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Maleficent-Ad9860 t1_j2lcs31 wrote

I never understood the people that find joy in camping alone, at night, in the woods. Dark, & again, alone 🫣 I’ve read enough Creepy Pasta & heard enough Mr Ballen to know nothing good happens in the woods after dark…

More power to you OP, you have way bigger cojones than me. Glad you’re safe.


thespeedforce5 t1_j2le4gp wrote

It’s something that keeps you on high alert all night. I still cringe hearing about missing people with unexplainable circumstances.


Sundance722 t1_j2lqezv wrote

Ohhh nope nope nope, I'ma just nope right out of there. Nopety nope nope. I'm glad you're safe but like... damn.


OutsideObserver t1_j2ltliq wrote

This story creeped me out! I got genuine chills when you described the creature being behind you 😱


komstock t1_j2lua46 wrote

See, I just thought this would be a plain ol' murder in Covelo when I saw the title.

OP may have accidentally gotten something way strong and encountered cartels...

...but an event like this does provide culpability to locals walking around with assault rifles.

There's a reason I stick to Mono/Inyo county when I go camp. The emerald triangle is not safe.