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silver1q2w3e t1_j5teovn wrote

The process behind making humans feels nice and people have natural instincts to want to raise younglings.


sandwichcrackers t1_j5tffyr wrote

You forget the most important part, that those hormones and natural instincts cause you to bond with children and brainwash yourself into thinking that it won't be a horrid experience to bring them into the world (pregnancy and birth were terrible for me, but I love my kids).

I find it strange that OP's species as a whole didn't evolve the proper hormones to overcome the trauma of birth and what their newborns originally look like.

Though it seems like some did. After all, the birth she got to watch was the 5th birth of the mother, and she volunteered to be observed, meaning she must have some level of comfort with the process. Perhaps they should simply allow nature to take it's course and allow those that don't want to birth to just not birth.


silver1q2w3e t1_j5th0z1 wrote

I'm guessing OP is some form of demi human. Not all creatures love their young. Many even starve or murder some of them. Perhaps the more reptilian side is what's favored here so when they turn out more human it messes with the mother's maternal instincts. Given the human side though as time would move on more human maternal instincts are bound to show assuming the crossbreed.


sandwichcrackers t1_j5tn3y8 wrote

I'm not sure that makes a lot of sense evolution-wise, though I like your idea. Animals that don't instinctually care for their young have young that can survive independently. Animals that have defenseless young don't tend to abandon them the way OP says is the norm for her species. Sure, a few are bad parents, but that removes those instinctual behaviors from the gene pool, reinforcing instinctual good parenting behaviors. If that wasn't the case, they never would've made it long enough to become civilized.

I suspect this is something supernatural, that their ancestors were normal humans that became possessed by something in order to produce these unnatural behaviors.


Outrageous_Word_2458 t1_j5tz0ru wrote

THIS!! Mother of 3. Last one almost killed me, and yet 6 years later I’m begging my hubby for number 4! I remember how awful it all was. I spent the first 3 days after my c-section in so much pain I couldn’t move. Don’t get me wrong, if hurt NOT to move, but it hurt MORE to move so much as my arm. And because I’m American and every doctor just assumes you’re lying about pain, even after having your stomach sliced open down to your womb and your insides on your outsides a while. It was some of the worst pain of my life and it took me over 6 weeks to heal enough the pain didn’t spike hard enough to make me gasp and practice my breathing if I moved wrong.

But hormones. And I love all kids so much. I’ll heal, but if hubby wants the next one to be the last one he should ask me if I want another one while they’re in there and at that point I’d absolutely consent to a hysterectomy.