Submitted by Koil_John_Asyle t3_1052zvd in nosleep

Many people are scared of what has been told in our folklore such as ghosts, demons, and monsters but sometimes we forget that fellow humans are equally scary and sometimes even more dangerous than the monsters some of you faced in the woods.

I survived her but the other members of my family are less fortunate because they met their ends at the hands of Sonia, our housemaid. She worked for us for 6 months and she was the nicest housemaid we have and she gets along with most of the other workers in the house and she gets along with our family very well, she was the nicest and she was a hardworking lady who works without complain or hesitation, the type of worker who's gonna be well liked by an employer.

But all of this was just a disguise of a monster worse than a wendigo and she finally showed her true colors on a sunny Tuesday, I am currently doubting my decision to share this experience because of how much it has scarred me even though I went through therapy after that ordeal but here I am, so there is no turning back now.

It was a sunny Tuesday morning when I woke up to the smell of toasted bread so I got up and immediately went downstairs to the kitchen to eat and I saw Sonia and my mother cooking food together along with toasting bread with butter which I learned to love ever since and my whole family is sitting on the table waiting for Sonia and mother to finish what they are cooking.

They cooked chicken biryani and served it to each and one of us, my dad, my two younger brothers, me, and my older sister have welcomed the chicken biryani that's getting served and we ate it because breakfasts like these are rare and of course the family banter won't go missing in this table.

We got finished and left our dishes on the table and me and my older sister Jane headed for the game room to play while my younger brothers went out to play outside, my father goes back to the living room to watch his favorite show and my mother went to town to buy something leaving Sonia alone in the kitchen, she kept her nice attitude and was all smiles while she cleans the table up but me and Jane didn't mind and head to the game room.

Me and Jane had a very close relationship, she was 17 and I was 15 at the time but we were the closest among our siblings, ever since we were children I was already her playmate and we played a lot, we had our fights but we mostly make up, there have been a lot of people noticing that we look so similar and that Jane started calling me her male version in a joking way and, I, of course went with it since she is technically my best friend.

Jane is a very protective and affectionate sister, she shows her care towards me and often helps me with homeworks and projects and I love her for that, we often go out with each other hanging out, we essentially had each other's backs and I am willing to take a bullet for her, that's how much I love my sister.

We entered the game room and turned on the two PCs at the room and sat at each of our respective seats, Jane of course taunted me before putting on our headphones which I eagerly agreed to her taunts, she sucks at Call of Duty anyway.

A good 30 minutes In the middle of our match she suddenly spoke up and asked me.

"Have you seen Sonia staring at you weirdly this morning?" She asked

"No, are you being paranoid again?", I asked her back

"Nuh uh, she was staring at you weirdly, her eyes and expression looked odd this morning" she responded

"Well she probably has a crush on me since I'm the most handsome guy alive, can't blame her." I said

"Even a dog's arse looks better than your face." Sonya laughingly responded

"Jane I'm not a mirror plus that's cope because you're getting beaten, suck it loser." I clapped back.

We were laughing when we suddenly heard our dad scream from the living room, we got up and went out to check out what's happening when suddenly one of our little brothers with blood stains and teary eyes met us in the door and hugged Jane, we asked what happened but the John doesn't answer so we had him hide in the closet in the game room and told him to call the cops when we don't return, John nods and hid in the closet while me and Jane went downstairs to check out what's happening.

At first everything is clear, no signs of chaos or anything then we turned to the living room and we saw what Sonia is doing, she was ripping the guts of my father and she was eating some of it, we were horrified and in our terror we froze, Sonia then looked at us and smiled, she laughed and slowly walked towards us.

Jane somehow managed to get a grip of herself and ran upstairs, I soon followed and Sonia gave chase while laughing maniacally, Jane hid in one of the rooms while I was left outside to face Sonia face to face.

Sonia flaunted her knife and asked me how I would like to be handled and cooked, I didn't answer and I froze again in fear of this crazy person holding a knife, she then charged at me and I did all I can to defend myself and struggled with her, she managed to stab my hand which I folded in the fetal position while crying in pain.

"Kids who don't respect their elders deserve that". Sonia laughed

I continued crying in pain as I am watching Sonia crawling towards me with a huge smile and said

"I can't wait to eat your organs and put your flesh in my new biryani"

I cried as I thought it was gonna be the last moments of my life when suddenly Jane attacked Sonia and Sonia dropped the knife as I continue to cry in pain because of my stabbed left hand, Jane and Sonia exchanged blows and struggled against one another until Sonia managed to take the knife and stabbed Jane in the stomach, Jane cried in pain and I was enraged, I felt a sudden surge of adrenaline and got back up.

Sonia pulled the knife up and noticed that I have got back to my feet, the moment Sonia noticed I instantly charger at her and struggled against her, she was strong but my adrenaline rush kept me going until I overpowered her and pinned her down on the floor, we were fighting like animals and we used everything we have to inflict pain on each other.

I punched Sonia in the face with my right hand continuously while she was scratching me, rage got the best of me and decided to go for the knife, it was a race against Sonia as she did try to take the knife but I got the knife first and plunged it on Sonia's stomach, I pressed it harder on her while she was scratching me and I was screaming in pain.

The scratching suddenly stopped as Sonia bleeds and she is weakened, the adrenaline rush of mine also subsided and I let go of the knife, I got up and went to Jane's side who is also bleeding, she leaned on me as we watch Sonia lay dying and that was when my mom and the police arrived.

The first aid responders took us to the ambulance and me and Jane are being tended to by the medics.

We were hospitalized and my other brother William was found dead and dismembered in the backyard while John was found hiding in the closet by the authorities, while Sonia was dead on arrival to the hospital.

Today me and Jane lives together with John and Mom in another city and life is going good but I hope we don't get another housemaid because I am traumatized by the events that happened 2 years ago.



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NoSignificance2330 t1_j3b2sy9 wrote

She has any antecedent of violence in her past? Or something just happened into her head that day?


bbabix0 t1_j3gwgoy wrote

I'm so sorry but your strength after your sister was stabbed probably saved more of you then you know... I'm so sorry about William and your father my heart ached when I read that about your brother in the yard .. you have John And your Mom and Jane you guys will always have each other.