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NienieDreamer t1_j23u8j4 wrote

Listen here OP. It’s a defense mechanism. That’s why your mother saw scars. It’s probably something they let other people see because as you have noticed people don’t take too kindly to people mocking those with different appearances. They seem to want to feed on people with faces. Be very careful. Who knows why you’re the only one that can see them. Is there anything, any reason you can think of? Weird stuff happening in your life? A strange event?? Anything??

If your dog is okay, let him in. If you do have a concussion, be sure to sleep for only short amount of times. Take pain killers but not too much. Figure out some way to wake up every hour/half hour. Head injuries can be very very serious and it’s optimal to have someone there ti wake you up to see if you’re alright. If you seem to not remember stuff more and more then it’s serious.

Best of luck to you.


JBalentine OP t1_j24ios7 wrote

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I appreciate it.

I think you might be right about it being a defense mechanism, but if that is the case, I still don't know how they're able to do it. As for myself, life was normal until recently. The first time I noticed anything strange was when I saw that guy at the mall. I honestly can't think of any reason why I'm able to see them.

Hitch isn't here anymore. I wish he was because at least that way I wouldn't be alone.

I've been trying my best to manage my injuries, and I think your advice will help, so thank you for that.