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dw444 t1_j6x0ruv wrote

Extra, extra, conservative religious man is a bigoted piece of shit.


HoneydewInMyAss t1_j6xsnpi wrote

Wow, insane how the religious conservatives of every country are always deeply evil...doesn't matter the country, or the religion.

They're all self-righteous human garbage doing evil in the Name of their stupid, fake gods.


Gyoza-shishou t1_j6xttns wrote

bUt ThErE iS nO mOrAlItY wItHoUt ReLiGiOn


Kahzgul t1_j6zpies wrote

If the only reason someone behaves well is that they're afraid of punishment in the afterlife, they're not a good person; they're an evil one who is also a coward.


SirThatsCuba t1_j6yzj0q wrote

If it weren't for religion I wouldn't have learned how deeply, deeply broken some people can be so there's that


Dvscape t1_j711j93 wrote

Wouldn't you? Maybe without religion they would be more outspoken or visible somehow to everyone.


MonkeysWedding t1_j6z5ju1 wrote

The absence of morality would certainly be a step up from the obscene fiction we call morality today.


Gschu54 t1_j716xca wrote

We've simply moved past the point of where it's possible to be intelligent and religious.

It's absolutely narcissistic to say that your religion is the one true religion.

So the only people who do will be stupid or grifters.


chronoboy1985 t1_j6ziw42 wrote

But don’t you dare criticize this Israeli fascist bigot, you antisemite you!