Submitted by Thrawn911 t3_zwe7fs in nosleep

It had been a week since my wife started acting strange. At first, I thought it was just stress from work or something. But as the days passed, her behavior became more and more peculiar. She would talk to the walls as if she was having a conversation with someone, and she would forget things that had just happened a few minutes earlier.

I tried to dismiss it as nothing, but deep down I knew something was wrong. I asked her if everything was okay and if there was anything she wanted to talk about, but she just brushed me off and said she was fine.

One night, as I was lying in bed, I heard her talking in her sleep. It was a guttural, unnatural voice that sent chills down my spine. I woke her up, but she had no memory of what she had been saying.

I tried to get her to see a doctor, but she refused, saying that there was nothing wrong with her. I began to worry that something more sinister was at play.

One night, as I was getting ready for bed, I noticed that she was standing in the corner of the room, her eyes fixed on the wall. "Who are you talking to?" I asked, but she didn't seem to hear me. She just stood there, muttering to herself.

I knew that something was terribly wrong. I knew that I had to find a way to help my wife, even if she refused to admit that there was a problem. But as the days passed and her behavior became more and more bizarre, I began to wonder if I was already too late.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something evil had taken hold of her. I tried to keep a close eye on her, but she often wandered off on her own, muttering to herself and ignoring my calls to come back.

As the days went on, her physical appearance began to change as well. Her skin became pale and clammy, and her eyes took on a dark, hollow appearance. She seemed to be losing weight at an alarming rate, and her once vibrant hair was now dull and lifeless.

As her behavior became more and more erratic, I noticed other strange changes in the house as well. The birds and insects in the house began to behave oddly as well. The birds, which were usually so full of life, now sat motionless near the windows, their beady eyes fixed on us as if they were watching our every move.

The insects were even worse. They seemed to be drawn to us, crawling over our skin and then disappearing. I tried to brush them away, but they always came back, as if they were drawn to us like moths to a flame.

One day, as I was working in the garden, I saw a shadow pass across the ground. I looked up and saw a group of crows gathered on the branches above me. They seemed to be watching my every move, their eyes were cold and unblinking.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something evil was at work here, that my wife and I were being watched and manipulated by forces beyond our understanding. I knew that I had to do something as soon as possible before it gets much worse.

As more days went on, the strangeness in my home only seemed to increase. Black, twisted plants and mushrooms began to sprout from the walls and floors, their vines creeping across the surfaces like tentacles.

The plants gave off a sickly sweet smell that made my head spin, and the mushrooms seemed to pulse with a dark, malevolent energy. I couldn't shake the feeling that they were alive, that they were watching me with malicious intent.

I tried to get rid of the plants, but no matter how many I pulled up, more seemed to take their place. It was as if the house itself was trying to consume us, to drag us down into its dark, twisted depths.

I knew that I had to find a way to escape, but I couldn't leave my wife behind. She was still under the spell of whatever evil force was at work here, and I couldn't bear to leave her alone in this nightmare.

As I stood there, surrounded by the twisted plants and mushrooms, I noticed something strange on my hands. Black lines, thin and writhing like vines, seemed to be creeping across my skin.

I froze in horror as I realized that the same evil force that had taken hold of my wife and the plants in the house was now taking hold of me as well. I could feel it pulsing through my veins, trying to consume me from the inside out.

I knew that I had to find a way to break the spell, to rid myself of this darkness before it consumed me completely. But as the vines continued to spread across my skin, I kept thinking that it was already too late, that I was doomed to be consumed by this evil forever.

Today, I decided to sit down and talk with her.

“Listen,” I started the conversation, “I don’t know what’s going on in this fucking house, but it’s not normal. You’re acting strange, there are fucking black plants and mushrooms growing from the concrete, and even the birds are watching me. And I’m going crazy because of these insects constantly crawling on my skin like I was a smelly piece of shit. Please, just tell me what’s happening.”

“You couldn’t understand this, Max,” she said, looking at me. Her eyes were black, I couldn’t move in my chair. I was scared, I felt like I was gonna die at that moment. “It’s something far greater than you could imagine. It’s so big we’ll never understand this.”

“Never understand what?”

“Everything is under the Supreme God’s control.”

“Who the fuck is the Supreme God?” I raised my eyebrows. “Honey, you’re an atheist.”

“He will turn us into something greater than humanity. We can’t control this.”

Her voice became deeper with every sentence. I noticed a fresh scar near her ear, but instead of blood, there was a black liquid in it. I showed her the black things on my hand.

“What’s this? Is it some kind of cancer?” I asked.

“Yes, it will turn you into some dark, liquid matter that humanity doesn’t know about. You can’t escape it, that’s how it is.”

“And how do you know about this? It was you who started this? Or did the Supreme God find you?”

“The Supreme God is so great he can’t interact with us, unimportant beings. His servants, however, can. They’ll turn us into something great. You can’t escape it, I can’t escape it, humanity can’t escape it. You, me, your mother, your father, your brother…”

“I don’t have a brother,” I interrupted her, quickly standing up from my chair. “My father is dead. And you… you’re not my wife.”

She stood up too. It was not my wife. Someone or something was pretending to be my wife. And it opened its mouth, screaming. It was a terrifying scream. Her mouth opened much larger than human anatomy allows it. I prepared to die right there.

Her face started to collapse, her arms became floppy, and the thing that looked like my wife, slowly transformed into some unrecognizable, deformed black mass with multiple long arms coming out of it. Its head was horrifying.

Somehow, my survival instincts kicked in, and I ran into the basement, then immediately closed the door behind me. I could see the black, fluid arms reaching under the door. I quickly sprinted downstairs, but now the insects are trying to crawl on me again. I found some bug spray, but it didn’t kill them.

I hear that thing’s horrible screams from upstairs, and I’m writing this hoping that I could get some help because I can’t escape from here. Oh man, the black plants are here in the basement too. And the thing on my hand grows bigger, slowly covering my whole arm. I just hope my wife is okay, and that thing didn’t kill him. If I can’t make it alive, I hope at least she can. Shit, this fucking place is full of insects.



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markuzk t1_j1u44i5 wrote

You’ll be right mate 👍


EducationalSmile8 t1_j1vde3s wrote

You shouldn't have gone into the basement... Should have bolted for the main door.. You basically locked yourself in... Good Luck !


krik7 t1_j1utckv wrote

You have noticed all of these quite long ago, why didn't you act sooner? You should have left... But you just stayed... Never seeing a doctor, never talking and showing what's happening to both of you to your friends and family... What do you expect now? A miracle? That thing is hard to come by... You should have known better...


kaleflys t1_j1w09ty wrote

OP, this is why when people die in horror movies we laugh and say it’s unrealistic, although you’re just perpetuating that stereotype. you should’ve left the second things got weird, gone to a hotel and called the police or an ambulance for your “wife.” as soon as the insects or birds were acting weird o would’ve been gone. now it’s to late for you, you must now serve the supreme god.


ConclusionBorn7926 t1_j1ubqt6 wrote

Nah bro. Positively saying, that thing is right, u can escape sheeeet. Cuz were human after all