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meauho t1_j70hspj wrote

We're ignore the 7-hour time difference and Just go with the fact that you don't understand what double jeopardy is.

Double jeopardy is for the EXACT SAME crime - as in the same charges from the same incident that happened at the same time. Double jeopardy isn't killing someone and never being able to be charged with murder again and it isn't getting out of every speeding ticket because you got one in your life.

It may be possible to argue double jeopardy if he had received the ticket and then a few miles down the road while in route to a place that he can bring himself into compliance he received the same tickets but that isn't what happened.

What happened is he broke the law.

7 hours later he broke the law again

He doesn't get a get out of jail free card just because he already broke those laws.


kevinds t1_j70i9aj wrote

>It may be possible to argue double jeopardy if he had received the ticket and then a few miles down the road while in route to a place that he can bring himself into compliance he received the same tickets but that isn't what happened.

>Double jeopardy is for the EXACT SAME crime - as in the same charges from the same incident that happened at the same time.

He was stopped twice, given tickets twice, but has four tickets for driving more than 8 hours without a break.

>What happened is he broke the law.

>7 hours later he broke the law again

And got 4 tickets for driving without an 8 hour break, the EXACT SAME CRIME.

That is why I said "pretty sure only two of those are valid". One from each time he was pulled over, totalling two.