Submitted by Stealth_Nymph t3_zncewk in nosleep

Have you ever woken up in at night, from a sound you can barely hear, seeing a shape you can barely see in your doorframe? I've been collecting testimonies of people that have stood (or rather, laid) face to face with this entity I've taken to calling "The Door Peeper". Maybe it's not terribly creative, but it describes the thing pretty well.

An encounter goes something like this:
Sometime in the middle of night, around four or five AM, you'll hear a soft knock. Thirty seconds later begins the creaking of the doorknob, or handle, or however the door to your bedroom opens. Very slowly, the door will open, as if what's behind it is trying its best not to wake you up. Makes me wonder just how many people sleep through the Peeper's nightly visits and don't even know he visited. When the door is opened sufficiently wide, the Peeper will take a single step inside your room. He'll lean his slender, hairless body through the doorframe, and... watch. That's all he'll do. For about five minutes, he'll watch you sleep, or cower in fear if you're awake. Occasionally, hell whisper a word or two, so quiet they can easily be mistaken for the wind. Then he'll leave. He seems to have no hostile intentions, at least not if left undisturbed.

Once he closes the door, hell continue to the other rooms in your house, until he's sated his curiosity by surveying each one for those five minutes. Then, he'll disappear as quickly as he appeared. He never comes back. Not the same house, not the same people. A single visit is all you'll ever get. A once in a lifetime experience, if you will.

His visits are random, and those that have never seen him don't believe in the story, so there's very few Peeper hunters out there. People aren't too keen on letting strangers camp out their bedrooms for the possibility of some creature peering through their slightly ajar door in the early morning.

Just... one warning, though. To the braver sort among you. Don't turn on your light, or shine your phone on the direction of the door you just heard creak. If you're up late, and find yourself in a lit room when you hear the single, soft knock, immediately turn the lights out and step away from the door. Stand still for the five minutes it takes for him to leave. The Peeper... doesn't like being seen. I can't tell you what happens, or what this thing actually looks like, because I lay frozen in bed that day it visited.

Three years ago, I too was woken up by the creaking of my door. Fighting against my sleep, my eyes half-lidded, I tried to make out the figure standing in my doorframe. By the time I properly woke up, my door already closed again.
Something inside me told me I shouldn't get up, to stay in bed and pull the covers over my head. I listened to that something.

My father, however, did not. I heard his bare feet stomping on the tiled floor of the hallway, towards the bathroom. He swung it open, turned on the light, and walked towards the toilet, when suddenly- Even from my room, I could hear it. The soft knock on the bathroom door. My father, sleepily mumbling "Occupied". The door to the bathroom creaking open, and my dad's last ever words. "I said, occu-"

I never saw him again after. When I woke up the next morning, still clutching my sheets in fear, the light in the bathroom was still on. My mother asked me if I'd heard my father leave for work. I told the truth: I heard him going to the bathroom, and nothing after. It's been three years since, and the police has stopped searching for my father long ago. I don't know where he went. Ive been trying to find him, but there's no way to know where the Peeper will pop up next. And even if he did, what would I do? It's something I've spent a lot of time thinking on, but I just have no answer.

Everyone else I've been able to find with has similar testimonies, each of their experiences slightly different. A different number of doors opened before he left, a different amount of time spent before the door closed, different whispered words while he watches, or a family member or pet taken and never returned. One thing is similar in all of their testimonoes, however. One thing I haven't been able to find the meaning of. No Everyone unanimously agrees that right before the Peeper closes the door to a bedroom, he whispers: "Not this one."



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CandiBunnii t1_j0gr0zy wrote

Dudes just doing a cryptid version of House Hunters, been trying to find the perfect house for his wife and three abominations and having shit luck.

Housing market is terrible , can't blame him


azalea_sun t1_j0gi9tz wrote

Damn, I sure as hell hope I'm not the one either!


kananmunamakkara t1_j0hb2vz wrote

Jesus this is the stuff of nightmares! Wish I didn't read this while home alone 🥺 very rarely I read something that terrified me as much as this


These_Inflation9662 t1_j0jlluq wrote

Damn op, Thats crazy. Hope you'll be okay. I have a vaguely similar story (cause its about a door kinda) A couple years ago i woke up to a sound outside my front door and got up to see what it was and saw a 40 something year old guy looking through the peep hole. Freaky shit.


GroovyPotato31 t1_j0h5xy7 wrote

Ngl if I hear my door open at 5 AM, I’m loading rounds into my door, I live alone with no pets so