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NightSkulker t1_j56faqz wrote

Sounds like a curse but "buffalaxed".
You know, a foreign language that sounds like english wordsare being said.
Comes from the video on YouTube "Benny Lava" originally word mashed by "Buffalax".
Don't know what language that might be, if that's the case, and don't want to know.
No soup for me, please.


PixeeLi t1_j5dp09p wrote

Now poop on them Oliver!


NightSkulker t1_j5oxsnc wrote

"Minor bun engine burn, Benny Lava!"
And nobody will know what we're talking about without hearing it themselves.
And last I knew it was region locked.
Probably for the best considering I soup ate a word dog is going around.
Who knows what would happen.