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Sheepbird22 t1_j1t9mh6 wrote

Just spitballing some random ideas out here:

Back with the campground, Kate kept saying that cause it was turning into ancient land all the rules were more malleable and twisted, plus there were power shifts.... Here there's some sort of rules still, but (idk maybe this doesn't have any actual evidence to back it up and i shouldve thought things through more before posting) what if the campus is stuck in between being old land and ancient land? I could easily see something about students always coming and going affecting the ownership rules whoch in turn seem to be able to reset old land.

And if the campus is turning into ancient land.... administration could be trying to make themselves at the top, despite only being human.

Also, there aren't rules here like at the campground, there's no actual history being passed down. Perhaps that's enough to cause new monsters to form far more frequently than old ones?


BeardedCuttlefish t1_j27mnzt wrote

>No history been passed down

That we're aware of!

The administration definitely is definitely more privy as to what's going on. If they're controlling the narrative (the stories) in a play for dominance the suppression of the stories while maintaining a small belief in the feeding ground (rainchasers club members) fits in quite nicely as its becoming apparent one must have some belief in the spooks to be hunted by the spooks.


Tomas-TDE t1_j27w4sv wrote

I’m actually wondering if it’s kind of the opposite, if the university is newly becoming old land, or if maybe the construction of the university disturbed it’s transition process at some point. There were dangerous and aggressive inhumans at the campground but more seemed to have stronger cognitive abilities than many here and a more complex harmony along with the power struggle. The university inhumans just seem less comfortably established even without competition