we are in just now as well as a new one


missingkeys88 t1_iz597sl wrote

I personally would do a protection spell of your choosing. It can be a Christian blessing but I would protect yourself, it sounds like a ghost to me.


Knowwhohehe OP t1_iz5b3xh wrote

What confuses me though is that these blocks are relatively new. They aren’t old and haven’t been here for that many years so where would a ghost come from do you think?


missingkeys88 t1_iz69bar wrote

It could have been there before it was built from the land, or someone brought it.


Tasty_Spray9491 t1_iz7vkbd wrote

You say it happens around the same time of night, why not huddle in the same room again but this time set up your mobiles on video call. A couple of you leave your phones in the hallway and at the entrance, then securely sit in one bedroom and watch on the other mobiles or even better, on a laptop / PC. Be sure to record everything.

Webcams and Wi-Fi cams are really cheap so that would be a better option.

But if I were in your position then I would face it head on, there is a group of you against this one thing. It’s better to be the predator rather than the prey.


Knowwhohehe OP t1_iz9zo3x wrote

That is a useful idea! Thank you for that.

We are going to try it and will update!


ricmii t1_iz70wim wrote

I don't wanna sound dumb but is it possible that it's just some druggie students who got key/access to the storage rooms and are just having hard drugs everynight resulting in their abnormal behavior of scratching the floor and making things fall!


Knowwhohehe OP t1_izdnbpf wrote

Maybe but there’s cameras in the hallways and security walking around 24/7 so they would have seen them I’m sure


Trips-Over-Tail t1_iz7keby wrote

The only way to deal with a haunting like this is with petty tit-for-tat. Move your own furniture, bang on the ceiling, start an air horn calibration business. They're clearly active late into the night, so an early morning start ought to send a message.


oneeyecheeselord t1_izbyh12 wrote

Sounds fair. If the ghost wants daytime naps then the ghost should be respectful of people who want to sleep at night.


Independent_Roof_607 t1_iz79kqn wrote

Could it be possible that it's a gag maybe someone trying to get you guys to move out or one of your friends got someone outside of the group to do the scratching just to scare you guys


Knowwhohehe OP t1_izdneq6 wrote

I’m my friends are all just as scared as me to be honest so I doubt it