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bluenova088 t1_j1khw3t wrote

Hey!! Not all of us were part of the " highest concentrations of human shit that our species" ...some of us were ICE, (Incarcerate Cant Eliminate)....and the "thing" you faced was a Ch'ronithan- extra dimensional beings of similar species to the Djinn. But unlike Djinns Ch'ronithans are feral, they dont understand logic at all and live only for the sake of eating (human brains being their favorite ) and any creature they eat the brain of, they can use the carcass as a puppet (by vomiting out an etherial fluid from their mouth into the skull cavity....humans have no technology to sense it other than magnets acting weird near the apparent clear cavity- try it if you want to verify my words)

How do i know all these? I caught the one that escaped for your government. I had taken it near the portal while it was knocked out hoping to send it home when it woke up, but nooooo...your agents swooped down on me.....they took my reluctance to fight humans as weakness and detained both me and the Ch'ronithan....Well big mistake :P they soon realized my shackles were there not because I as a prisoner, they were there to keep others safe, and I myself had put them in place. And lemme tell you there is a super easy way to break that labyrinth trick of yours, and trust me , I held back doing it.....I just took out those among my guards that did "not so nice" things in the battlegrounds and ignored the others, and once they realized nothing really worked on me , they ran....yup!! towards the nearest exit and i just followed.

Now let me tell you what will happen next...Ch'ronithans are not smart at all...but they had an instinct will continue creating puppets till it reaches its limits and once it reaches limits, their species will know and more of them will follow through the portal and they will continue making puppets until they take over the world and move to the next