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smarmcl t1_j1t5h99 wrote

Other than the obvious, there's something odd about the creatures on campus. Kate always used to describe Beau as somewhat uneasy about his interactions with her, painful even. While the laundry lady was having a grand time reveling in possibilities of violence and laundry.

Why is it that none of the creatures on campus seem to experience the same discomfort that some of the inhuman at the campground described?

Which leads me to another unsettling thought. What if there is a human element behind all of this? It's just a theory right now, but it feels worse than just the inhuman trying to get the usual snack.

Keep your head on a swivel, and stay with your friends. You may not want to put them in danger, but they're already in danger just by just being on campus. You said it yourself, safety in numbers.

Edit: Totally forgot, but the laundry lady already said they (the inhuman on campus, I assume) are there for the admin's "benefit." *Shudder


Barackulus12 t1_j1t9u99 wrote

I think it might just be that a campground has a connotation with mystery in it that is reflected in which creatures show up there while a college campus is more connotative among new students with unfamiliarity and stuff along that line


Cryptid_Muse t1_j1tdoj3 wrote

I was thinking it was more that the things on the campground didn't get exposed as much to humans, the woods tend to be an isolated "get away from people" camping experience. As well as less interaction with humans.

Where as a college is constantly occupied (even just a little) and a time to explore, experiment, learn, and discover. So they have been exposed to humans more and have more immunity.


smarmcl t1_j1v28fd wrote

I'll have to look back on what Kate wrote specifically. I just picked up her books. But I'm sure there was a part where Beau explained it was painful for them to interact with humans in ways that were not as cohesive to their "rules". If anyone finds the chapter before I do shoot it my way!


Cryptid_Muse t1_j1v6e6b wrote

I remember that but not which chapter, I think it was in one of the first two books though. I also remember beau saying (in frustration) to Kate that he doesn't know everything (in reference to the other inbumans on the campground). That could just be his personal experience that it hurts, and maybe a few others on the campground confirmed it (an ally of beau's).

This is a whole new setting with different types of inhuman developed in a different environment than a campground. There may be some that are hurt by being in proximity to humans, but i don't think all will. I especially don't think the pain would apply to laundrybitch because she is more social in nature, most of the others weve seen so far are just hunting. Where as the devil and laundrybitch are more interaction based. (I don't think either can claim a victim if their target happens to behave well.)


smarmcl t1_j1xmqtx wrote

You're probably right. And as I was reminded, she did say they are there for the admin's "benefit," which may also imply another type of interaction with humans altogether.

I hate to say it, but I almost miss the inhuman from the campground. At least they were somewhat predictable at times! But I suppose Kate's experience and family history may have helped a lot in that respect.


Cryptid_Muse t1_j1xnia2 wrote

I would be more willing to visit the campground than the campus, but thats because they are predictable and survivable and kate made sure of it even before her journey began.

The campus.. I don't want to visit because it seems dangerous as going into an enclosure at the zoo. You may be smart, you may be lucky, or you may be lunch. Ashley has so far been a mix of lucky and smart and with luck her experience may make her smarter and luckier.

Given what laundry lady said.. I almost wonder if ashley is more a samwise gamgee than a frodo baggins. She's not here to be the hero, she's here to force someone else to be the hero. Grayson? Cassie? Her friend that led the former rainchasers?


smarmcl t1_j1xqol0 wrote

Yup, totally with you there, campground over campus! (Thank you Kate)

I think Ashley stepped up with the whole pencil eyeball thing, tho.

Fml I don't know what I'd do in your place, Ashley. Probably pee a little.


No_House2325 t1_j1xj1mq wrote

Didn’t she mention a few chapters back that either the Laundry Lady or Shimmering Dude said that the dean and college board control them or something?


smarmcl t1_j1xlt0a wrote

Dude, you're right. I forgot! The laundry lady totally said that they are there for the admin's "benefit" while she talks about how much she hates the flickering man. I suppose have a short memory.

*Gulp, the administration is beginning to sound more ominous than the inhuman.


HVAC-Animal t1_j2ea0vk wrote

Could be that these creatures are different because of location, college is a social environment so they may be built for that and the campground is more like venturing out into the woods where human contact is generally scarce.

Also the campground creatures appear to be older, possibly from a time when human population was a lot lower, so dealing with humans is unnatural for them.