Submitted by BuggyWasTaken t3_103eozp in nosleep

Part 2:

July 3rd, 2010 is when all of this started. It was a pretty normal and boring day, or so i thought. I started my day by waking up, brushing my teeth, preparing breakfast for me and my wife and planned what i was going to do this day. I decided to continue the new game me and my friends were working on. I had a lot of hard work to do because my friend Mark had a good idea that would improve our game by a lot. Anyways, i was pretty tired from all the work and wanted to go to my local park.

I went to my front door, tried to open it but it didn't work. I thought that i locked the door with my keys so i tried to unlock the door but instead it locked it. I said "Hmm, that's weird. Is my door broken?" I unlocked the door but it still wouldn't open.

In that moment i knew, that my door is broken. I called 911 but due to unexpected high calls i wasn't able to reach them. I tried calling them again, just to reach the mailbox. I tried again and again but always reached the mailbox. After 8 more tries i gave up and went to the nearest window and tried to get some attention. I screamed as loud as i could but nobody noticed. Everybody just pretended as if i didn't even exist. I tried to jump out of the window but was just teleported back inside my bed. That's when i knew that i'm trapped inside my own house.

I calmed myself down and just went working on the game again. After 6 hours i noticed that my wife wasn't back home and decided to call her but reached the mailbox. i tried again and again just to reach the mailbox. I lost all contact with my friends, my family, my wife and was really depressed.

I went to bed, closed my eyes and prayed that tomorrow everything would be normal again. I woke up the next day, ran straight to my front door and it was still locked. I went to my computer, wanted to work on the game but noticed that all the work was gone. I was sure that i saved my progress and made even a backup but that's also gone. another thing i also noticed is that the date is the same, I thought i was dreaming but i wasn't. "Am i in a loop?" was the only thing that i was thinking about. Surely it was just a stupid thought, right?

I went back to the window, jumped out of the window and was teleported back into my bed. i repeated this for who knows how long and just gave up. I went to my closet, picked up my axe and went to my front door. I swung my axe against my wooden-glass door but it didn't even make a scratch.The axe flung back to my direction and the blade almost hit my foot. "H-How did that axe not even make a scratch against that door?!" With all of my anger, i picked up the axe again and ran straight against my door, hitting the door as hard as i possibly could, just to make a small, tiny dent. Seeing that dent made me lose all hope of escape and made me have serious suicidal thoughts.

At my last attempt to be get out of my coma, i decided to burn my own house down, in hopes that a fire crew would rescue me. I let my frozen pizza on the stove, max temperature and waited. My smoke detector had gone off and i just let it ring. 5 minutes later my entire kitchen was burning and it got so bad that even black smoke escaped from the windows. 7 minutes later half of my home was burning but i heard police and fire trucks sirens and gave me motivation to scream as loud as i could again. This time people and even the fire crew noticed me and came to my house to evacuate me. The fire crew placed a crash pad for me to jump on and without thinking i jumped but noticed that there was a hole and landed but broke my left leg from the hard impact. I was immediately rushed to the hospital.

I woke up, seeing my family, doctor and wife right next to me, being shocked that i woke up. I asked them "What's wrong?" In a very tired tone. "Y-You’re aw-awake?!" Said my family and my wife in a surprised tone. They told me that i was in a coma for 12 years and are so happy to see me awake again. Shortly after came the doctor into the room and was also surprised to see me awake. The doctor told me that 12 years ago my house was burning because i forgot to pull out my frozen pizza out of the oven. I was in a coma for 12 years from severe carbon monoxide poisoning. The doctor also told me that my left leg was broken but they took care of it 9 years ago. That was only the bad news, not the terrifying news.

Exactly at 8:42 pm i and everyone around me heard an announcement nobody in the whole world should hear. "Dear doctors and nurses, we have a code 038. I repeat, we have a code 038. Please lock all doors, windows, turn off the lights and be silent until further notice."



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Legarchive t1_j2yi5o7 wrote

O38 is. Severe systemic infection. Quick google told me that.


wjs5 t1_j2yxceb wrote

Zombies would do that


l_siram t1_j30fhhe wrote

At least you won’t be alone this time


Lacygreen t1_j30k09r wrote

If someone has headphones they can catch you up on music you missed.


Mysterious-Mist t1_j31cmih wrote

When you opened your eyes to see your family and your wife for the first time.. did they look the same or did they age by 12 years? But of course if you’re posting your story in 2023, then you’re out of your coma. But at least this time, you’re not alone.


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mankuuuuu t1_j3344fh wrote

So, in reality 12 years went by and how much time you think you spent in getting out?


BuggyWasTaken OP t1_j343kza wrote

I don't know. I don't even remember all of the things i did in that 12 year long coma. This is the only thing i remembered out of all the 12 years but i'm so happy that i'm out of it.