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stonedoblivion t1_j1pck0u wrote

So you're a zombie girl now? I'm kinda intrigued lol


abastreusmonzuzu OP t1_j1pcphn wrote

Indeed. And thank you! It turns out, you don’t lose all of your intelligence when you become a zombie. Unless the before picture didn’t have much intelligence to begin with. I bet they’d be a pretty lousy zombie. Like the one I had an encounter with.


stonedoblivion t1_j1pd1x1 wrote

You're welcome! That's very interesting. Yeah you may be right there. So, is there something comparable intelligence-wise? Like in a movie or something? Are you still pretty mobile or do you shamble? How bad is the decay?


abastreusmonzuzu OP t1_j1pd7mx wrote

Thank you! I haven’t actually seen many zombie movies, I’m sorry! I feel as intelligent as before. I guess I was waiting for my brain to just give up. Maybe that’s the final stage and I was wrong, though I sincerely hope not! I shambled a bit a moment ago, but only because I was sat down for too long, lol! The decay’s pretty nasty. I’m all green now. I look like a giant booger, basically, lol! Thanks for asking!


stonedoblivion t1_j1pdzsw wrote

You're welcome! It's ok, no worries. That's good that you feel the same intelligence, I'm happy for you. Ooooh hope not either. Lol. You're welcome again. It's new for me to talk to a zombie. Witches, Vampires, eh I'm used to those. But a zombie girl? That's all new


abastreusmonzuzu OP t1_j1pe2v1 wrote

Thank you! It’s pretty much talking to a human, I bet. But like…Cooler. Unexplainably cooler. /j


stonedoblivion t1_j1qbjz0 wrote

You're welcome! Yeah, and I'm learning new zombie stuffs. I've always been fascinated by the darker aspects of life. And it could be cool to have a zombie friend :).


abastreusmonzuzu OP t1_j1rbv74 wrote

I will be your zombie friend! :D


-AbracadaveR- t1_j1rg28e wrote

Can I have a zombie friend too? I don't know if your kind of monster and my kind of monster usually get along but I'm willing to find out. And it would be great to have a hunting partner with a similarly dark sense of humour; I've never had one before, sense of humour or no, and it seems like it could be fun sometimes.

We can also split our kills, which would cut down on the risk for both of us, as well as the practicality of sharing since we both kinda order the same meal but only consume a specific part of it - but not the same part, so no worry about competition there, and less is wasted.

Personally, I only need the blood and the actual kill itself. It's a... it's a Thing™? I don't know. But yeah, you seem a bit more omnivorous than I, which, given the dangers inherent in the process of procuring the means to satiate our respective dietary requirements... I mean, to me that says we could be quite the efficient team, no?

So. Zombie friend?


abastreusmonzuzu OP t1_j1rglhz wrote

Absolutely! I would love to be your zombie friend! I gave you an award too. You’ve got a way with words, my monster friend!


-AbracadaveR- t1_j1rm0ij wrote

Thank you so very much, that is one of my favourite compliments! How did you know? (Is it the brains? It's the brains, right?)

It's also a compliment I can and will gladly give to you in turn. Your writing is a pleasure to read and your voice is wonderfully distinctive. I'm looking forward to more of your work that I'm sure I'll really be able to sink my teeth into.

(I'm so sorry, lol, I know it's a terrible pun and I don't even like puns but I kinda had to.)

I think I'm going to enjoy my new zombie friend. And I thank you for the award! Nice choice, too. 🖤


abastreusmonzuzu OP t1_j1rm668 wrote

You’re very welcome! It must be. The more brains I consume, the stronger mine becomes.

Thank you so much, fellow monster friend, that warms my dead heart!

I’m so glad to hear it! 🖤

Edit: and thank you for the award fellow well-spoken monster friend. :D

Edit: and thank you for my dinner!


-AbracadaveR- t1_j1rqdd4 wrote

You are, of course, most welcome. You should drop by some time, I know quite a few people who would be a thousand times more bearable either posthumously or with nothing but air between their ears. No-one would notice as long as you put the top of the skull back in place.


stonedoblivion t1_j1rgul5 wrote

Yay! I have a zombie friend :D. And the song "I walked with a zombie" by Wednesday 13 just popped in my head lol


abastreusmonzuzu OP t1_j1rh9i0 wrote

I will have to listen that for sure! Can’t believe I haven’t heard it. I have to appreciate my zombie culture more, lol!


stonedoblivion t1_j1rqyt9 wrote

Yeah hes one of my favorite artists. Horror rock. That one, happily ever cadaver, miss morgue, I want you dead. Hes got a lot of good stuff. Lol yes never hurts to appreciate the culture.