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Support-Animal t1_j29eg2g wrote

You should book a holiday away.

Get some rest.

Go camping.

Try the , I hear they are a fantastic place to stay and swap stories.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j29fe97 wrote

That's a nice thought. I'd love a holiday. But I can't right now, like, there's so much to do. I can't rest right now.

Also, camping is just as stressful! Why would I wanna sleep where there's no beds lol. I want sth more laid back. Know a good hotel? Or like a place for a spa day?


Support-Animal t1_j29psxv wrote

I hear that the Overlook Hotel is nice in the autumn, and if it's a bit far, stop over at the Bates Motel, the showers are very nice and relaxing.


Wishiwashome t1_j2c2bon wrote

Damn it, my friend! You are trying to send OP from frying pan into the fire, for crying out loud.


Kitchen-Market-7688 t1_j29k1kw wrote

Would not recommend.

Especially not because of the dude who offers you a drink and then you puke your guts out.
And then you have to chase them, wash them and put them back in. You can not imagine how much muck they pick off the ground when slithering through the woods

Seriously, just being reminded about him makes my guts squirm uneasily. No idea what is in that brew but the little snakes hate it with passion.