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dw444 t1_j6x0ruv wrote

Extra, extra, conservative religious man is a bigoted piece of shit.


HoneydewInMyAss t1_j6xsnpi wrote

Wow, insane how the religious conservatives of every country are always deeply evil...doesn't matter the country, or the religion.

They're all self-righteous human garbage doing evil in the Name of their stupid, fake gods.


Gyoza-shishou t1_j6xttns wrote

bUt ThErE iS nO mOrAlItY wItHoUt ReLiGiOn


Kahzgul t1_j6zpies wrote

If the only reason someone behaves well is that they're afraid of punishment in the afterlife, they're not a good person; they're an evil one who is also a coward.


SirThatsCuba t1_j6yzj0q wrote

If it weren't for religion I wouldn't have learned how deeply, deeply broken some people can be so there's that


Dvscape t1_j711j93 wrote

Wouldn't you? Maybe without religion they would be more outspoken or visible somehow to everyone.


MonkeysWedding t1_j6z5ju1 wrote

The absence of morality would certainly be a step up from the obscene fiction we call morality today.


Gschu54 t1_j716xca wrote

We've simply moved past the point of where it's possible to be intelligent and religious.

It's absolutely narcissistic to say that your religion is the one true religion.

So the only people who do will be stupid or grifters.


chronoboy1985 t1_j6ziw42 wrote

But don’t you dare criticize this Israeli fascist bigot, you antisemite you!


joshragem t1_j6wgghz wrote

Yeah why get his own hands dirty when he can directly influence the government to do it for him


[deleted] t1_j6wglfd wrote

This guy should be running as a republican in the US.


Poguemohon t1_j6wxr5q wrote

He probably has a portrait of Max Naumann predominantly displayed in his office.


Khemith t1_j74vg68 wrote

If he hides hides his jewishness well enough and praises jesus.


Mrpowellful t1_j6y7saf wrote

Wow....did he forget Gays were sent to the ovens by the Nazis too? Israel used to be a haven for gay people...


dr_set t1_j6ytx7k wrote

People like him are only upset with the Nazi's program because they are not the ones who get to make the lists.


nagi603 t1_j71p2a1 wrote

...and because they weren't the first to come up with it and publicize it.


Darkality24 t1_j710xt3 wrote

When the Concentration camps were "liberated" the gay prisoners were just moved to other prisons. When some of the men tried to remove their shirts with the distinctive pink triangle logo identifying them as gay, the Jewish prisoners sold them out anyway to ensure they weren't released


NotTiredJustSad t1_j70yssx wrote

Israel and the IDF lean heavily into that narrative. Pinkwashing helps convince a western audience that their government is "liberal and democratic" by centering LGBTQ rights, to distract from denying rights to and committing genocidal violence against Palestinians.


steboy t1_j706554 wrote

Unfortunately, things change, and now the hate in that country Israeli concerning.


schvetania t1_j70u1ct wrote

It still is! You just have to stay in Tel Aviv or other big cities and stay away from super religious areas.


zwaaa t1_j6whver wrote

So he refuses to tie human beings that he doesn't approve of to a post in the ground and throw large rocks at them until they die. That's refreshing.


H-Barbara t1_j6wqzq7 wrote

The future is now. He didn't mention anything about metal bullets.


[deleted] t1_j6wpwvb wrote



kyle_irl t1_j6x7qql wrote

I got downvoted the other day for talking shit about the far-right Netanyahu government's handling of the recent crisis escalation.



fuckmacedonia t1_j6xnqor wrote

> I got downvoted the other day for talking shit about the far-right Netanyahu government's handling of the recent crisis escalation.


That didn't happen.


kyle_irl t1_j6xoe9v wrote

It was in r/worldnews, but you be great.


fuckmacedonia t1_j6xoier wrote

By all means, link us the comment.


fuckmacedonia t1_j6xotxt wrote

So where did anyone claim you were being "anti-Semitic?" No one even replied to your comment.


chyko9 t1_j6z3gwr wrote

Thanks for calling that out. It's always the same story. "I got banned for antisemitism for calling the Israeli government bad!" Then you go to the comment they got banned for, and 90% of the time its them arguing that Israel is an illegitimate state, that it should cease to exist, that Jews are "illegal immigrants" that "stole" the entire country from Arabs, complaining that Israel is evidence that "Jews didn't learn their lesson from the Nazis", and other BS that straight up actually is antisemitic.


Darkality24 t1_j71146z wrote

Try asking questions about the 23 declarations made against Israel by the UN HUMAN rights council. Suddenly, the entire united nations is antisemitic


iankurtisjackson t1_j6yhr94 wrote

What??? An Israeli elected official that identifies privately as a fascist? No way.


Parzival2 t1_j6z028s wrote

Extra Irony as UK politician Kim Johnson was ordered to formally apologise for calling the Israeli government fascist yesterday.


Majestic_Electric t1_j710erw wrote

He shouldn’t apologize for speaking the truth.


nagi603 t1_j71pe7t wrote

Or should make a tongue-in-cheek declaration explicitly excluding this asshat every other sentence mentioning this recording and alluding to anyone else like him.


Seth_Spriggan_Slayer t1_j6wya4g wrote

And then people are surprised when I say I want to leave the country


XavierfromHtown t1_j6xjhnf wrote

Be careful talking about this. You’ll get banned from a lot of popular news subreddits, then get called an antisemite in bad faith. Meanwhile, the same people will turn a blind eye to Trump’s bullshit or will defend DeSatantorim


nonlawyer t1_j6xp2kf wrote

Why do I get the feeling you did a lot more to get banned than criticize a specific far right Israeli politician lol


XavierfromHtown t1_j6ysx0e wrote

The thing about feelings…they can be pretty deceptive sometimes. I can’t help that people have a boner for Zionism, and I think apartheid policy-led theocracies are bad. I’ve literally been downvoted for simply calling it what Amnesty International called it. Mind you…Jews and Israel aren’t mutually exclusive. Especially, since a good amount of Palestinians are Jews, right? I mean, the IDF straight up killed a decorated American journalist, brigaded anyone questioning their initial narrative, then still justified taking no responsibility after not being able to cover up the truth anymore. It shouldn’t be controversial to say these things, but that’s usually what I get DV’d for. I understand though…it’s difficult to be charitable for some people nowadays.


Iceblade02 t1_j70s684 wrote

I'm curious, from what I've read and heard so far some 30% of israelis are muslims and even more are of Arab ethnicity. However, I haven't seen any sources claiming other numbers for Palestinian jews (religious or not) than nil.

Would you care to share where you found this information so that I might read for myself?


Hal-Har-Infigar t1_j6xw9j2 wrote

I like how you adopted Trump's name-changing method lol. It was pretty funny tbh.


nicholsz t1_j6y74ar wrote

trump's name for him is "DeSanctimonious" since he's been using the same "I'm Jesus" religious iconography that Trump does


King0fSwing t1_j6wi92i wrote

How very progressive of him lol


Rusalka-rusalka t1_j6z9mma wrote

Racists make a similar argument that they may say something racist but it not like they are burning crosses. It’s bigoted simpleton gaslighting.


nagi603 t1_j71prtd wrote

"Yeah, I wouldn't stone them... I have other people to do that for me"


Enlightened-Beaver t1_j6ygq69 wrote

$5 says he gets caught in a scandal sucking off some intern in an airport bathroom


sugar_addict002 t1_j6xu70l wrote

Referring to himself as a fascist homophobe is mocking the gay community and those who are antifascists. I'll bet the Gestapo used to do the same about the Jewish community The sickness that enveloped Germany last century isn't limited to German Fascists and Jewish people.


General_Jenkins t1_j6y3l33 wrote

I don't understand what you wanted to say.


Backwardspellcaster t1_j6ye4kz wrote

He wants to say that Hitler is currently looking up from hell, takes a glance at this minister, and is very confused.


Pert02 t1_j717dli wrote

Hitler looks at israels genociding folks and probably has the weirdest boner ever.


azuresegugio t1_j70j5ya wrote

Like, I get the overwhelming stranglehold of far right parties over politics there but like, you'd think considering it's Israel of all countries they'd at least be upset about someone literally calling themselves a fascist


Kgeezy91 t1_j70kk0u wrote

Jesus. Israeli conservatives and US republicans really deserve each other.


TabletopVorthos t1_j6yufap wrote

Oh, we've now entered into the 'quiet part loud' of fascism over there.


Tokugawa771 t1_j6z3t4g wrote

And this is the Middle Eastern country the U.S. supports because it’s not run by religious wackos?


Avicennaete OP t1_j6z7cnn wrote

Well it's one of the few countries in the world built on a religious and ethnical basis..


Spezia-ShwiffMMA t1_j70p4x8 wrote

Like half the countries in the Middle East are lol


omdano t1_j71d8v1 wrote

Nope, the countries in the Middle East are built because people live there and they needed governance.

What's your point? Saudis didn't come from Russia to "yoink" a country, they are people who lived in Saudi Arabia for ages.


Spezia-ShwiffMMA t1_j7j9pd1 wrote

Ok... that doesn't change the fact that they're built on a religious and ethnic basis. Also most of the Middle East was literally colonized by the Saudis. Why do you think the whole region speaks Arabic? You literally could not have picked a worst country or region to make that point about. It would be like if you said France was imperialism and used Britain as an example of an anti-imperialist country lmao


omdano t1_j7jt1up wrote

To save you the 5 minutes it would've taken you to make any reasonable statement:

Arabic is actually not Saudi Arabian, more Levantine/Mesopotamian, but hold up... Didn't Romans rule that area during Islam's start?

Yes, Arabs were conquered by the Roman Empire (Look Nabateans) and the Islamic Conquest in that region was basically the reclaiming of those lands, any further conquest actually doesn't come from Saudi Arabia, it comes from non-Arab dynasties.


AbLincoln1863 t1_j6zc8cg wrote

Wow, what a high bar he set of not stoning someone for living their own life. How brave


Guntcher1423 t1_j6ytq7a wrote

I had to let this sink in. This guy, a Jew, admits to being a Fascist.


NotAnADC t1_j6ytv6m wrote

Always refreshing to see an honest politician


zoinkability t1_j6xby62 wrote

The self awareness is not strong here


nbgkbn t1_j6xwp7f wrote

He may finger them, but not stone them. (Fingering isn't mentioned in Leviticus, Numbers or Bloomburgh)

90% chance he got a BJ from a guy and liked it. 75% chance he gave one, and didn't.


aBeaSTWiTHiNMe t1_j6y43rd wrote

Only months before he's found hiding the sausage and getting his rocks off with some dudes. As is tradition with everyone trying really hard to explain how super not gay they are.


CapHillster t1_j6y50w0 wrote

It's a shame when the headlines about Israel are increasingly substitutable from what we'd expect from Iran.


cmilla646 t1_j6zrw50 wrote

If we honestly disagree on a topic then there is a conversation to be had, a compromise to be made. But this guy claims to hate the gays and yet refuses to bludgeon them with stones until they are dead. How can you trust a man like that?


KaennBlack t1_j704eyk wrote

fuck Israel, Free Palestine


The_Stando t1_j6xv7ms wrote

Well thats nice of him


Skatcatla t1_j6y6ue6 wrote

Hardly surprising. Israel's government has been going off the rails for years now. Bibi has been under investigation for fraud and corruption for years and still keeps getting elected.


Majestic_Electric t1_j710iku wrote

Why tf do Israelis keep voting for that asshole? 🤦‍♀️


PsychologicalTalk156 t1_j7csdxm wrote

Because their electoral system is absolute garbage. They only get to vote for a "list of candidates", meaning only straight party votes are allowed. Then the parties arrange coalitions based on how many votes each list got. There's also no districting so all the votes are at large.


Neat_Ad6499 t1_j6yaqwf wrote

“I’m a pretty big piece of shit but not a full fledged turd”


[deleted] t1_j6zkhe2 wrote



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Eric1969 t1_j6znu92 wrote

Is he not merciful!


geetarzrkool t1_j6zw3od wrote

Funny, the moral an ethical lines these folks draw for themselves. If he said it without issue, I guess everyone does, right?


thoughtfull_noodle t1_j7014rg wrote

He won't stone us? Well I'll have to get stoned on my own then


PUNd_it t1_j70q6qq wrote

TFW weed is too damn expensive


Majestic_Electric t1_j71065k wrote

Why tf did Israelis vote for these people!? You’d think they, of all people, would know better about the dangers of fascism! The victims of the Holocaust must be rolling in their graves…


Avicennaete OP t1_j710qco wrote

Not surprising tbh considering the history and how Israel came to exist.

The Haganas and other terrorist militias (which eventually turned into the IDF), Pillaged Palestinian villages. Crazy thing is, many of those people were Holocaust survivors themselves.


nagi603 t1_j71q44w wrote

It's quite different when you are on the other end of the stick. Many people just no longer recognise the situation.


omri6royi70 t1_j7154et wrote

Ah, good ol' Smotrich at it again


Kimchi-slap t1_j71bcw4 wrote

He could stop on just homophobe, but he had to add fascist for extra oomph


Rosieapples t1_j71d0o3 wrote

He’ll be lucky if they don’t stone HIM.


Odedoralive t1_j7gqro9 wrote

That’s code for “I’m actually gay”. Just wait.


ZoharDTeach t1_j6z7y2y wrote


You will do nothing.


EliteKnightOscar t1_j6xvf0s wrote

It's one thing to dislike the gays, but to deny them their precious weed?! INHUMANE!


pianoandrun t1_j70iy08 wrote

Anyone taking bets he’s gay?


TheOutlawStarLord t1_j6xvzaj wrote

That guy totally takes it in the ass. Just look at him.


zombiecalypse t1_j6xzi0v wrote

How dare you sullying the most honourable act of getting pounded up the ass with this guy's name!


zed_christopher t1_j6wh70z wrote

Leave that to Palestine


HouseOfSteak t1_j6wmcix wrote

Shown evidence that <country-they-like> is backsliding

Immediately commits whataboutism


universalhat t1_j6xlxmw wrote

you’ll be unsurprised to learn this guy is excited to vote for a trump-desantis ticket and “very experienced in matters of love, bro”


DapprDanMan t1_j6xyje7 wrote

Oh…wow. You weren’t kidding. Lots of “Bros” there. Loooots of “bros”