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reiko371 t1_j29eq2w wrote

I feel like she’ll come back for the next generation, as if Marian was her toll, but the toll will be asked again. Please be careful. I don’t remember if your siblings had children yet, but if they sleep over at your place…and you also have a child… it would be a prime moment for her.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j29fx0p wrote

That's unsettling. But you may be onto sth.

I don't have any children and I'm not sure if my siblings do. Maybe. But none of them have ever stayed over at my place. I'm pretty disconnected from my siblings, except for my little brother. Come to think of it, he does have kids but they're not at risk for different reasons. It's a long story.

Anyways, I do think Gryla is wherever misbehaving children are.


OneCore_ t1_j29lflz wrote

Well now you’ve piqued my interest

Why aren’t they at risk 👀


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j29pg06 wrote

Oh that's actually a mundane thing. See my brother fathered a bunch of kids but he's not involved with them. He only pays child support, doesn't parent. So I don't know them. Ergo, they never stay over.


IronSnail t1_j2c72zf wrote

Hit her with the Titus Andronicus and trick her into eating one of her own sons.