Submitted by DBZKING13 t3_10oiifz in nosleep

  It was hard to tell at first about what I was doing to the world. I mean all the people that go missing around the world and suddenly your the cause? Well I know for certain that it was me cause I seen it happen personally. 

  On the days that followed this incident I was on the couch watching CNN. They were going on about a missing woman. 

  My 12 year old son Jack came to me and said, "hey dad. You mind if I spend the week at Brad's for a while?" I thought about and figured that since his grades were better than most of his class that i'd allow it. 

  "Let me call Mr. Taylor and we will see if he will let you". My son smiled at me with eyes filled with appreciation. "Thank you dad!" He then hugs me as I hug him back. As he goes upstairs to pack I yell at him to call his mother before he goes. My wife is at a business trip for a couple of weeks and I was able to get morning to evening shifts to take care of my son. 

  I call Mr. Taylor to let him know the news. He says that Brad will be thrilled to have Jack over. I give him our emergency contacts and see if Jack is ready to go. As I am walking down the bedrooms I hear him talking to his mother. I smile as I peek into their conversation as he says the usual love you and I know. 

  I ask him if he is ready as I come around the door and he shakes his head. "Come on then", he grabs his bags and we head out the door. As we go into our car I blink. Fun fact about me, I'm not much of a blinker, I won all the staring contest at school and when a new kid comes in we would make bets on how long they can last. 

  I dropped my son off at the Taylor's and went off to the IGA. I went and got all the tv dinners I need for this week. I went up to the number 5 checkout lane but I saw no one on number 3 but the light is still on. 

  As I am wondering where my cashier is I see a woman running up to the front and hollering at all the customers in the other lanes to go to 5. I ask the cashier since I was up front what happened to 3 and she looked at me with a worried look. 

  "He went in to work today and I was pretty sure I saw him walk into the restroom, but when it was taking him a while in there our manger unlocked the employee bathroom he was gone!" She looked at me with a worried expression. 

  "Well I hope you all find him." I say to her trying to sound calm. She shakes her head yes at me as I went out the door. 

  That was weird. No one in IGA has never went up and gone at work. I know cause the manager always fired someone if he caught them trying to play hookey. 

  Whenever I went home all I did was play games on my phone and worked on my book. Later that night I cooked one of the many microwave dinners. When the timer beeped I blinked again. I didn't think that much of it but little did I know that, that blink caused a mother to disappear in a running car and her two children who got injured in a car crash.

  Later that night a news story on it popped up on my phone where I am subscribed to a news magazine. It didn't help me sleep that night. Neither did the upcoming nights. 

  The next morning when I woke up I Blink like I always do. I would even have thought that day was one of the longest times where I didn't blink except that morning. On that day the top news story was that during a police escape a man vanished into then air. 

  I thought it was weird on how many disappearances there was that week. One time a preacher in Saudi Arabia went missing and the U.S thought that the Arabians were involved. The next day a journalists who police and agents were protecting wasn't in the safe house and they thought that assasins got her. 

  Another two was one child who was jumping into a rain puddle that the mother said that he was just "gone". Then there was that cheerleader who disappeared and the police suspected the bpyfriend for playing part.

  Again I thought nothing of these disappearances that were happening around the world. I was just at home writing a book where a plane of passengers land in hell and try to overcome their personal demons to get out. 

  Every blink that I did a mysterious event happened around the world. The one thing about it though was that it was always one person instead of two or more. And it never happened to the same family. 

  During one day of that horrible day was the most times I blinked. A whole African villiage was discovered gone by the local population. I read this article with intrigue and mystery thinking another Roanoke had happened. 

  One dreadfull day however was the end of that week when my wife was supposed to come home. Me and my sone were waiting for her flight to get off when a police man came up to us. He told me that he wanted to talk to me privately and that my son could stay with his partner. 

  He told me the terrible and sad news that my wife had vanished from the flight. Her belongings were still there and they would give them to me as soon as possible. "What am I going to tell my son?" I asked him. 

  "I don't know sir, but there will be a news story on it tonight". He was right as I look at an upcoming barrage of news reporters. 

He then looked at me sadly saying that i should take a week or so off work to be with my son. 

  So we left and I called my agent that I would be taking some time off my book. He said that he understood amd that he saw the news and wished me and my son well.  

  It was a sad couple of days for me and my son but then we got over it cause we know that she would never want to see us mope around all day. 

  I then finished my book and it made us enough money where me and my son could go to Orlando in florida since he said he was to old for Disney Land. We laughed and enjoyed ourselves as we went into our hotel room. 

  That night we ate pizza and watched hotel television where a commercial for my book popped up. We cheered and my son asked if he could read my book when we got back home. We then turned in for the night not long before I blinked. 

  I woke up that morning and used the bathroom. When i came out I saw my son not in the bed. His covers were like they were when he would sleep at home. I then went out in the hallway and shouted for him.

  I kept screaming his name until a officer went up to me. I told him my situation and he said that they will conduct a search. They searched the whole park and looked at the CCTV footage and told me they were unable to find my son. 

  By then after a few days of mourning all the news channels were branding me a murderer. I mean a man whose wife and son that both disappeared would sound sketchy. 

  By then I knew it was me who I had gotten rid of my son and wife. I knew it was me that caused all them people to go missing. That's why I'm writing my story. To get people to know my side before I pulled the trigger. Who knows. Whenever I hear the click of the gun my last blink will bring back all them people. To the families involved in all of this I'm sorry I took your loved ones. 



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JazBliss t1_j6f62y5 wrote

So you're telling me-- you've NEVER blinked towards your wife or son before now?


NienieDreamer t1_j6foznx wrote

And that he didn’t even mourn his wife nor did the son for a day. At least that’s what I’m getting. They both acted so casual about it! apparently OP blinks only a few times a day? He says he’s not a big blinker.


Gar_ivor t1_j6gv14f wrote

>Every blink that I did a mysterious event happened around the world. The one thing about it though was that it was always one person instead of two or more. And it never happened to the same family. 

Seems the wife would have some explaining to do