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Elajz t1_j5nox63 wrote

Daniel, I swear, do you want them to help you, or are you just gonna keep bitching around? Jeeeez. Nobody told him he'd have to do it alone, I'm sure Ash would make a plan of sorts, so why be an asshole. Can someone explain to him how folklore, heroes and trials work please?


Cryptid_Muse t1_j5oi9x5 wrote

Last time shr helped during a trial, a student drowned in an inch of water.


fainting--goat OP t1_j5pbsqs wrote

I'm gonna go be sad now. 😞


Cryptid_Muse t1_j5pch0q wrote

Don't blame yourself, its still totally possible he would have failed without the attempted help and the help may not be why he failed. You can't know if that trial was supposed to be solo or not, this trial you know in advanced it has to be solo (though you could probably still watch from tje doorway and offer moral support).This guy may have to do the work himself, but you can still arm with knowledge and ammunition to use.


Elajz t1_j5oivgv wrote

That doesn't mean she can't for example provide him with weapons and tips or such. Fairytales often have a helpful figure/guide for the hero, like a loyal friend