Submitted by scarymaxx t3_10jmwb5 in nosleep

I have a guys’ night with my two best friends, Paul and Serge, that’s been running since we were in our 20s.

Over the years, we’ve traded the PBR for nice wine and the cheap cigarettes for cigars, but the idea is basically the same: we get drunk and talk shit until we get tired and then put on a movie or play video games. Then Paul and I go back to our families, and Serge goes back to his single life.

We’d been drinking for maybe an hour when I started to feel funny. Not drunk, but actually kind of hyper, like I had a million thoughts racing through my head that I needed to tell someone.

“It’s hitting you,” said Paul.

“I must be losing my tolerance,” I said. I barely drank these days. Too busy with two kids at home and my wife finishing nursing school.

Paul smirked a little. “Not the alcohol,” he said. “The other thing. The thing I added to the decanter. In vino, veritas!

“What the hell are you talking about?” Serge asked, starting to look edgy.

Paul held up a small vial. “Well, I can’t pronounce the actual name of the thing, but it’s basically truth serum. Got it from one of the lab techs in my office. Crazy stuff. It actually works. Also kind of makes you feel like you’re on speed, which is kind of a bonus.”

“This is bullshit,” I said, getting up from the couch. “I’m out of here.”

Serge watched Paul with angry eyes, trying not to say anything. In all our years of friendship, we’d only had a handful of deeper talks.

“Come on,” said Paul, blocking the door. “What’s the problem with a little truth if you’ve got nothing to hide?”

“You want the truth, dude?” I asked. “How about I’m pretty fucking upset that someone I consider to be a friend decided to drug me against my will. Now get out of the way. I’m gonna go sleep this thing off.”

“Not until you tell me if you’re sleeping with Jess,” he said, suddenly much more serious.

I rolled my eyes. I realized it was taking all my willpower not to launch into a long tirade. I was holding in my words like they were piss after a long car ride. They needed to come out.

“Just… just answer me man,” he said, and I could tell he was close to either throwing a punch or breaking down in tears. I’d seen him do both plenty of times over the years. “I just want to know if it’s true. I remember you telling me all the time how hot she was back when we first started dating.”

I tried to bite my tongue. I tasted blood, but it did no good. I had to answer him, regardless of the consequences.

“Jess is a train wreck,” I told him. “She totally ignores your kids, and she treats you like an ATM. I guarantee you she’s cheating with someone, but it’s definitely not me.”

For a second, everyone was quiet. Then Paul came in for an awkward hug.

“I’m sorry,” said Paul after a few seconds. “I should have known you would never. I mean–shit. I’m sorry. You guys want to dust off the Genesis, maybe go a little retro? I… I’m really sorry. I”

He started reaching in the cabinet under the TV to look for some of the older consoles.

“I’m a serial killer,” said Serge, all of a sudden. “It’s the first time I’ve said that out loud. I guess I’m not exactly sure what I am. I don’t have any kind of particular method. I’ve been doing it since I was in high school. I just look for opportunities. Like my first guy I did: he was just standing on a vista, looking out over the mountains. And I just pushed him off. And I felt like kind of calm release in me for a few minutes after I did it, a kind of peace I’d never felt before.”

Paul and I stared at him, trying to register if what he was saying was real.

“You’re joking,” I said. “Tell us you’re joking.”

“When I joined the army, I thought maybe I could kind of channel it, you know? Kill a few bad guys and feel good about myself. And what happened? Two years of sweating my ass off in the desert. Not in Iraq. Not in Afghanistan. In fucking New Mexico. Not a single whiff of combat. I killed a hitchhiker and two cadets over the course of my time there.”

As he spoke, he pulled out a hunting knife. I remembered mocking him when he bought it, calling him a mall ninja. Now, I wondered how many people he’d killed with it. My heart was thudding in my ears. I looked around the room for any kind of weapon, but all I saw were XBox controllers and wine glasses.

“Now it’s starting to get worse,” he said, his eyes cold, the knife shaking in his hands. “It’s like I can’t be alone with anyone without thinking about how easy it would be to choke the life out of them. I leave these bars with women, and I wonder if anyone would be able to remember my face if the cops came around asking questions.”

“I’m scared,” said Paul. “I’m really, really fucking scared right now.”

“You should be,” said Serge, trying not to meet his eyes. “I wish you hadn’t given me that drug, Paul. I honestly don’t know what to do. I feel like my life is pretty much over now. I don’t like killing people I know. It’s the easiest way to get caught. And you guys are my best friends. The only people I care about in the whole world.”

“I’m terrible at keeping secrets,” said Paul, unable to contain himself. “I’ll call the police as soon as I leave this room. You know how I am.”

“I know,” said Serge.

And then, suddenly, Paul picked up his wineglass and tried to smash it against Serge’s head. He missed completely, tumbling over the couch. I almost wanted to laugh. But then I looked down and saw the knife sticking out the side of Paul’s head. Serge had stuck him right in the temple.

Serge removed the knife in one swift motion, even as Paul’s body continued to twitch involuntarily on the floor. Serge was crying now as he wiped the blood from the knife with his shirt.

“Look what you made me do,” he said, looking down at Paul. “Idiot. I should have known he’d try something like this.” Then, he looked over at me, tears streaking down his face. “Now what?” he asked.

“I can’t die,” I said. “Think of my girls.”

“I know,” he said. “I know. But I have to kill you. I have to.”

He took a step toward me, and as I did I looked down and saw this last little glimmer of life in Paul’s eyes. As Serge tried to step over him to get to me, Paul grabbed his foot, and Serge tripped.

Run, Paul mouthed.

And I did. As I tore out the front door and into the dark street, I heard Serge screaming behind me, “I’m going to kill you! I’m going to kill you! I’m going to kill you!”

It’s been about a week since everything went down, and I just got back from Paul’s funeral. The whole time, I was looking over my shoulder, waiting for Serge to show up. Maybe he was there and I just didn’t see him.

At night, I check the locks a dozen times, and watch the feeds from my new security cameras on my phone. So far, so good.

Based on what Serge told us that night, he’s not prone to taking crazy risks. He called himself opportunistic. But maybe that’s what scares me the most. Because when he yelled out that he was going to kill me, he was still on the serum. He was telling the truth.

And I know someday, I’ll be standing on the curb, waiting for a bus or an Uber, and I’ll suddenly feel a pair of hands behind me, pushing me forward to my doom.

When I get these dark thoughts at night, I sit up in bed, sweating and holding my knees, and my wife tries to hold me and tell me it’ll be okay. She brushes her hands softly against my hair, and says, They’ll catch him, baby. You’re going to be here for a long, long time with me. We’ve got high school graduations to attend, and weddings to pay for, and grandchildren to meet. You’re not going anywhere. You’re not going to die.

And I know that she is lying.



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PossibleExplination t1_j5m6g43 wrote

Wait, why didn't Paul just drug his wife with the truth serum?


scarymaxx OP t1_j5m7gdi wrote

Are you kidding? He was terrified of her.


realchessman t1_j5ocdln wrote

he was terrified of his wife? I feel like he would've already known that she was cheating then.


sekssekssek t1_j5m4pnd wrote

you aren't going to die but losing two friends suck too


ancientevilvorsoason t1_j5o2dvu wrote

Wait, why would he kill you? You already told the cops. You don't need to worry any further. He has no reason to kill you. He wanted to kill you to prevent you from telling the cops. Since you already did, you are not at more risk than others. You are at less risk since if you die, the police would know it was him. You are an extremely bad target for him. You will be fine.


w00tewa t1_j5pez0y wrote

Not necessarily. Right now OP is the only person connecting Serge to the crime. He is the only witness. If he dies, Serge has an opportunity to spin it around and claim that it was OP who killed Paul. OP's motive? Self defense, because Paul attacked him because he thought he was sleeping with Jess. Serge can then claim that he himself was the only witness and that OP tried to frame him, but got cold feet and then commited suicide out of guilt. Jess can probably verify that Paul suspected that she was having an affair with OP, which makes the lie very believable.


RagicalUnicorn t1_j5pj8gt wrote

Nah, too much other evidence. The truth drug would still be in Paul's system, others knew of the knife, OP would have called the cops mediately whilst Serge disappeared, DNA and blood all over the place except on op, possibly still a knife sticking out Paul's heads with Serges fingers on it, and the biggest thing is a quick cross check of suspicious deaths in New Mexico while Serge was stationed there.

That slam dunk is so hard the back board would shatter.

All Serge would do in killing op is risk being caught and getting more years.


w00tewa t1_j5pl7ia wrote

You're onto something but are we sure that OP never touched the knife? If he did, even with Serges finger prints on it, Serge could spin it around and say either that it was his knife but that 1) he handed it to OP earlier because OP wanted to check it out, or 2) it was on the table and OP grabbed it.

Do we know when OP called the cops? I doubt he ran straight to the police. Most likely he went home, probably told his family what happened or even tried to get them to come with him to the car so they could leave town ASAP. When in danger you always think of the people you need to protect first. It's rare that people remain focused and logical during these situations. But if he did go to the police immediately, it's still important that they actually did draw blood to determine that the drug was in his system at the moment of his confession. If they didn't, there's no proof, and it might be too late to have it tested now. Their best bet is to get a strand of hair tested because drugs can usually be detected in hair far longer than blood or saliva.

The amount of deaths Serge committed to isn't alarming and wouldn't raise eyebrows unless OP was able to give a detailed description of them. Such as exact time and location, and what the victims looked like.


ancientevilvorsoason t1_j5q850h wrote

Except you are forgetting that he admitted to THREE killings while in the army. This makes it a JAG matter and that means that it gets kicked up the ladder right away making it a priority since he also killed another soldier. Even this confirmation of a death while S was present in the particular base absolutely makes it sure that he has a lot bigger issues than just the police.

As I said, if S has not left the country, which I believe he has, going after out protagonist is very unlikely. Basically there are multiple instances in which S becomes a suspect, which means that looking over existing evidence increases the chance of evidence being found for which our protag is not needed at all.

Basically the SMARTEST line of action is if S makes sure our protag is in a great health and alive. Otherwise it would make it even worse for himself. In an ironic turn of fate, this makes it almost 0 likely that S would go after him.


RagicalUnicorn t1_j5s3cra wrote

The knife could be verified through receipts, bank records, or third party witness accounts of it being his knife. You are also avoiding the fact that he would have been covered in blood.

Like I said, the drug would be in Pauls body, and they would verify this story more by going to the lab and talking to the tech who would be able to not only give them samples of the substance to cross check, but confirm whether or not Paul had taken any.

Regardless of when they contacted the police, they did. Personally I have been in a few emergency and life threatening circumstances, and though not everyone is going to react the same, I believe I am not alone in wanting to contact authorities asap. I would not be leading a possible serial killer back to my family home.

Why are you being so flippant about a bunch of murders that are easily going to be verifiable? Wouldn't raise eyebrows? Mate, murdering one person gets a big ol raised eyebrow from 99% of the population. Those murders not only leads credence to OP's story, but shows a pattern by Serge for violence and murder. That is a massive piece of evidence.

You are ignoring all the actual evidence to speculate (please never get into law enforcement), including the biggest factor that Serge has fled the scene and is not making any of the arguments you are stating. What's his story going to be exactly? "Yeah so after I saw OP murder Paul I was super stressed so went on a long camping trip to unwind but HERES WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!", that's gonna hold up in court about as well paper umbrella in a hurricane.

If Serge is smart, and wants to continue his life of knife partyin, he is long gone and not going to come back, OP is safe and definitely not going to be accused of this murder.


Mooreeloo t1_j6bgjbz wrote

Also, if people in labs are making truth serums, it's not too crazy to assume the FBI has their own dose, just give one to either Serge or OP and get them to talk about what happened, case closed.


Unlikely-Rutabaga110 t1_j5qhood wrote

he would do it out of spite, at this point he's basically lost everything already


ancientevilvorsoason t1_j5qi3du wrote

But he mentioned he doesn't want to kill him at all since he is an old friend and why would he kill him out of spite, when it wasn't his fault? No, S is a smart killer, an opportunist, this doesn't fit the character.


Unlikely-Rutabaga110 t1_j5qreov wrote

well later on he says "I'm going to kill you" while still influenced by the serum, just because he didn't want the serum didn't mean he wasn't going to


jamiec514 t1_j5malbb wrote

How are you "best friends" with two people for almost ten or more years (now I'm guessing that since you said y'all met in your 20's and now two of you have families) and have only had a "few" deep conversations? Sounds to me more like you were acquaintances and/or you have shit taste in friends since one fucking drugged you because he wasn't man enough to confront his shitty wife (and set this whole shitshow on a roll!) and the other one is a serial killer!!! Maybe with the next friends you find try getting to actually know the real them instead of just the surface and shallow stuff. Well, that's assuming you manage to survive🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


scarymaxx OP t1_j5mim4u wrote

Totally guilty of being a bad friend. I guess most guys I know are like me, though. If I make it through this, it’s something I want to change about myself. Of course, I’m probably gonna have some trust issues…


sallyjosieholly t1_j5meq88 wrote

Paul drugged himself too?


scarymaxx OP t1_j5mht9e wrote

We all drank the wine. Maybe he wanted a little courage of his own. I’ll never know.


mrlittleoldmanboy t1_j63k6wt wrote

It seems apparent Paul wasn’t in his right state of mind. It seemed like he played it as an interrogation on you, but I think that was just one dumb question to start the night off. He gave it to all 3 of you, then after you answered he immediately started looking to feel that buzz and game.


amyss t1_j5lxqxx wrote

Ohh - oooooh man- this is just- Oh my God. I truly can’t remember the last time my heart pounded reading Nosleep, if ever ( and I’ve been here over 10 years).

I feel my life is over, there’s so much for you, I truly wish I could trade places.


scarymaxx OP t1_j5lyso9 wrote

Believe me, my heart’s been pounding nonstop since it happened.


Bellarinna69 t1_j6ajk8l wrote

Makes me sad that you feel like you would want to trade places. Life has kicked the shit out of me in the last few years. Trauma, pain and a string of bad luck from seemingly minor things to the biggest issues one could imagine. I keep reminding myself that as long as I can hold on to hope, I’ll be ok. I truly believe that. It might start out as just a tiny glimmer but that’s all it takes sometimes. It ain’t over til it’s over. Sending love and light


Significant-Bench-92 t1_j5ml44s wrote

There’s no way you can keep living in such fear like this! It’s a daily nightmare to wonder which moment will be your last. I think you need to just somehow get the cops to watch you as you actively lure this guy out- and hopefully they get him before he gets you.


scarymaxx OP t1_j5mlnv7 wrote

Totally get you, and I know I’ve gotta get out there… but it’s just too soon


lightnlove11 t1_j5my9ya wrote

Hooooly shit!!! I’ll pray for you 🙏🏼 do you know the name of the drug that the “truth serum” was? I’m so curious now.


scarymaxx OP t1_j5mympj wrote

Paul never said. He worked in big pharma... the cops are looking into it, but there's an army of lawyers from his company trying to argue "trade secrets." It's kind of a mess.


rainlikeice t1_j5ld1mo wrote

In vino veritas!

You should consider telling the police. Maybe they can catch him before he gets to you. Or at least if they’re looking for him maybe he’ll be less likely to try anything.


scarymaxx OP t1_j5lda3d wrote

The police are definitely looking, but I don’t have a ton of faith. Serge could be anywhere at this point.


Hour_Task_1834 t1_j5lggmm wrote

Did you tell the police about everything your friend said? His patterns and stuff as well if you can


scarymaxx OP t1_j5lgv2s wrote

I told them basically everything I wrote here. I actually used the same set of notes both for my interview with them and this post!


Mindless_Psychology t1_j5o0gkw wrote

You need to move. Far away. Talk to the police/local FBI about witness protection too. You’ll DEFINITELY qualify for it. It’ll suck to have your kids change schools and lose all contact with mostly everyone but it’ll give you peace of mind and they will get you a job, house, car…everything. And hey a new social security number and losing all debt you may have is a plus! Probably should get all close family in it too. Not just wife and kids but parents and siblings because Serge will target them to get to you.


PastChair3394 t1_j5p600w wrote

So the sleeping with serge, and she’s in on him killing her husband.


TheDarkXanatos t1_j5n9m7o wrote

holy shit istg I hope nothing more like this happens to you...


Noctazar t1_j5not9e wrote

Well, time to invest in firearms.


L0WEffort t1_j5qd4cg wrote

Do an uno reverse and hunt him down first, think of your girls…


ThisFatGirlRuns t1_j5o5b5y wrote

Sorry to say but you're a write off. Best thing you can do now is make sure your wife and kids will be set up for when you're gone. Use your time wisely!


gregklumb t1_j5p5a1i wrote

Set up a security system and get a dog. Not a little dog either. A concealed carry permit might not be a bad idea either.


mrs-chapa t1_j5nyhw5 wrote

You need to get him before he gets u! Help the cops find him lock him up and throw away the key. Do whatever you can to make darn sure you know where he's at every minute of the day. Either locked up or six feet under the ground.


Thehudsoneffect t1_j5nv36c wrote

Wait you can get stabbed in the temple and survive? Must have been a pretty small knife


RandomPIeasantFeIIow t1_j5o7oy1 wrote

I imagine it wasn't the damage to the brain that killed him, probably similar to a lobotomy but more loss of bodily fluids, blood leaking into brain fluid etc


Thehudsoneffect t1_j5o9o2e wrote

Mhmm I think a hunting knife is too big to lobotomize someone, but I've never tried 🤷‍♂️


RandomPIeasantFeIIow t1_j5z44d6 wrote

I mean those ice picks tools they used were pretty big, plus it would take a bit of jimmying to get a knife in someone's skull


awesome_e t1_j5vq3m2 wrote

Didn't sone guy get a giant metal pole thru his brain and survive?


Big-Candle91 t1_j5orzsq wrote

And then he wakes up to find that his wife was Serge the whole time!


Sryeetsalot t1_j5qgeqa wrote

I suggest you invest in some guns, hopefully you’ll never have to use them but if it comes down to it, your family needs you.


WaxBoss_victoria t1_j5oolzg wrote

I’m just going to assume that when Paul tripped Serge, the knife stabbed him & he’s dead now too.


FruitcakeAndCrumb t1_j5oq7sn wrote

Did you go to the police? Are they trying to find him? EDIT: Just seen that you did. Good luck friend.


ihatepineaples t1_j5rgy64 wrote

don’t worry he usually just goes after random people so he would probably stop chasing you after you went to the cops


GrayMornings t1_j5rub0q wrote

OP, I highly suggest buying a gun for self-defense and giving pictures to cops of him. (if you haven't already). Is there anywhere he would frequent? most serial killers leave clues, they all secretly want to get caught. I wish you the best of luck, and I pray to god you will survive.


ShuckU t1_j5tjnsq wrote

Move across the country, or better yet, across the world!


teskilatimahsusa87 t1_j65anek wrote

So what happened mate? You should get a gun. This was really intense.