Submitted by Hellisme88 t3_104lma5 in nosleep

My name is Daniel. I am 42 years old and I live in South East London. I am an executive for an international plastics company. I have a beautiful wife, two rambunctious children, and a dog named Bongo. At first sight you would say we are the very image of a perfect family. If you look around our flat you would see photos of us all at family picnics, selfies in the London Eye, and beautifully serene vacations around Europe. Waking up this morning to tickle fights and being slapped in the face by a confused and enthusiastic dog tail is the beginning of every romantic comedy we hope to live. I would love to be Daniel forever, but today is my last day. Today is always my last day.

Allow me to explain. This isn’t a suicide note to my beloved family. In fact, I met them all for the first time this morning with aforementioned tickle fight. Yesterday, my name was Jake. I was a 26 year old sailor on leave in Norfolk, Virginia. I had an amazing boyfriend of two years, in fact, if I were still Jake today I was intending on proposing to the love of my life. Well, the love of a life.

The day before that my name was Sarah. I was an 18 year old high school graduate during beach week. Let me tell you, I have woken up to my “first” hangover more times than I care to remember. I have been every age from 13 to 85, every sex, every race, every sexual orientation, and every gender identity. All of my lives have been unique and beautiful in their own way but none have truly been my own, and none have lasted longer than 23 hours and 59 minutes.

The first time it happened I thought it was a dream. I thought it was an elaborate nightmare that I couldn’t wake from, but then when I died in my “dream” I didn’t wake up in my bed or even my body. I woke up with a whole new set of memories and people surrounding me. I thought I was going mad. The first few times my days ended in psych wards, bathtubs surrounded by pools of my own blood, and even skydiving sans parachute, but every morning I woke up anew. A new body, a new history, a new everything. Eventually I grew accustomed to my fate and had to find a way to live 23 hours and 59 minutes at a time.

I never know how I am going to die, but I do know it will happen without fail. Besides by own hand, I have been struck by vehicles, burned alive, shot by jealous lovers, had trees fallen on me, stung by a bee, drowned in pool, and aneurisms galore. There have been some lives I have led that when I wake up I know EXACTLY how I will die and others it’s a complete mystery.

For example, when I was Jake yesterday I was jostled awake by a very orally talented Marine, and the morning before Sarah was tied in the trunk of a car. Both very different scenarios starting out, and very similar endings followed. Jake was subsequently stabbed in the back by a homeless man whom I neglected to give change to and Sarah is yet another innocent teen who was murdered by a local serial killer.

I will say I’d rather have Sarah’s fate than Jake’s hand over fist. Dying alone is much easier than dying with people you love around you. You never want to see people crying over you when you are trying to get to the other side. I think that is why pets hide when they know their time is coming. Honestly, it draws out the pain longer because you cannot concentrate. It’s like someone pounding on the door when you are constipated trying to take shit. Leave me alone and let me go.

So far, I have lived 2543 different lives and have died 2542 times, so by now I am definitely the foremost expert at dying 101. If you did your math correctly you would have figured I have been doing this close to seven years now. I am not REALLY sure what caused my, as I call it, “curse” to appear, but I think it had something to do with the way I lived the first life, my life.

My first name was Robert Raintree, but my friends called me Billy the Kid and not in a loving way. I was quite the spoiled brat to say the least. I came from a well to do family in Manhattan. I had everything going for me. Money, looks, women, men, cars, you name it… I easily got it. But, like every clichéd playboy eventually it all caught up to me. I made many enemies, from the door man I never tipped in my penthouse to the jilted spouses of my many lovers, I did not leave a good impression on this Earth.

What finally did me in though, was not an accident or a grisly murder but good old-fashioned karma. Literally, I was killed by Karma. I was leaving the hotel from a one-night stand with a married Senator, classy I know, and there was a torrential downpour. My private car was running late and I was not one to wait around. So I found a cab, pushed the little old lady who originally hailed it out of my way; she fell to the ground and I got right in.

Again, I was the epitome of class.

The cab itself was disgusting as most cabs in Manhattan are, ripe with rancid body odor, sticky floors, and stains of all kinds of fluids… that alone should have been my punishment to be honest. Fate had other things in store though. As I was exiting the cab I slipped, fell, and hit my head. I fell into a coma and stayed like that until one day I woke up in my second life… Max, a dirt farmer in Idaho.

I honestly feel bad for Max’s family. Like I mentioned before, I thought I was dreaming the first time it happened so when I ran head first into a wood chipper in front of my family I thought it would wake me straight up into Billy’s fantastically easy life, but when I woke up as Samantha the pregnant runaway, I knew something was VERY wrong!

Since then I have learned that I am NOT dreaming and my actions, though no longer Billy’s, have real consequences. I learned that unfortunate bit when I woke up in psych ward as Max’s son who apparently got a mouth full of dear ole’ dad soup two years prior.

I don’t know what cosmic being is doing this to me. Maybe I am not alone and this happens to us all but on different timespans or circumstance. Perhaps I am just being punished by having to live the hardest day of other peoples’ lives for them and for all I know saints, when they die, get to live everyone’s best orgasms.

I have come to accept this is my punishment. I am not sure if there is a way out of it. I have tried to live with dignity and help people as much as I have hurt them in my past, but even that isn’t enough it seems.

Maybe there is no way out. Maybe I am destined to play out someone else’s final day for the rest of eternity or… at least until people cease to exist. If there are no more people there would be no more lives to live, then maybe I can finally stay dead.

Maybe one of these days I can jump into a world leader and speed things along. One can hope!


Part 2



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OrionResident t1_j36hkk1 wrote

It sounds like you stuck in a karma circle called samsara !


That_Gab0 t1_j36mh0a wrote

Yeah it seems like he is, is being stuck in samsara always negative tho? I'm tryna learn more about the concept


SKAOG t1_j38i6to wrote

Yes, regardless of whether you look at Both Hinduism or Buddhism who disagree about Atma, both do agree that samsara is bad because you're stuck in the cycle of rebirth and can't attain liberation from suffering while living through lives, either Moksha to unite back with Brahman (Hinduism) or Nirvana to just stop existing and have no self (Buddhism).


BataBataShiteiru t1_j391s43 wrote

This description is quite incomplete. Nirvana is not a metaphysical reality like heaven. Not-self is a mark of existence already, not something which is attained.

We have a fundamental intuition that we are a self that experiences time, space, birth, and death, as opposed to an inextricable and inseparable part of the unfolding of reality (including the phenomena which arise from those perceptions) not separate - this can be described in many ways including scientifically, but these are abstractions. Fundamental reality is not knowable because of what knowing is. Ignorance of this, along with aversion and grasping are the roots of all suffering, but are also empty of inherent nature. Nirvana is already here, we just don't realize it. The idea that Samsara is "bad" is one of the very ideas keeping you in Samsara.


SKAOG t1_j39iflv wrote

Thanks for correcting any gaps of my knowledge about Buddhism. I do understand that Nirvana is basically realising what already exists and cutting off the roots of dukkha ie englightment.

However, I'm Hindu, so Samsara is bad to me and thinking so isn't keeping me in it. I believe in Atma and Paramatma and that living multiple lives of false ego and attachment to the impermanent are not good, so Buddhist teachings don't really apply to me.


BataBataShiteiru t1_j3a9ke7 wrote

It's not too difficult to connect one description to the other.

Cutting off the roots of Dukkha is the deep realization that there is no Dukkha to cut off and nothing to attain.

In a conventional sense, of course Samsara is bad and you are in it. But in an absolute sense the concepts of good and bad themselves don't exist - they are mental constructions, not things inherent to reality itself. The same goes for rebirth - in a very real sense the stuff of you-ness is continually unfolding and changing. There are some conventionally meaningful changes that we call "birth" and "death" (and within that framing, we cannot escape this and have countless rebirths) but even these are empty of inherent, non-mentally constructed meaning (hence: escape the cycle of birth and death by realizing what they really are: empty). They're important to "us" (the phenomena of self), our ego only, which is indeed a real phenomena, just not some kind of enduring spirit or essence. It is from the belief itself in the enduring reality and separateness of the self that our attachment, aversion, and suffering arises, when really we are one boundless system. One Brahman.

This is why we can say that karma ripens from the merit of past lives - it's not a point system, it's simply cause and effect of the whole. Samsara is the human condition that is simply that - a human condition.


SKAOG t1_j3dnsmz wrote

The whole point of Hinduism is for the Atma to return back to the Paramatma, so Samsara is literally an obstacle to the end goal. General Good and Bad may be human constructions, but specifically Dharma and Adharma have been determined in sacred texts (Vedas, Upanishads etc.), of Hinduism and by countless of Rishis. And that adhering to a dharmic way of life, being indifferent to Sukha-Duhkha, and pursuing the knowledge of Atman will result in Moksha.

What you're saying may apply to Buddhism, but not Hinduism, because words with the same name such as Karma doe not mean the same in Buddhism as they do in Hinduism due to disagreements of the two dharmas.


That_Gab0 t1_j38t5lw wrote



SKAOG t1_j39ip2m wrote

Welcome, even though my understanding of Buddhism isn't the strongest, you can see the reply to the explanation that I have by another person.


betarad t1_j3hea6u wrote

iirc samsara translates to "suffering"


jlwc2005 t1_j3775w7 wrote

Hey I've never heard of that before but im totally intrigued can you please elaborate for me if you have the time.


S4njay t1_j361p0x wrote

Your life seems cool, until you realise all of these are the worst days of their lives


gregklumb t1_j374nxw wrote

Well, I must say that dying everyday seems to have improved your personality.


SteamingTheCat t1_j38fvnj wrote

You know the phrase "7 years bad luck"? Maybe just maybe, you're at the END of your punishment. Could be any day now?


thndrgrrrl t1_j3a8npr wrote

That old lady you pushed out of the way to get into the taxi, that was a witch


Fexofanatic t1_j38q4km wrote

the last two sentences are exactly the problem my dude. like, in some lives you could make the world a better place, or posthumously do sth good as you retain these memories it seems. the girl killed ? get her justice.


LikeThemPies t1_j3825m0 wrote

If this is more Karma, I think you need to start dedicating your endless last days to a) doing as much good as possible, and b) trying to make it easier for the people around you.


RiiniiUsagii t1_j392pbd wrote

I always wonder what happens to the really horrible people say like hitler. What if hitler has to live a life over and over of the cattle we kill and harvest? I like this too as in what if hitler has to live everyone who died last day on earth. That takes a bit of the fear of dying away. Very well thought out


Zagadee t1_j3955k3 wrote

Sounds like Sam Beckett’s life if didn’t have Al or Ziggy to tell him where things were going to go wrong.


Proper_Fox9241 t1_j391pdo wrote

Oh my god I read the first few sentences and all I could think of is yoshikage kira


MacabreCoronel t1_j38w372 wrote

Ok this is honestly stupid cool.

You rock Billy, hope you never re incarnate in Latam.


HippoBanana58 t1_j38ksd8 wrote

Hey, maybe you’ll play out my final day sooner or later! Don’t know if I should be happy or sad because my last day will actually be lived by somebody else and not me.


CandiBunnii t1_j3h6ttj wrote

Yeah wait a second, where do the original body owners go?

Do they just die in their sleep in time for this dude to slip in?

Are they trapped along for the ride?


karmadovernater t1_j3axdvg wrote

Well wishing you could end all life wont fix your karmic footprint any time soon. Do good things and good things happen

(Absolutely great, unique story. I'd watch this as a film. Or read as a book)


Submissive_Peach t1_j3bekw8 wrote

What if he's still in the coma and it ends when the body dies? 🤔


alwaysoffended88 t1_j3aha1k wrote

Wow. This sounds like a horrific fate.

How did Daniel die? Would you be able to come back & tell us about your new life that you wake up in tomorrow?


Gamaray311 t1_j3fwnjv wrote

Please keep us in the loop about your situation… I want to read each being you become and one day help you figure it out