Submitted by Firm-Principle7218 t3_zldukh in nosleep

TW: Mutilation, vomit

This is my cry for help. I am currently trapped inside Serenity Grove Asylum with no means of escape and almost my entire crew is either dead or missing. I'm writing this so maybe I can be saved or sent help. And for whatever reason, I can't call or message anyone. I know this is just some reddit thing but its my last chance. My battery is at 14% and I don't have time at all. I'll tell you all of what happened to us, just please, I beg of you, help.

I'm apart of a horror podcast group, I had always been drawn to the thrill of exploring abandoned places. With a large following of fans, our group had built up a reputation for delving into the darkest corners of the world and uncovering their hidden secrets.

Sometimes, we take viewers requests and I'm usually in charge of checking these out. Countless hours I scroll through YouTube, Instagram, and our TikTok page, looking for actual interesting or new suggestions.

Most of the time, we get suggestions like the Sally house, the Winchester Mansion, and the Amityville house. But recently there was a new suggestion, one I haven't seen before. I can't find the comment now, not even the account that commented. So I can quote the message here.

HorrorFan1932: Yoo! You should check out the Serenity Grove Asylum! Some messed up shit there!

Since I never heard of that place, I was quick to Google about it. Serenity Grove Asylum was established in 1932 by Arnold Lorenzo Treadway, for 50 years it remained open before finally being closed in 1982.

At first, this sounded like some run of the mill Asylum. Old, closed, and forgotten. Being myself, I did more research on this place. And honestly I wish I didn't, it was some of the grossest shit I've ever seen.

Apparently it was revealed that multiple human experiments were performed here. Forced conjoinment, making patients to test medicine that was unstable, and most of all, surgical.

I didn't dive into it deeper, but I had to inform my group of this finding. I think we can try to film here a bit.

Then I click the new tab button on my computer and go to search up Instagram. Then going on to the site and entering our group chat.

In there, we usually discussed our plans for the show, scripts, ideas, and most of all places. So I sent a message, and here's our full conversation for that day.

12/13/22 TRUE HORROR BOYYSSSS + girls

colbyshaw0204: Hello! Here to contact you all on a new place for us to investigate!

scarebianca: Awesome! Fill us in Colbs!

colbyshaw0204: Don't call me that

scarebianca: Roger Colbs

maevemaze1: just tell us already please Colby

frankthetank108: Tell us tell us tell us! 🙌

johnsong67: Tell us! Tell us! Tell us! 🙌🙌

colbyshaw0204: Okay okay, geez

colbyshaw0204: I found this place and I think no one explored it before! I've only seen articles!

scarebianca: Damnnnn sonn! {Attachment of just some dog with wide eyes}

colbyshaw0204: And you wouldn't believe it if I told you where I found it from!

frankthetank108: No… Don't tell me..!!

maevemaze1: it can't be, was it a suggestion

johnsong67: It was a suggestion obviously.

maevemaze1: Said it first! L John

johnsong67: When we see a ghost I'm leaving you behind first.

colbyshaw0204: Woah! Not cool John, not cool. Anyways yeah believe it or go fuck yourself, it was a suggestion lol

scarebianca: Sooo we going for sure then? Adventureeeee time? /ref

colbyshaw0204: Do you want to grab a friend Bianca?

scarebianca: And go to very cramped planes??

johnsong67: Okay nerds, let's write some scripts and plans then.

maevemaze1: Who's going to be our spooper?

frankthetank108: Sorry shit wi-fi what happened

colbyshaw0204: Also its an Asylum, Serenity Grove, although it wasn't really full of Serenity from what I found 😂😂

frankthetank108: Fill us in Colbs

colbyshaw0204: Colby. And there was human experiments

maevemaze1: Jesus! Are you serious?

colbyshaw0204: Mhm

scarebianca: Gah damn…

johnsong67: Meh, it'll be like any old place. I can be the spooper. Should I do some upstairs stuff then?

colbyshaw0204: Sure! And maybe some throwing, can't forget our classic ball trick

frankthetank108: Good! Let's write our scripts and get this shit hole on the road!

I won't elaborate further as 10% wouldn't be enough to cover our full conversation. But if you could tell that this horror group is full of shit, then congratulations! Spooper is just what we call the person who causes the weird disturbances I guess. Noises, objects, and scary things, all the spoopers doing.

After our script is finished and our tickets are bought, I pack my essentials. A charger, blanket, a change of clothing and so on. Afterwards I pack all my equipment in a duffel bag with padding inside, since the airport staff seemed to not care about expensive equipment since they broke my camera before. Anyways I'm ready to leave and leave my house. Then I just get in my car and drive to the airport.

There I'm quick to see my friends standing outside. John is smoking, impatiently tapping his feet. Bianca is on her phone and so is Maeve, and Frank is yet to arrive.

"I swear to god if Frank bails again I'm killing him! I paid for his damn ticket!" John angrily muttered, and he took a puff from his cigarette, inhaling the smoke deeply into his lungs. He held it there for a moment, savouring the familiar sensation before exhaling a plume of gray smoke into the air.

Bianca is frantically texting, "I know I know! I'm blowing up his phone right now just, stay calm please!" Bianca says, obviously under some stress.

I sigh and wave slowly, "Yoo crew, I see Frank isn't here yet… Again…" I said nervously. I look at Maeve and she locks eyes with me. But she quickly faces away.

"Just like the Goat bridge, Waverly Hills, the Queen Mary, the Bellaire house, Pennhurst Asylum, the Bermuda triangle overnight thing or whatever, and the London Tombs!! We need a new audio guy!" Bianca frustratingly said outlook, I only nodded but then, lo and behold, the man himself, Frank.

John takes another puff from his cigarette, and exhaling the same plume of smoke from before. "Took you long enough, fucking hell.." John says as he drops his cigarette and stomps on it.

"Look at ya go, littering, clean it yourself you lazy asshole, probably gonna cough up a diseased lung just by leaning over." Frank responded viciously. If it wasn't obvious from their quarrel, Frank and John don't like each other much.

Maeve spoke, "I get that your super happy to see each other, but honestly I think its time we get in line, and get to our flight."

"Yup, can't be late like last time, we got a video to make!" I agreed.

And so we walked. And eventually boarding our plane. We decided to talk for some time during our ascent from the plane.

"Good evening spook lovers and thrill seekers" I said, my voice filled with excitement. I follow up, "Can't wait to explore the asylum right? I see the excitement on your faces!" I say sarcastically. Really the only terrible thing was the flight.

Maeve nodded, a look of disgust on her face. "It's truly a horrifying place... The experiments they did on the patients there were just cruel and unethical! And the fact that they even did experiments on children is just… Sickening.."

Bianca chimed in, her voice shaking with anger. "I know. And the way they treated the patients was just inhumane. It's a good thing that the place was shut down."

John, who had been quietly listening, spoke up. "Didn't you hear? The doctors responsible were never found apparently, maybe they haunt the asylum haha!"

Frank sighed, facing towards John. "Ghosts don't exist, neither demons or anything."

Maeve looked shocked and spoke, "Not true! We will find a supernatural experience!"

Frank scoffed, "Mhm, says the person who brought up the spooper idea in the first place."

"Can we all just calm down? We are friends! So let's act like ones please." I piped in. It seemed that everyone just didn't want to speak after, we didn't talk for the flight and our descent.

I can skip the boring parts, we slept at a hotel, unpacked our equipment, and headed for the Serenity Grove Asylum in our rented van.

As we all piled into the van, I could already sense the tension in the air. Frank and John were bickering about something, their voices rising over each other as they tried to be heard. I sighed and shook my head, already kinda hoping that Frank didn't show up after all.

Maeve and Bianca were trying to calm the situation down, but their efforts only seemed to be making things worse. I could see the frustration on their faces as they tried to reason with Frank and John, who were too caught up in their own argument to listen.

I decided to take matters into my own hands , I pulled over to slam the brakes, and I stepped in between the two of them, holding up my hands in a calming gesture. "Hey, hey, let's all just take a deep breath and calm down, okay?" I said, trying to keep my own voice level and controlled.

Frank and John both looked at me, their eyes filled with anger. But for a moment, at least, they seemed to pause and listen to what I had to say. "We're all friends here, right?" I continued. "We're on this trip together, and we should be enjoying ourselves, not arguing like this."

Maeve and Bianca nodded in agreement, and slowly but surely, the tension in the van began to dissipate. Frank and John grudgingly apologised to each other, and we all settled down for the rest of the ride.

As we arrived at the entrance of the asylum, the air was heavy with a sense of foreboding. The once grand building was now little more than a crumbling ruin, its windows shattered and its walls covered in graffiti.

First, we grabbed the stuff we left in the trunk. Headlamps, flashlights, cameras, phones, and some water. We also brought an EMF, Spirit box, and some GoPROS.

Then we started recording the first shot of our video. Our fans like it when Bianca starts, we know from our comments calling her funny or interesting, so we usually let her do that stuff of course.

Maeve holds the camera still, Frank sets up his audio, and John just watches as he is somewhat our director I guess.

I think its just because he doesn't want to anything, he's really lazy.

I'm the editor so I just watch.

"Aaandddd action!" John yells, and Maeve starts to record.

"Whats up the Spook Crewwwww!! We are back with you all in another creepy run down place!" Bianca says smiling.

She continues, "And GAAHH DAAMN!! This place is craaazyyy, I don't think the ToS will let me explain what happened so you can either search it up… Orrrrr watch our video on Patreon! Feel free to also join our community to unlock cool emotes and see some of our videos early ,enjooooooyyyy!!~" Bianca takes a deep breath of air.

"And cut! Fantastic work as always Bianca." John says and Maeve stopping the recording. Maeve also follows up.

"For reals! Great work girl!" She says enthusiastically.

Frank sighs , and puts his audio recording device down.

And I only nod.

John seems to glare at both of us, "Fine then, don't talk, let's get our show on the road peeps!"

We cautiously made our way inside, our footsteps echoing through the empty corridors.

"Gah damn, creepy…" Bianca said. And I chuckled a little.

Bianca looked at me and smiled, "What? Think Gah damn is funny Colbs?"

I look somewhat frustrated, "Don't call me Colbs, I hate being called that."

"Be for real broo.." Maeve sighs and we continue onwards.

As we explored the abandoned rooms, it quickly became clear that something was not right. The air was frigid and the atmosphere felt oppressive, as if we were being watched. Despite our attempts to lighten the mood with jokes and banter, a sense of unease settled over the group. Even our technology was going crazy, EMF was going off.

As we descended deeper into the asylum, we stumbled upon a room filled with old medical equipment. My stomach turned as I realised this is most likely the room where most experiments were held. But my revulsion was quickly replaced with fear as I heard a faint scratching sound coming from behind a closed door.

Bianca decided to joke around, attempting to lighten the mood. "Ten bucks for whoever opens the door."

Frank decided to add on to that. "Make it twenty and ya got yourself a deal!" He says smirking.

I personally didn't want anything to do with this door. This whole thing was a bad idea. We have done this same silly charade our whole life, exploring abandoned places and really only expecting homeless people and ruin. Yet here we all stand. Flashlights and phones all pointed at the door.

"Sure, twenty, go ahead Frankk!" Bianca says as she pulls out a twenty dollar bill, outstretching her arm towards him.

Frank almost looked surprised, as I suspect he actually didn't want to open the door as he is easily scared or frightened, like me. But still, he reluctantly nods and takes the twenty, approaching the door.

As he walked within a few feet of the door, it seemed as if he didn't have to. As the thing did it for him.

The thing had long, slender fingers that seemed to stretch out from beyond the door. Its skin was a sickly green colour and it had sharp, pointed nails at the ends of its fingers. Its eyes were large and bulging, and they glinted with an otherworldly intelligence. It had a mouth full of razor-sharp and gaunt teeth and a long, thin tongue that flicked out to taste the air. As it moved closer, the door behind it seemed to stretch and warp, as if the monster was somehow able to move through dimensions at will. It was a terrifying sight, and anyone who encountered it would surely be filled with fear.

Frank was frozen, we all were. John made the first move.

"Im fucking out." And so he was the first to get out of that room. And everyone else followed but me and Frank, both still.

The monster lunged at Frank, its long fingers extended and ready to tear into his flesh. I watched as Frank screamed in terror as the creature's sharp nails dug into his skin, slicing through his clothing and exposing the raw meat beneath. The monster's mouth opened wide, revealing his rows of jagged teeth, and it bit down on his arm, tearing off a large chunk of flesh. Blood spurted from the wound as he struggled to break free from the creature's grasp, but it was no use. The monster continued to rend and tear at Franks body, each bite and scratch causing more and more damage. In a matter of moments, the man was reduced to a bloody, mangled heap on the ground, his screams silenced forever. I immediately started gagging as I fucking ran. I made my way the fuck out of there as vomit flowed from out my mouth and all over my clothing.

Bianca looked at me in disgust in confusion, "Where the fuck is Frank?? What fucking happened to you?"

I pant heavily, coughing, I feel like the air has been sucked dry from my body.




"Fucking dea-"

I can't speak, I can't breathe, that thing, what is it??

Everyone looks in horror. Maeve backs up against the wall, a hole above her and camera in hand.

"No-nononononno!—" Maeve gets cut off pulled up by the monster from its lanky arms, and its long fingers easily wrap over her neck.

Maeve struggled and fought against the creature, but it was too strong for her. In a matter of moments, the creature had lifted her to the floor above and, with one swift movement, it decapitated her with its sharp claws.

Maeve's lifeless body fell back to our floor, and we heard a warped chuckle.

We all stay frozen in fear, I'm traumatised, I can't move. They got Frank and Maeve, we are all dead for sure.

John panics and starts running again. He tried his best cannot as a hand from a door reaches out and pulled him into the room, the door locking John inside.

"BIANCA, WE NEED TO RUN!!" I yelled, finally coming to senses, my breathing has no pattern, I'm scared shitless.

Bianca doesn't move, she stands still. I didn't try to get her to run. I was scared and started running too, so I ran to the exit.

But I guess fate decided for me today, the exit was blocked by debris. And I saw the thing, the monster that killed three of my friends. I don't know about Bianca yet. The monster laughs at me again, he taunts me. And then it started tapping the wall.

I can't remember it all but it was pretty long, I think it was communicating, but I don't know how. I'll be putting the tapping as just dots or whatever to make it easier. Dashes just for when he was pressing or… I don't even fucking understand.

.. .----. ...- .


-... . . -.


..-. . -.. --..--




... .... .- .-.. .-..


.-.. . .- ...- .


-.-- --- ..-


.- .-.. .. ...-


. .-.-.-


.... --- .-- . ...- . .-.


-.- .. -. -..


.- ...




.- -- --..-- -.-- --- ..-


... - .. .-.. .-..


.-- .. .-.. .-..


-.. .. . .-.-.-


-.-- --- ..-


-... .-. --- ..- --. .... -


.-- .- - . .-. --..--


-... ..- -


-. . --. .-.. . -.-. - . -..



-... .-. .. -. --.


..-. --- --- -.. --..--


..-. --- .-.


  • .... .- - --..--


  • .... .. …


.--. .-.. .- -.-. .


.-- .. .-.. .-..


-... .


-.-- --- ..- .-.


  • --- -- -... .-.-.-


--. --- --- -.. -... -.-- .


-.-. --- .-.. -... -.-- .-.-.-

Sorry that it took forever to recall. Gah damn… It walked away since then and never showed itself again. I never found Bianca or John, they are probably dead. So here I sit, back against the debris, making sure no hole is around me too.

So please, rescue me, do whatever. Send cops, no, send the fucking military, tear this place down, don't leave any of it behind. They should've tore this place down forever ago. But most of all, save me, please, help me.

1% left, and with that, I'll press the send button. I don't think I'll make it but, if you try to save me, thanks.



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EducationalRabbit89 t1_j04ui83 wrote

For people who need the morse code translation here you go:



youself20 t1_j05rn61 wrote

I really need to stop reading these right when im actually about to sleep


abitsussy t1_j08ukoh wrote

Your only option is to try and befriend it now, or try and find an open window without getting killed.