Submitted by Nova1123 t3_100n3dv in nosleep

My wife and I met in high school, it was love at first sight and ten years later, we were still there, as head over heels over each others as when we were teenagers. She was perfect, life was perfect.

However, as the years went by, a routine started etching itself over us, a routine that I desperately tried to overcome by having phases, each one different from the other. They always ended up making her laugh though and wonder what will the next one be. Last month for example, I decided to go vegan, I lasted two weeks until she found me eating a pepperoni pizza (with extra pepperoni), and this week, after watching a lot of videos about it, I had on my mind to use only natural stuff in my daily life.

To reach my new goal, I bought a new boar bristles hair brush, a new coal tooth brush, a new perfume (a musk) and everything that went with it. However for the first time, I decided not tell her about my new resolution. Indeed, I wanted her to tell me by herself that I looked healthier, that my teeth were whiter, my breath smelled nicer and my hair was softer.

I hid everything on the unused cupboard in our bathroom, and for the trick to actually work, I put false blond hair strands on my brush (you can buy it quite easily at the store now), and wet my unused old toothbrush everyday.

Everything went alright for a few days, then I started to realize some strange things about my wife. She was not as beautiful as usual, her face looking pale and wrinkled, I thought maybe she was tired, so I started doing more chores around the house to help her. I noticed that her steps were heavier, sounding like she was not walking but dragging her feet on the floor, which was not like her usual fairy like walk I always found cute about her.

Then last night happened.

Usually I could sleep through anything, a war could have happened under our bedroom window that I would have not heard it, I never had any problem with it considering the fact that my wife had the lightest sleep ever and could wake me up if anything happened (it never did).

That night however I was awakened by whispers, heavy whispers, she was muttering incomprehensible things by my side, things I did not understand, and that scared me. I looked at the clock, it indicated 3:30 am, since getting married I had never woken at that time. Maybe she was a sleep talker, I thought, something I could have skipped noticing since I was such a heavy sleeper.

I turned my head to look at her and I stopped, nearly peeing myself on the stop.

She was standing on the floor on her side of the bed, her back to me. Her head was bald, not shaved, but bald like she never had hair on the first place, she was shorter, her back crooked, her long fingers dancing around covered in a red substance as she kept chanting her words over and over again.

And then she stopped.

Slowly, for what seemed like hours, her head turned, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, up until her head was facing me but her body wasn’t. I was petrified and she looked perplexed. Her mouth opened, I could not recognize her voice, it sounded like three people were speaking from her at the same time.

“Go back to sleep.”

I did as she said, going back into my previous position. I had no other solution, no other idea, so I acted, even adding in a fake snoring sound as drops of pee wet the bed and my back burst out in full sweat, feeling her eyes on me. A few seconds later, she started chanting again, I however could not relaxe one bit. I watched the clock tick until 4:10, where she stopped her ritual and went back to sleep.

This morning, I acted like everything was alright, the same way I did every morning, kissed her, told her I loved her. She smiled and giggled, I noticed her mouth was devoid of teeth.

Later that day, I watched hiding behind the door she left ajar, as she went into our bathroom, grabbed my hair brush and frowned. I watched as she grabbed some fake hair I left on it, and dropped it straight into her mouth. I watched as her frowning deepened.

My knees buckled when she glanced towards the door, her eyes catching mine. She walked to me, smiling, her face crooked, her eyes bloodshot, naturally I started walking backward. She quickly grabbed my arm, planting her nails on it until drawing blood.

« What are you? »

She was full on giggling now, « You had to escape the spell before our wedding anniversary »

I tried running away, however I could not move anymore, my whole body feeling fixated on the floor, I watched as she put her mouth on my arms, sucking the blood out of it, feeling disgusted by the sensation of her wet teeth less mouth on it.

« Don’t worry darling, everything will be back to usual soon »

She grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked it, the pain making me yelp. Having everything she needed, she just went back into the bathroom closing the door this time.

I decided to run away, I just bolted towards the door the fastest I could, hearing noise behind me I looked back. I shouldn’t have. She was there, running after me on all fours, her body bent backwards, nearly folded in two, her smiling head appearing between her legs. Grabbing the door handle I tried opening it, but it would not budge, under the pressure I started crying, until snot ran down my face.

« Stop being ridiculous honey. » she laughed.

Dinner came, we’re currently both sitting at the table, pretending I’m working on a last minute project, I am writing to you, I cannot escape this house, I tried everything from breaking the windows to crawling into vents, nothing worked. Smiling at me from across the table, she’s urging me to drink more wine.

She’s starting to look beautiful again.



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RagicalUnicorn t1_j2irqqu wrote

You are being incredibly critical, no one's going to look the same after ten years, especially not like they did in high school. I think you owe your wife an apology, go give her a nice hug tell her she's beautiful and let her have a chew on your arm like a good husband.


Nova1123 OP t1_j2js5cw wrote



Ok_Understanding6528 t1_j2kouhf wrote

Hey I don't blame you for being scared I was at one point my wife is remarkably similar to yours but she's more werewolf-ish if I can put it lightly and has a weird taste for bloody meat particularly raw but that doesn't mean I get out of the woodwork I still have scratches from years back but hey I learned to ... live with it. just be happy that yours is more... Lenient for your punishment. I have two daughters 18 - 12 both of them take up after their mother and recently the older one also has a partner of her own now I tried to to warn him but she wouldn't allow me. I still feel guilty and always will but in the end I can't do anything and if she doesn't kill me age well so my advice. Try to be happy with your circumstances they could be a lot more complicated...


Nova1123 OP t1_j2kuctt wrote

I hope her spell works soon so everything can go back to normal, I am too scared to do anything about her so maybe this is the best solution. Or… I try to kill her at least once in her sleep ?


Ok_Understanding6528 t1_j2kxzmj wrote

Haa... May I ask if you're in your 20s because you remind me a lot of myself back when I was a young boy before I met...her. they sleep like spiders silent and ready to attack. If you're going to try to kill her I would recommend poisoning but these things... They're not human I don't even think them animals they're just a type of demon


yaeltheunicorn t1_j2ll6ay wrote

This! I just wanted to add that going forward maybe also try to be more open to HER interests. It sounds like she's supported you through all yours, so now it's your turn to be more supportive OP.


RagicalUnicorn t1_j2m3ugr wrote

EXACTLY! So typical, the guys just lost in his own little world, while this incredible woman has stood by him for a decade, being supportive of all his wants and hobbies, caring for him, and bending over backwards to keep up an aesthetic he finds appealing even if it means dark magics! Suddenly the veil slips a little and ten years of dedication go out the window and suddenly he is terrified even though she has never given him any evidence other than that of devotion to him!

I think you are spot on, maybe he could try learning the late night chant in secret, and suprising her by joining her, potentially shaving his head too in solidarity. Genuinely cant think of a more romantic gesture.


Artistic_Fall_9992 t1_j3cu8pf wrote

Haha weird, how I was thinking of the exact opposite. Like when he said he started to do more chores when he found out she looked tired, I thought of him as the best husband because even my siblings or anyone I know of or very close to don't do things for me just by noticing that I am tired. I have to tell them, that I am very tired, so I can't do this thing now.


NectarineMaximum9738 t1_j2k2l89 wrote

oh just give her your shedding hair and stop hiding things from your wife, thats not polite. you'll be fiiine


Lacygreen t1_j2ln7ua wrote

I think she’s showing him what she’d look like when she’s “all natural” like him, and doesn’t go to lengths to cover her demonic roots.


Crassweller t1_j2kuard wrote

What a woman 😍


Nova1123 OP t1_j2kv4jh wrote

Maybe this was the wrong thread to post in to receive good advices…


Altruistic-Lime-9564 t1_j2konr8 wrote

Of all the unsupportive husbands, you take the cake. It's hard out there for a lady, and here you are making it even more difficult for her🙄


photowalker83 t1_j2l0ylh wrote

I don’t know, OP, it sounds like your married life has been pretty great until you decided to hide something from her. You never would have had to worry about any of this if you hadn’t decided to test her to see if she’d notice you changed something. Should have been upfront like you usually are, nothing would have changed. A bit of stray hair and I bit of blood, which I guess she was getting from your toothbrush, is a small price to pay for the happy marriage you had with a woman you claimed to love so much.


Nova1123 OP t1_j2l17ew wrote

But what if everything is fake ? Our love ? Our marriage ? Her ? I was happy, but was I really ? How many things can she change to her will ?


Overthemoonkey t1_j2ldrnw wrote

The thing is: if you think you are happy then you are happy. Don’t let your mind overthink things, you got a great wife there who needs your support. And you did vow in sickness and in health.


Succubi1 t1_j2oimha wrote

>n you are happy. Don’t let your mind overthink things, you got a great wife there who needs your support. And you did vow in sickness and in health.

she was a good demon all the years before and even in this form she didnt really hurt you. I think she is a keeper, you cannot predict when her demonic power could come in handy


auteurfantastique t1_j2kg2og wrote

Sounds like your wife needs your help with her skincare/beauty routine. Be supportive!


Nova1123 OP t1_j2kvny3 wrote

If her routine didn’t involve my blood, my hair, and bending in two, I would have considered it


Shadowwolfmoon13 t1_j2qa45b wrote

FBeauty is only skin deep! As for her bending men always want "flexable" women - she's as flexible as can be! As for her baldness - buy her some cool wigs - several colors and styles - keep the interest flowing! You can also take up witchcraft or demon worship. A hobby you both can practice and add ambiance to your stale marriage. The couple that "chants" together, stays together! Come down off your high horse and love the woman you have now. After 10 years you're not Atlas yourself!


Succubi1 t1_j2oj3b8 wrote

> expect to put effort in or

but it was just your loose hair before. dont be a ****


chalaismyig t1_j2keyou wrote

So you used natural toothpaste then, huh? Flouride clogs up your pineal gland aka third eye thus enabling you to finally see her for what she truly is. Guess she didn't like that very much.


CandiBunnii t1_j2lwylv wrote

I knew I was on to something by never drinking water or brushing my teeth!

Also explains all the lurking shadow people and the eyes that peer back at me from my vent.


AdPsychological139 t1_j2lxym0 wrote

You have a cat in your vent aswell?😂


heavy_deez t1_j2mvcyh wrote

Quick etiquette tip for everybody: when you decide to open your third eye, it's polite to light a match and crack a window.


Melodic_Preference60 t1_j2kpjam wrote

Yeah, wine fixes everything!

sounds like she’s letting herself go and trying to convince you to do the same


Nova1123 OP t1_j2kuwx6 wrote

I’d rather just go out the door


Melodic_Preference60 t1_j2lbrz9 wrote

WELL you can’t, so accept that shit for what it is. Cheaper to keep her and everything else.


Hecate_2000 t1_j2mwlio wrote

I never understand why you men marry but don’t expect to put effort in or stick with her to the end


DimitriFairooz t1_j2jmjtk wrote

I — I really don’t know what to say but I hope you get out safe OP


Nova1123 OP t1_j2jsimh wrote

I’ll try, I noticed last night, that after 4am she’s really fully asleep, maybe it’ll be my only chance


Ok_Understanding6528 t1_j2kp2k8 wrote

Don't try it bud I warn you I tried something like that once and the only reason it didn't cost me an eye is because it would be too difficult to hide your wife may find it different...


Marcos_Rock t1_j2ipk1e wrote

Call a priest ASAP! Your wife are possesed or replaced


InsanityIsFine t1_j2jc9wn wrote

Nah, sounds more like the wife has been casting spells on him ever since they met.

If all it takes for her to keep her looks is OP's hair, and maybe the odd bit of blood, assuming her personality hasn't changed I'd say just sit down and have a talk. I mean, he didn't mention any harm to his health until the spells stopped working, but hiding something for the entirety of a marriage is a big breach of trust.


Ok_Understanding6528 t1_j2kqduz wrote

Oh trust me it always starts so little and so minuscule but that was cost can add up they take more and more as you age. not just your physical features but your mental ones I used to be a prideful man someone that started their own business and made a few half decent brands and then I met...

I can't talk about her right now she's too close I'll try to contact you later if I'm able until then ask any question you want.


Nova1123 OP t1_j2kus84 wrote

We should make a group and find a solution


Ok_Understanding6528 t1_j2ky5d6 wrote

You want help or do you want to forget I will not force you to worry if you do not wish to


Marcos_Rock t1_j2k1ei0 wrote

Thinking better, you have reason. Uhm... she eat a few of him hair and begin to recover her beauty (sorry for bad grammar, not native english speaker).


Nova1123 OP t1_j2l1n7d wrote

I don’t think it just stops at her looks, it is weird but I think she influences on my feelings for her too, on the way I see things


InsanityIsFine t1_j2l29x6 wrote

Now that changes things. That would constitute a violation of your personhood and consent, making her a very dangerous, and dare I say, abusive person.

Maybe look into some spells of your own, for protection. At least to grant you the hability to get away from her/her influence safely.


skeled0ll t1_j2laisb wrote

"that time of the month, honey?"


MizzCroft t1_j2lvy0n wrote

You may need much more wine.. Sometimes it's better to live in ignorant bliss.


R3TR0_SP3C73R t1_j2lsrsc wrote

Good old 12 gauge ought to do it! Maybe some holy water just in case.


fruityfevers t1_j2mmv9b wrote

Nah, it’s just that time of the month. It’s normal OP, don’t sweat it.


Freedom41 t1_j2mtcoo wrote

Ngl the woman sounds low key like my type.


DevilMan17dedZ t1_j2ocpse wrote

Seems like she's doing all she can to stay beautiful for you.. just.. I don't know... maybe push yourself into believing that nothing has changed.. this is the kinda chick that'll Kill for you. Long as you ain't make her have to kill you.. Good Luck, man.


tired_ape t1_j33871f wrote

This comment section gives me hope for humanity.


dandypansys t1_j3v4mae wrote

why is everyone in the comments defending the wife 😭😭 its literally a demon that feeds off his hair


Moist_Dot_6541 t1_j2jzc66 wrote

I will have to keep an eye on my wife during the witching hour too now…


Bram_DB t1_j2l43y8 wrote

Mmmm that would explains why some women don't like balds or balding guys


Antha1969 t1_j2ll083 wrote

My wife is also the sweetest person on the planet, until her son walks into the room , then she is a lying cutthroat schemer.


sylvia_a_s t1_j2m9jnl wrote

have you tried talking to her


gabrihop t1_j342szw wrote

Bro if you aren't happy with her I can take one for the team


Low-Entertainment467 t1_j2lqkbp wrote

Play ball, get her on your side, get her to take you outside, until hopefully you can convince her enough you won't leave and will always return, and she let's you out alone. You run.


JoelMB12 t1_j2m73ip wrote

Call your local priest


Ok-Gur-6602 t1_j2mjmek wrote

When are you so concerned about how she looks? It's what's on the inside that counts.


Blue-Deri-Pancakes t1_j2vpamc wrote

Honestly, sounds like she’s just trying to bring things back to normal. You have to ask yourself, why are you so scared of her now? She’s still the wife you know and love, just now with a few more…quirks. Talk to her. Communication is key. She hasn’t harmed you majorly, other than ripping your, what would lead you to believe she will more now? She clearly trusts you enough to see her like this, it seems like she does genuinely care about you. It seems you can’t escape anyhow, so why not just roll with it for a bit. Beautiful and caring wife, wonderful life, and all you have to sacrifice is hair you’re already losing anyway? Imo, it’ll all be fine. Sure she’s…something else, but you were happy before, why assume things will change after you help her out a bit


Image_1071 t1_j2mdtpu wrote

Maybe give your address? I’ll try checking up on you. Call the police and get you out or something.


luvhsmxia t1_j2mpiwv wrote

should wait till she falls asleep after her whispering session to run away or something- try a window if the doors don't work. else, drink wine w/ ur amazing wife


hgshikata t1_j2my4nj wrote

I'm sure you did something to piss her off like that and it's so rude to try to run away from your own wife. You should apologize to her asap. You should love her no matter what .


rainbowshabmagic t1_j2ol9hj wrote

Everything is fine. Its just a girl thing. No biggie


SnooPies794 t1_j2pqf3u wrote

For better or for worse, ya know!


adiosfelicia2 t1_j3fv4yu wrote

Start gulping that wine: if you can't beat em'...


litaxms t1_j5spbbv wrote

is your wife single? asking for myself. she sounds like my dream woman/demon. I will trade places with you if she'll have me plz talk me up


1derfool t1_j2moq7o wrote

maybe its not your wife you should be scared of , but yourself !!! Your mind is making up some exorcist level drama. Get it checked.