Submitted by whotookmyusername556 t3_10ouhww in nosleep

I went deaf during an experiment. Happened during a sound test, the damn speakers blew my eardrums and I was in pain for an hour or so. The doctors said that they couldn't fix the eardrums, so I'm permanently deaf.

I live in a medium-sized house, near a hospital, since I figured if I get injured or something it's easy to get help. There are only about 7 other houses, with 9 neighbors. I got to know about 8 of them, since one of them is a senile old man who speaks German but doesn't use sign language.

The voices appeared around a week ago, while I was at home, reading a book about how to get used to being deaf. I was on page 56 I think, then a quiet, incoherent whisper. It startled me, but as I looked around, there was nothing to be found. I shrugged it off as my imagination. 15 minutes later. Another whisper, this time in what was presumably 1800s English. It was a bit quiet, but all I could make out was; "Thou shalt...", and then after that it was mumbled. I tried it shrug it off, but they kept whispering into my ears.

At first, it was, what? 1-3 voices at a time, whispering? But after 4 or 5 days, it kept getting worse and worse, louder and louder. I can't get them out of my head, and they overlap each other, so I can't make out anything they say. I tried going to the doctors, and they recommended me to go to a mental health institute. I tried a spiritual helper, and they said some bullsh#t crap like; "The spirits are angry with you, and are speaking to you all at once to tell them their unfinished deeds". On day 6, while I was riding in a taxi going home, one of the voices yelled for the first time. I closed my ears thinking the voices would stop. It. Would. Not. Stop. I prayed to GOD that the voices would just STOP. The taxi driver kept shaking me, trying to ask if I was okay. After 3 full minutes of yelling in my ears, I finally jumped out of the cab, trying to end my life by jumping out onto oncoming traffic. Turns out I was already at home. So I rushed inside, picked up a knife, and tried to end it, a jugular pierce. A deafening, painful shriek came and stopped me. I don't know how, but the scream hurt my eardrums, even though they were ruptured. The screams wouldn't stop until I put down the knife. The voices returned to the mumbling. I tried to sleep after that, but sleep wouldn't come. 3 hours of non-stop voices. I couldn't even hear anything they were making out.

Today, only one voice was there. It was mumbling at first, but now it's full blown yelling at the top of their lungs, if they had any. This time, it was a demonic voice, a deep f#ck!ng voice. It repeated the same phrase, over. And. Over. And. Over again. It was just saying a latin phrase, "In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti". At 7pm, it started to multiply. I can't get them to stop, so someone, anyone who reads this post, please, help me.



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Thatdeathlessdeath t1_j6h5xj4 wrote

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti translates to In the name of the father, son, and the holy spirit. WTF call a priest.


theshadowsauce t1_j6hacrt wrote

Call your local exorcist. In the meantime rub salt and garlic in your ears, I heard it helps silence demonic voices.


SlavBorisita t1_j6hidik wrote

The voice is praying in Latin, call a priest


Hundlordfart t1_j6k0zjf wrote

Auditory Charles Bonnet syndrome - in the absence of the regular auditory stimuli that the brain is used to, the brain starts to ”make up its own”. Has been described in medical literature, and been portrayed in the book ”Hallucinations” by famous neurologist Oliver Sacks.


SteamingTheCat t1_j6nmv5r wrote

Go to your doctor. I wonder if they'll see anything when they look at your ears with a stethoscope.