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bbkknn t1_j9jdwol wrote

Scapegoat. But the whole thing is surreal.

The trains weren't build, they noticed the wrong measurements in the early design stage. This happened two or three years ago and the design was stopped for a long time because it's a legal problem.

Before 2015, when this particular rail system needed new machines they would state in the contract that the new machines must have the same dimensions than the old ones. In 2015 a new safety standard came out establishing new dimensions for the machines and wagons. What nobody took into account is that there are some really old tunnels which are smaller than the dimensions in the new safety standard.

The safety standard had to be changed to allow for exceptions on how the machine dimensions are established and this took forever. But as said, no train was build.

In a few months there are regional elections and so this year old problem nobody ever heard about suddenly has become a big talking point to bash on the government.