Submitted by HeadOfSpectre t3_10ivuv1 in nosleep

Transcript of the official debriefing of FRB Department of Public Safety Special Agent Graham Dalton following an incident in Malibu, California.
This record is for internal use for the FRB only. Distributing this record to any party outside of authorized FRB personnel without the written consent of Director Robert Marsh constitutes breach of contract and will be punished accordingly.


[Transcript begins:]


Interviewer: Mr. Dalton. Thank you for taking the time to come in. I know that after what’s happened, you must be in need of some time to yourself, so I really appreciate it… How are you feeling today?


Graham: I’m fine… How’s Dallas…? Did you hear anything?


Interviewer: He’ll be alright. I can’t promise a miraculous recovery given the extent of his injuries, but you’ll be able to speak with him very soon.


Graham: Really? H… He’s gonna be okay?


Interviewer: He’s been taken care of by the very best, I can assure you.


Graham: Oh thank God… I thought… Jesus Christ… When can I see him? Today? When?


Interviewer: I can arrange something after we’re done here. But… Business first. We need to understand what happened.


Graham: Right, right… Sorry… [Pause] Where should we begin?


Interviewer: With Malibu, Mr. Dalton. Why don’t we start with what you and Dallas Wood were doing in Malibu.


Graham: We were on vacation. Taking some overdue time off, y’know? We’d just finished a job in Vegas, we wanted to spend New Years on a beach getting drunk.


Interviewer: Ah, I can’t blame you. Sounds like fun.


Graham: Yeah, it was…


Interviewer: So the incident. Walk me through what happened.


Graham: Yeah. Happy to… Dallas and I had been out for the night, having some drinks, hitting a few clubs. Just sorta living it up, right? Anyways. We’d been talking to these girls at a bar, and we’d really been hitting it off. We were talking about bar hopping together, seeing where the night led us, you know?


Interviewer: I see.


Graham: One of the girls, Shauna… She’d suggested karaoke. She knew a place. Never actually done karaoke before. I ain’t much of a singer but like, I thought it sounded like fun. So I said ‘what the hell?’ And I talked Dallas into coming with.


Interviewer: And the karaoke bar… Angels. This was where you met the vampire, right?


Graham: Yeah. I remember he’d actually been up singing when we got there.


Interviewer: Can you describe him?


Graham: Tall, long blond hair. He was really getting into it too. Dancing around and everything. He sorta had a ‘vampire’ look to him. You know what I’m talking about, right? I mean, we’ve been in this business for long enough. It’s not that hard to recognize a vampire. Pale skin, flashy style, the whole nine yards. This guy looked like he’d walked off the cover of a romance novel. He was wearing this white button down shirt that was half open, and I’d say about two thirds of that bar were already fucking him with their eyes… I got the vibe he was looking for attention. I know that Dallas clocked him the moment we walked in. I mean, you hunt monsters for long enough and you can’t really turn that part of your brain off, so…


Interviewer: Don’t I know it… So the vampire, he didn’t interact with you at first?


Graham: No. We sat at the bar, had some drinks with the girls and watched them go up and take their turns singing. I remember seeing the vampire talking to a bunch of women nearby, and Dallas was keeping a pretty close eye on him… Probably looking for some indicator that he was trying to get them alone to feed… Like I said, can’t really turn that part of your brain off.


Interviewer: Did Dallas have any issues with vampires?


Graham: No, no. Nothing like that. I remember that he said to me that this guy had sort of a bad vibe to him though… Like… Okay. I know that most vampires just take what they need and leave. They don’t kill anyone. They’re not that dangerous or anything. But Dallas and I have been hunting the dangerous ones long enough to know the warning signs. This guy was… He was really touchy. Kept putting his hands all over the women, even if it was obvious some of them weren’t into it. A few of them even outright left after he started making them uncomfortable. The others just sorta stuck around for the free drinks. This guy just kept them coming.


Interviewer: I see. So just to clarify, you two were suspicious of the vampire, correct?


Graham: Yeah, a little bit. Like I said, he was sketchy. But we didn’t really say or do anything until later since he didn’t seem to be doing anything.


Interviewer: Right.


Graham: The girls we’d been with sang for a bit. They got me to get up for a little while, although Dallas was still too shy. Still… We were having a good time and everything like, nothing was that out of place… Dallas was still watching that vampire and he’d noticed he was talking to this one girl, and they sorta seemed like they were getting ready to leave.


Interviewer: And that was when Dallas approached him?


Graham: Yeah. I don’t think he was looking to start a fight or anything. I think it was just more of a friendly warning, like: “Hey, we know what you are and we’re watching you.” Sorta to keep him on his best behavior, you know?


Interviewer: Can you explain why you thought that was necessary?


Graham: Like I said, we’ve dealt with enough vampires to know when one is probably bad news. This guy checked every single fucking box. As far as Dallas knew, he was about to save that poor girls life. And once I saw what he was doing, I went along with him. We were casual. Asked him how long he and that girl had known each other, made it clear we knew what he was. Made it clear we were watching him. The girl had no idea… Although she was drunk out of her fucking mind, which was also kinda red flag…


Interviewer: So the vampire, what did he do?


Graham: He just kept smiling as we talked to him. He was… Casual… And not all that subtle. He asked if we worked for the FRB. We said yes. He said he’d heard we had a new Director. Asked if it was true Robert Marsh was running ths how now… The way he asked, I sorta got the impression that he knew him.


Interviewer: What did you tell him?


Graham: We didn’t lie to him if that’s what you’re asking. We told him that Marsh was running the show now. I mean that’s not exactly private information.


Interviewer: Relax. I’m not accusing you of anything.


Graham: Sorry… Right…


Interviewer: Did he say anything else?


Graham: Not much. He asked us a few questions about what it was like working for the FRB. It was a little weird, actually. Then he said he ‘admired how brave we were’.


Interviewer: Any idea what that meant?


Graham: I dunno… Maybe it was a threat? I dunno…


Interviewer: What happened next?


Graham: Dallas… I mean, okay. It was obvious at this point that this guy wasn’t hiding jack shit. So I guess Dallas decided there was no point in hiding jack shit. He’d leaned in and he’d asked the vampire if we were going to have any problems. And the vampire just sorta laughed and said: “No problems at all.” Then he… [Pause]


Interviewer: Mr. Dalton, what happened next?


Graham: He asked us if we could deliver a message to Director Marsh for him… Then he… He put a hand on Dallas’s shoulder and he… He… [Pause]


Interviewer: Mr. Dalton… What did the vampire do to Dallas Wood?


Graham: He ripped him… He just… Pulled him apart… Like paper… He just… He popped the top half of Dallas off from the bottom and I… Oh God… The way he screamed… I saw… I saw the skin stretching… I saw his… His guts… I saw them spilling out and Dallas was screaming and the vampire just… Just tossed him away. He just… Tossed the top half of Dallas to the ground and he was still alive and he was screaming and his guts were… They were all over the ground… Then everyone else started screaming. At first, I thought it was because of what he’d done to Dallas but… It wasn’t.


Interviewer: What was happening?


Graham: He’d raised his hand… The vampire. And he was doing something to them… The other people in the bar, they were screaming and they were bleeding… It was coming out of their eyes, their ears, their noses, their mouths. One girl beside us, she just… She keeled over and she just started vomiting up blood and when she did, I watched it… I watched it move towards him. Like a river. All the blood from all those people… It just… Pooled around him and he just sort of took it in. Everywhere I looked, people were dying and Dallas was still screaming… I saw him trying to… Trying to put his own guts back into his body but he couldn’t… And God… I don’t know how the hell he survived that… Oh God…


Interviewer: What did you do, Dalton?


Graham: What did I do? What the fuck could I have done! I wasn’t armed! I wasn’t carrying my gun, we were fucking bar hopping! And this fucking thing… It was bleeding everyone in the goddamn building dry and Dallas was dying! I thought he was good as dead and I… I just… I ran… I ran for the door, ran outside and I didn’t fucking stop!


Interviewer: I see… So you left your best friend, and all those innocent people to their fate?


Graham: What else could I have done? I’d just watched him take Dallas apart with his bare fucking hands! The only reason I wasn’t already dead is because he didn’t kill me! What else was I supposed to do?!


Interviewer: Calm down, Mr. Dalton.


Graham: No I won’t fucking calm down! Do you have any idea how fucking shitty I feel, knowing I couldn’t save those people? Do you have any idea how terrified I am to have to look Dallas in the eye, knowing I left him for dead? He was my best fucking friend and I left him with that thing! I… I just left him to die… He wouldn’t have fucking done that to me! So don’t tell me to fucking calm down! You weren’t there! You didn’t see what I saw! That thing, that vampire, whatever it was… It was more powerful than anything else I’ve seen in all my years with the FRB!


Interviewer: Mr. Dalton. Stop shouting.


Graham: Fuck you!




Graham: I’m sorry… I just… It’s been a long couple of days…


Interviewer: I understand… Was there anything else after you left the bar?


Graham: No. I called you guys… Can I talk to Dallas now?


Interviewer: You’re sure? Carrington didn’t say anything else to you? Think hard on this.


Graham: If he did, then I don’t remember it. I’m sorr- Wait… You said. Carrington? Was that his name? You know his name?


Interviewer: Of course I do. William Carrington. Are you familiar with him?


Graham: I’ve heard the name. I thought he was dead, though?


Interviewer: People keep saying that, and yet it’s never true… Let’s stay on topic. Do you recall anything else that Carrington might have said?


Graham: I told you, I don’t remember anything else… Have you informed Director Marsh? If Carrington’s still alive, we need to do something about this, ASAP!


Interviewer: I see… That’s disappointing. I said it right to your face and you still don’t remember?


Graham: Excuse me? What are you-


[There is a low crunching noise. Graham is heard screaming.]


Graham: Jesus Fuck!


Interviewer: I said it right to your face and you don’t recall? Did you think killing your friend was the message? Really, that’s just uninspired.


Graham: What the fuck… How did you… How the fuck did you…


Interviewer: Oh you can’t even begin to imagine the things I can do, Graham… Would you like to talk to Dallas?


Graham: W-wha…


[There is another low crunching noise]


Unknown (Voice resembles Dallas Wood): Graham… Graham help me… Oh God… Oh God it hurts… Graham… Please… PLEASE!!!


Graham: What the fuck? D-Dallas? What the fuck?!


Interviewer: Promises kept, Graham… Would you like to join him?


Graham: W-what…? Wait… No… No, wait!


[Graham can be heard screaming. There is a wet ripping noise, after which his screaming gets louder. At one point, he can be heard sobbing. There is a final crunching sound, before the audio goes silent. After several seconds, footsteps are heard.]


Interviewer: Director Marsh… What a title… I hope you’ll hear this. I just wanted to let you know that I’m proud of you! You’ve done so well for yourself. Good job! I’ll bet your wife would be so proud of you, in fact…


[There is another crunching noise.]

Unknown Female voice: Good job… Robert…


[The crunching noise briefly returns, cutting off the voice.]


Interviewer: [Laughing] Oh… Good times… Good times… Be seeing you around, old friend. Ciao…


[Transcript ends.]



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DarkVindi t1_j5h5mn6 wrote

Well rapy Carrington does not fuck around. His powers sounds like Vampire hunter D: Bloodlust, when Charlotte's blood is moving by itself. Eerie.