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Kallyanna t1_j6k3pj6 wrote

It sounds to me like it might be something passive from the “beef”. If it was human meat then it would have smelled and looked like pork.

My thought is something demonic that your boss is into?


Rangermatthias t1_j6lhcsp wrote

Know a lot about cooking human meat, do you?


Spida81 t1_j6lmpjx wrote

Long pig... the other OTHER somewhat unethically sourced food, new from Nestle.


Fickle_Turn_5456 t1_j6mmz7q wrote

When dogs get the taste of blood, they change..they’re never the same and can’t be trusted…I’ve seen the sweetest most placid dogs turn into blood hungry beasts that never come back


Tsizzle543 t1_j6nwraa wrote

Guess you never fed your dog a raw diet


Fickle_Turn_5456 t1_j6p06ne wrote

When they kill, already prepared meat is different, when they take a life or they taste the fresh warm blood, that is the catalyst for change


Tsizzle543 t1_j6p4hsb wrote

I beg to differ. Some dogs have extremely high prey drives, regardless if they kill anything or not. This behavior is not blood lust.. it’s ingrained behavior. The aggressive behaviors passed down from their wolf ancestors and their breeding is in no way impacted by tasting blood. The blood your dog tastes will not cause it to attack again. There is no scientific backing to this claim. The contributing factor is the temperament of the dog. If the dog attacks it’s more likely to attack again due to improper socialization skills not a blood thirst