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blahbleh112233 t1_j8wy05z wrote

Wait why is this even news to begin with. Unless the dude's committing crimes or is a Palanski, isn't he just like those rich people that'll shell out millions for a celebrity to play at their kids birthday?


ariusLane t1_j8x9y3d wrote

This guy invites a famous person to the ball every year and pays them a fee to do so. The only news is that it’s Jane Fonda this year, everything else is not.


ilxfrt t1_j8xmlba wrote

The time it was real scandal-worthy news was the year he invited Berlusconi’s bunga bunga escort.


[deleted] t1_j8xtbj1 wrote



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spoke2 t1_j907b9s wrote

I guess now she can add "escort" to her resume.


LetsSayAwfulThings t1_j95rrh6 wrote

Thought it was a guy operating a Jane Fonda puppet at first


steeplebob t1_j8x1fuv wrote

Plastic face makes me sad.


youreajokereally t1_j8x1mkn wrote

Does the scarf help keep her head attached to her body
