Submitted by SnooMachines4689 t3_10mlkw7 in nosleep

I am a 74 year old woman with terminal brain cancer. The doctors say I have a few weeks left to live. My family tell me that in my last few weeks, I should get what i need to get off of my chest, they all knew something happened that day but their selfish selves cannot even comprehend the horror I went through that day.

For some context, it was the summer of 62, I was 29 years old and in the prime of my life. I spent everyday serving my husband and children, cleaning the house and preparing delicious meals. Some people may find this life boring and backwards, but i really did enjoy spending time at home with my kids. I loved my kids so much, I had 3, Natasha (10) William (6) and Ronald (2). Natasha was naturally very intelligent, she would always get grade As in every test. To me this wasn’t a problem, but to my husband it was because he believed she should be focusing on domestic chores rather than school, to which i disagreed but I didn’t speak up against him. He would also hate when William cried, saying he should “toughen up”. This behaviour from my husband was alittle bit odd though, because before he’d always encourage Natasha to work hard in school and he’d comfort William when he had an issue. I just assumed it must have been the stress from work, after all he did work very hard.

It was a humid evening in mid July, the sun was going down. I was getting dinner ready, it was a casserole which I had put a-lot of effort into making perfect for my husband, who was at work. My husband was a corporate lawyer, so he’d often come home late, and leave early so he could go to the gym. Dinner was ready, I called my kids to come down, but my husband still wasn’t home. We decided to wait half an hour, until the kids got so hungry so I decided to let them eat. It was weird because he would usually be home by this time, but I reckoned it was a long case at work, which also happened sometimes. Another hour passed, still nothing. No call, no text. I decided to put the kids to sleep and go to my husband’s office. I couldn’t drive so I had to walk. It was about a 20 minute walk, the dark, mysterious aura of night was sending shivers down my spine. An extremely unpleasant sensation in my guy began to grow, but I ignored it and kept going. This was probably the biggest mistake I could’ve made.

Once i reached the office, i saw it was empty. In fact it even looked somewhat abandoned. I didn’t know how to get in, I assumed it would have a security lock or something, but the door opened as soon as i turned the knob. I decided to explore a-bit. The whole place looked abandoned, hundreds of computers, files left open, the building itself looked like it was about to collapse. It was nothing like I remembered it from 2 years ago, all up to date and expensive. It now looked as if the huge building itself was about to collapse. The empty halls looked hauntingly back at me, i felt that I wasnt alone in there. But to me everything could still go back to normal, i could forget everything i just saw, until i entered my husbands office room.

A letter, written in latin, read: I am going to take over. I am going to kill, succeed, ruin, dominate. Watch me. Watch m. Watch. Ŵætçh. Mē. What the hell did i just read? I started to say a prayer, in fear for my life all of a sudden. I wanted to ascend into heaven, for I felt that whatever was awaiting for me here was much worse than death. Then i saw it. In the corner of my eye, it looked me straight into my pupil. It was my husband, but it wasn’t really him. It was some strange, shapeshifting creature pretending to be him. I tried to run but it got me. It talked to me. It talked about all the things it did to my husband, who i found out is dead and mutilated. It called my daughter names, it called my sons worthless. It called me weak, easy and pathetic. I guess it mustve been correct, because when it offered to let me go, but take my son i cowardly said yes. It took my son, my 2 year old boy. “The younger the better”.

After this, my other kids refuse to talk to me. They to this day have ptsd issues, my daughter even ended up taking her own life 30 years ago. There was no sign of “my husband” after that day, everyone thought i killed my baby and my husband, but i didnt. It wasnt me it was that skin taking creature!

Now everyone is wanting me to confess to this “double homicide”, but thats not what worries me, i dont care about that anymore. I remembered something else. It told me i would return to it when i die. I dont know how to feel. I am terrified. I cant be saved anymore.



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A_crybaby t1_j66w888 wrote

If you were 29 in 1962 that would put your birth in 1933. You said you’re 74? You should be 90 this year. Are you a little confused? I hear dementia causes hallucinations.


TrashGeologist t1_j676bgr wrote

“No call. No text.” “Hundreds of computers”

I hope she’s having an episode and that this shape shifter is also in her imagination


DevilMan17dedZ t1_j65n09t wrote

Damn. This is a rough piece. I wish you all the best luck in the future...