Submitted by Su_Blime_ t3_10m5re1 in nosleep

"Hey, Noah, can you draw us?" My friend, Joey, practically begged me on his hands and knees, pulling his girlfriend close to him. Cindy nodded in agreement with her boyfriend's request.

I raised an eyebrow, chuckling to myself. "You do realize you'll have to stand still for a while? I can only really draw still-life stuff."

They both shrugged it off, already sitting in a position they could hold for a while. I grabbed my sketchbook and got to drawing. It didn't take long to sketch out their forms, followed by the details that would make each of them unique—the freckles across Cindy's mouth, the muscles along Joey's arms, the way her hair sort of swirled like a tornado. As I leant back to take a peak at the finished product, I realized I had accidentally drawn Joey's hand on Cindy's shoulder... Or at least I thought it was Joey's.

They were not even remotely similar. Unlike Joey's broad and large hands, the fingers on Cindy's shoulder were wrinkled, devoid of any moisture. Long, rotting nails jutted out like bones from the tips of its fingers, digging into Cindy's hot pink blouse. I looked over at her,, but there was no hand to be there. Just as I went to erase the decrepit limb, Joey took the book out of my hand.

Cindy looked delighted, clasping her hands together. However, as her eyes trace the drawing, she must have hovered over the rotting hand because her face fell. She pointed at it, causing Joey's expression to drop with hers. After a moment, his face lit up with laughter. "Oh man, that actually freaked me out for a moment! You're such an artist!" He squeezed her shoulders, smiling at me. "Thanks, Noah." Cindy thanked me half-heartedly, not so psyched about the weird hand.

As I tore the paper out of the sketchbook and handed it to them, I couldn't help but wonder why I drew that. I don't recall doing so—not consciously at least. In all likelihood, I did it because I saw someone hold something and that image stuck with me. I wasn't sure why the hand looked so twisted, but I wasn't going to question the coincidence. It was just one of those weird moments, nothing more.

Still, I couldn't get the hand out of my head. On the bus back home from school, I pulled out my sketchbook and began doodling the girl sitting in front of me. I wasn't the type to do this, but I needed to see if what happened was just a one-time occurrence. The drawing started off fine; she was wearing a dark coat and was staring at the phone in her hand, brown hair draping over her face. That should've been all that there was... But my hand continued to move.

I began drawing another figure, this one far more inhumane, with decomposing skin, gnarly bones protruding from underneath. Slowly, its form became more apparent; though humanoid, it was obviously anything but human.

It was perched on the shoulders of the girl, head tilted with curiosity as it watched whatever the girl's phone was playing. Where eyes should've been were instead replaced by hollow sockets, flies entering and exiting. Its mouth, agape and forever held in an expression of shock, seemed to sag, the skin connecting the jaw and the skull teetering on the edge of ripping apart.

Despite the fact I couldn't see it, I was able to draw the thing with extreme detail; each pore, each blemish, every wrinkle, each hair, everything about it was etched into the paper with perfect accuracy. Frantic, I flipped a page and drew the girl yet again, this time in far less detail. I realized that the constant scratching of lead on paper was disturbing the other passengers, but I couldn't stop.

Once the silhouette of the girl was finished, my hands yet again moved on their own, muscle memory guiding each careful stroke. The creature was yet again seated on the girl's shoulders, only now it wasn't looking at the girl's phone.

It was looking at me.

One final time, I flipped the page and scribbled an incoherent mess that barely resembled the girl. But the feeling of needing to continue the drawing ceased; the thing moved. In that instant, I hopped off at the next stop and dashed for my home, cradling the sketchbook to my chest. I frantically looked around, drawing the scenery in the hope that I'll be able to find that thing again.

Each time I did, it would be there, either waiting for me with a curious tilted head or running along the roofs on all fours, still glaring right at me. Eventually, I reached my house. Once I spun around and locked the door behind me, I made a quick sketch of the door. To my horror, the urge to continue drawing once I finished continued, and the ghastly expression was printed behind the window. Somehow, despite the fact it had no eyes, I knew that it was making eye contact.

Scared beyond belief, I ran to my room, barricading it with my bed and dresser. Then, huddled in the corner on the opposite side of the door, I began filling the pages with drawing after drawing of the entrance. At first, there was nothing special in the first 30 or so pages. But then came those nails; those long, black talons that held the bottom of the door, trying to pry it open. It tried and tried, each drawing showing the thing's hands in a different position. I thought it would give up, but I'm on my third sketchbook now and it still hasn't let up.

I'm writing this now to give my sore hands a break. It's beginning to wear the door down; nail marks cover the outer frame, splinters of wood are sticking out, and the paint itself has begun peeling away. Calling the police isn't an option, and the room doesn't have any windows; I can't leave.

I don't know why I'm even bothering to post this. I guess it's some sort of last wish. I know this probably comes off as some sort of schizo rant, but it's not. There are things that don't live in our realm of existence. Maybe it was my fault for being so curious, putting my nose into places where it shouldn't go, but I couldn't help myself.

If you ever find the need to draw something that you can't see or feel, ignore it, keep your distance, put your pencil down, just for the love of God don't let it know you can see it, because it can see you.



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UsErnaam3 t1_j6350pm wrote

Need to get a cat, they'll protect you from those greebles. You could try throwing some good ole pocket salt at it in the mean time. The cat might interrupt you're drawing though, mine is in my lap asking for attention as I type this .


karmadovernater t1_j663c9i wrote

I picked up a kitty yesterday for my daughters 2nd bday. Shes called Karma and is currently a purr machine curled up on the bed sleeping between me and my girl.


You-Mad-Broo t1_j62adv0 wrote

OP you should try taking your mind off the creature, act as if you never acknowledged its presence.

Maybe this might make him think you are just another normal person and leave you alone?


snukb t1_j66dmnl wrote

Agree. Continuing to draw it just seems to be feeding into it. The more op drew it, the worse the drawings became.


litvuke t1_j64355f wrote

It watching the girl do stuff on her phone is honestly kind of cute 😭


Su_Blime_ OP t1_j646daj wrote

I'll make sure to tell it that when it gets done with clawing my door down, I'm sure it'll be stoked


trivial_vista t1_j645uw1 wrote

Yeah it's like a scary puppy probably intrigued by whatever people are doing, maybe OP should just throw a ball at it maybe it just wants to play fetch 🙂


Mysterious-Mist t1_j633yej wrote

Draw another set of pictures.. like a comic strip.. showing it that you’re sorry, that you’re leaving it to do its thing in peace and you wish for it to do so as well for you. In the drawing, show that you don’t intend to bother it and any drawings with it or its kind present, would not be shown to anyone. Push it under your room door for it to see your message in the form of drawings. Maybe it might leave you alone? Worth a try.


Electronic-Design564 t1_j62qj1h wrote

I feel the urge to try this but man, people would think I'm mental. I wonder if it was just one or if everyone can see them...


Ready-Pomegranate-91 t1_j6880sh wrote

it’s literally required by law to have a window in your room for it to be considered a bedroom, so whoever built your house def was trynna kill you my guy


Petentro t1_j6bmv8s wrote

See and here I am a grown ass man reading this terrifying story and the very first thing that pops into my head is...... a bedroom without windows? Damn I'm jealous. True darkness? She eludes me. Very quickly after that is just the thought that the creature only seems to make progress when it's drawn so maybe just stop drawing?


Ready-Pomegranate-91 t1_j6bvoii wrote

yeah like why did they wanna see it so bad, if anything i would avoid looking at it. the only reason it looked at them was probably bc IT felt uncomfortable and the pictures were probably a very bad angle of it, id chase them too.


lunar_ether t1_j64z3uw wrote

Why do you assume it's trying to hurt you? Maybe it just wants a friend because no one has noticed it before. Also, if it's only showing up on paper, that indicates it is unable to manifest itself physically. You'll be fine either way


karmadovernater t1_j663x82 wrote

Just like Jack frost in rise of the guardians. He followed, played, spied on ppl longing for the attention. An yes. Even entered their homes.


Ad_Honorem1 t1_j6313fa wrote

That thing is Death; I'm guessing you don't have much time left.


BeesechurgerLad53 t1_j63h3aa wrote

Honestly you could call the cops, as long as you have people around you as a witness to what’s happening it shouldn’t be able to kill your without making a scene. Are the claw marks only in the drawing? If there’s physical evidence that could help too


BrenskiMcCoy t1_j630r63 wrote

I say pray. Ask God to send it back to hell. Demons are no joke. I see them. They no I can see them. I have seen them all my life. That’s what I do. God is more powerful than a demon.


karmadovernater t1_j662pow wrote

Can you see the scratch marks on the door or only on the paper you're drawing. If you stop drawing maybe it can't get in. One of those deals like the weeping angels where they can only approach when you look away but only after having first seen them. This thing may only approach when you pay attention. I'd be to scared to draw. I'd rather not know thanks. You drawing is like asking what day you'll die. Why the need to know. Makes it worse.


FireKingDono t1_j651iq4 wrote

Perhaps it wants to be your friend


karmadovernater t1_j6634go wrote

Don't you think you're asking for dark shit like this when living in a room with no windows? He's after the blood you store for mealtimes.


Shadowwolfmoon13 t1_j67fu1n wrote

Maybe draw it on a building collapsing with it falling under the rubble completely buried. Might kill it off.