Submitted by Coureherritt t3_zz65np in nosleep

I truly apologise for anyone unfortunate enough to stumble upon this post, and reading it.

I messed around with things that are best left untouched. I mocked the devil himself and now he's going to kill me.

It all started when my friend brought over that cursed board to my home.

I was fresh out of a relationship, hurting, upset. Lily wanted to cheer me up, so she brought over a ouija board, which she thought to be a silly game. I am a believer of the occult, so I really didn't want to play, I really didn't want to invite anyone or anything into my home. But she convinced me. So we did, the two of us.

I fetched a couple dollar store candles from my attic, lit them up. We turned off all the lights, placed the board on my coffee table, and began playing.

"If there are any spirits that would like to contact us, please move the planchet to yes." Lily said while moving the planchet in a circular clockwise motion on the board. Once she stopped moving it, the planchet began to move towards yes. I got the chills.

"Are you sure it's fine to play this game?" I asked her, feeling less confident each minute.

"Yes, of course, cmon, have some fun!." I noticed the planchet moving again, even though we didn't ask any question. It moved to F, then U, then N. "Fun." Lily said.

"What does that mean?" Lily asked. The planchet didn't move.

She shrugged and asked another question. "What's your name?" The planchet moved to Z, then O, and I held my breath, fearing the worst, but instead of moving back to Z, the planchet moved to E, and then stopped, I took a deep breath. Lily gave me a weird look, then asked again. "How old are you?"

The planchet moved to 1, then 9. "19." I said under my breath.

"How did you pass?" This time I asked the question, getting into it the game a little more.

The planchet didn't move. "It seems like she won't answer questions she doesn't like." Lily said, and then spoke to the board. "Did you live in this house?" The planchet moved to yes.

"When?" I asked. It moved to 1, then 9, then 7, then 2. "1972." Lily said thoughtfully.

We continued on asking generic questions and getting generic answers, when we asked things more personal, things about her death, she'd not answer. Eventually we decided it was time to end the game and said goodbye.

After Lily left I was still left curious on the previous residents of my house. So I googled it, I googled about my house, about Zoe, about 1972, but my county was large, and many things happened in 1972, so it was almost impossible to narrow it down. I also couldn't find anyone by the name of Zoe. I know spirits lie, so I assumed whoever we communicated with did so too.

Lily came over again the next day, and offered to continue the game, as reluctant as I was, I obliged and we set everything up again. We got into contact with Zoe again, this time however the whole thing seemed off. I was getting chills all over and felt really uneasy. I kept hearing creaks and various other house noises. At one point I even heard a loud bang, but Lily claimed she didn't.

After we ran out of generic questions, we began asking about random things, like at one point Lily asked if Zoe can see or predict the future, to which Zoe responded with yes.

"Can you tell me then if I failed my math exam last week?" She asked all giggly, excited about this new revalation. The planchet moved to yes. "Okay, did I fail my math exam?" Lily asked. The planchet moved to no, and Lily cheered, taking her hands off the planchet, my heart dropped. "Lily!" I screamed at her. "Oops, please forgive me zoe." Lily quickly put her hands back on.

"Can you tell us the next lottery winning numbers to?" Lily asked, still giddy with excitement, I however only felt worry. Something wasn't right. The candles were going crazy. The planchet moved to yes, but then began spelling out something. I W O N T T E L L Y O U, It finally finished spelling out after a long moment. Lily looked disappointed, but then asked something horrifying. "When will I die?" "Lily!" I warned her, but it was too late, the planchet began moving. It first moved to T, Then O, then M, it kept spelling until it finally finished the word. Tomorrow. The candles went crazy as the planchet stopped moving and went out. "Goodbye Zoe." I said completely terrified, and forcefully moved the planchet through goodbye and took my hands off, relighting the candles.

"What the fuck Lily?" I asked her, I was furious.

"Oh calm down, of course I won't die tomorrow." She said. "Come on lets continue the game." Her voice sounded just a little bit off. She put her hands back on and invited the spirits again. Something answered. "What's your name?" Lily asked. I didn't have my hands on, she was playing alone. "Lily! Stop!" I shouted. The planchet moved to Z, then O. Then it repeated the sequence. I gasped. "Say goodbye!" I pleaded, Lily began giggling, the planchet kept moving back and forth between Z and O.

Then it stopped, Lily looked at me, her eyes were watery, and she spoke in a voice that didn't sound like her's. "When will August die?" I watched in horror as the planchet moved to numbers. 01, 01, 2023. then it moved to the letters and spelled out eve.

Lily giggled once more and passed out on the spot. "Lily!" I screamed as I went to her side and tried to wake her, it didn't take long and she did wake up. She couldn't remember anything after she apologised for taking her hands off the planchet. I sent her home and warned her to never bring this accursed board back into my house. She kept asking what happened, but I said nothing.

I got a call a day later that Lily's overpacked bus turned over as she was coming back from work, and she died. Just like the demon predicted.

I'm going to die in under 48 hours. I don't know what to do, or how to prevent it. I'm tempted to play the game again and beg for mercy. The demon we contacted is the strongest of them all. If only I never agreed to play that stupid game.



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mary-posy t1_j2amtmk wrote

So sorry for your loss. Take cover in a church and pray. Good luck.


ramjithunder24 t1_j2dwj18 wrote

Hide in a tibetan monestery

If the devil tries to touch you, buddha will slap it away.


Justtakeamoment t1_j29z5hi wrote

...its strong cause belief gives them strenght. You won't die.. unless its by your own choice. Spend new eve with friends and family, you'll be more than fine and upon your return home, just place salt near every entrance there be window or door, leave it 40 days the dust it off AFTER you get in touch with a priest or a monk. God is real, he will help you if you know how to ask.


Historical_Ad4703 t1_j2bid27 wrote

A salt circle..? Better try it, i think, and good luck!


MetalGearIsaac t1_j2bldjk wrote

The demon can predict the future, it’s not the one that’s gonna kill them so this won’t work.


Historical_Ad4703 t1_j2bmmk0 wrote

Exactly. But the chance of surviving it will get bigger if he’ll do something


itsatelekineticissue t1_j2cpe2c wrote

well you’ve definitely invited demons into your home and life. the absolute best option you can do is repent and pray. read up on it.


gay_syi-gui701 t1_j2dlaol wrote

Damn bruh that’s in like 3 hours 💀 enjoy the last of ur time ig


kamikake0 t1_j2a3m3r wrote

Could just be a coincidence. Good luck


hellgirlxoxo t1_j2dm967 wrote

I'll check in on this post at 00:02AM. I hope you stay alive tho good luck


Embarrassed_Pack7256 t1_j2csdzu wrote

I think you should Go to church or contact a priest and I'll pray for u and never NEVER try that again and just stay calm you won't die k? You have to keep your faith in God and pray for your well-being enjoy don't ruin your new year Lily's death could be an accident or maybe she was possibly possesed by that demon be safe


Samantha010106 t1_j2cajvt wrote

Find yourself a cross roads strike up a deal with another demon. 10 year soul contract but it stipulates that you don't die New Years. Then spend those next 10 years searching for a way out of that contract it won't be pleasant or enjoyable but it seems like your only option right now.


Yelperty64 t1_j2dzj6h wrote

Your only change right now is God my friend, may He have mercy


GoTouchGrass29 t1_j2a2qab wrote



AlvioN_518 t1_j2ef7h7 wrote

Go to mosque.. the devil hate it there


Zongohhh t1_j2dw77t wrote

Zozo el demonio


ConceptSufficient661 t1_j2e0xke wrote

It’s not out to get you, it’s taking joy in knowing your fate


sglenner t1_j2bo0x7 wrote

Make a deal with the demon, in exchange for your life.
