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Marcos_Rock t1_j2ipk1e wrote

Call a priest ASAP! Your wife are possesed or replaced


InsanityIsFine t1_j2jc9wn wrote

Nah, sounds more like the wife has been casting spells on him ever since they met.

If all it takes for her to keep her looks is OP's hair, and maybe the odd bit of blood, assuming her personality hasn't changed I'd say just sit down and have a talk. I mean, he didn't mention any harm to his health until the spells stopped working, but hiding something for the entirety of a marriage is a big breach of trust.


Ok_Understanding6528 t1_j2kqduz wrote

Oh trust me it always starts so little and so minuscule but that was cost can add up they take more and more as you age. not just your physical features but your mental ones I used to be a prideful man someone that started their own business and made a few half decent brands and then I met...

I can't talk about her right now she's too close I'll try to contact you later if I'm able until then ask any question you want.


Nova1123 OP t1_j2kus84 wrote

We should make a group and find a solution


Ok_Understanding6528 t1_j2ky5d6 wrote

You want help or do you want to forget I will not force you to worry if you do not wish to


Marcos_Rock t1_j2k1ei0 wrote

Thinking better, you have reason. Uhm... she eat a few of him hair and begin to recover her beauty (sorry for bad grammar, not native english speaker).


Nova1123 OP t1_j2l1n7d wrote

I don’t think it just stops at her looks, it is weird but I think she influences on my feelings for her too, on the way I see things


InsanityIsFine t1_j2l29x6 wrote

Now that changes things. That would constitute a violation of your personhood and consent, making her a very dangerous, and dare I say, abusive person.

Maybe look into some spells of your own, for protection. At least to grant you the hability to get away from her/her influence safely.